Humanities and Social Sciences

Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej


Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej | 2024 | t. 27 | No 4

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This article deals with magazines for aquarists and terrarium enthusiasts published in Poland since 1918. Apart from offering a systematic survey of this hobby press segment, the article looks at the role of the aquarium and terrarium magazines in the growth of those forms of animal fandom and in the transfer of knowledge and skills in each field. Moreover, the article takes note of the great diversity of profiles of the individual magazines, reflected in their marketing strategies, content presentation and ways of engaging the reader. This study follows the methodology of press content analysis; its data base is drawn from the archived collections of aquarium and terrarium magazines in the National Library and the Jagiellonian Library. The materials are presented and discussed in chronological order. Part One of the article covers the history and characteristics of magazines published between 1918 and 1939, and in the post‑war period until 1989.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Lubczyńska

  1. Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, 25-406 Kielce
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This article revisits — and introduces to present‑day readers — the monthly/weekly Kultura Polski [Poland's Culture], one of the many Polish magazines that sprang up during the Great War (1914–1918) with the intention of mobilizing support for the cause of an independent united Poland. Rather than focusing on the content or direct impact of the periodical the article examines the formal aspects of the publication as well as the ideological line and political goals of its editors. The sources for this historical study include documents and back issues of Kultura Polski from collections in libraries in Kraków, Warsaw and Łódź. Our research suggests that the magazine actually went into print only in 1917–1918 as the military censorship imposed by the Austrian authorities (license suspensions, political censorship, prosecutorial confiscations and searches at the Cracow editorial office) began to crumble. Moreover, the sources make it absolutely clear that the editorial office was at that time a hub of clandestine Polish pro‑independence activities, e.g. in 1917 it became the liaison secretariat of the Convention "A" (interim supreme command) of the Polish Military Organization (POW). Both Helena Radlińska, the editor‑in‑chief, and Leon Wasilewski, informal co‑editor, were Józef Piłsudski's old‑guard loyalists. It is this nexus of journalism, politics and underground activity which requires further study, in particular an in‑depth investigation of the involvement of the staff and collaborators of Kultura Polski in the intelligence and counterintelligence structures of the Polish armed forces after November 1918. An analysis of the content could also be of interest, not only from the historical perspective. As the magazine made a significant contribution to the awakening of patriotic and civic spirit in a society infected with the 'venom of slavery', it could well serve as an inspiration for present‑day pursuits of models, both theoretical and practical, of patriotic upbringing and education.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Żukiewicz

  1. Instytut Pedagogiki, Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, ul. Ingardena 4, 30-060 Kraków
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Next to the press, radio was the most popular mass medium in Poland in the interwar period. While in the middle of 1937 of the c. 24 million people living in rural Poland, 250,000 owned a radio, by the end of 1938 the number of radio owners in rural areas went up to c. 320,000. The rise of the number of radio sets in rural households was no doubt accelerated by the introduction of a concessionary radio licence for small farmers in 1934. Moreover, an increasing number of people started buying radios 'on instalment'. In rural homes, the radio would usually be given a carefully chosen place in the family room. Its positioning — be it at a private home, in a village hall or school — always accentuated its function of a gathering spot. From its early days, the national broadcaster Polskie Radio produced programmes for farmers and about agriculture. People could find information about them, along with other items on the schedule, in a multiplying range of radio magazines and supplements (an estimated fifty of them were launched between 1923 and 1939). In 1935 their ranks were joined by Radio na Wsi [Radio in the Country], an illustrated modern farmer's almanac. This article, based on an examination of eighteen archived issues of the magazine, presents its beginnings and purpose, its authors, its formal characteristics and thematic scope, and proceeds with a comprehensive analysis of its content. In conclusion, this study shows that the editors succeeded in producing a type of magazine they had in mind at its start. Radio na Wsi reached out both to farmers with an interest in the radio and farmers whose interest in it needed to be wakened.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Krasińska

  1. Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, 25-406 Kielce
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This article discusses the origins of Teresa Torańska's unpublished book of her conversations with Jerzy Giedroyc that took place in 1985–1987 in the dual context of her relations with the Paris-based Kultura and various extended interviews given by Giedroyc to other authors. The manuscript is housed at the Research Lab for the Study of the Literary Institute in Paris at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin. In acknowledgment of its high documentary value the book is to published in a critical edition. The string of conversations, recorded at a time when Poland was groping its way out of the martial law debacle, contain a number of notable comments from Giedroyc on the current political situation, his recollections of the pre-World War II world, thumbnail sketches of various characters from the Kultura in-crowd, etc. But it is the theme of emigration in its multiple facets, social and political, that runs like a red thread through his reflections. More insights into the mind of the Prince of Maisons- Laffitte can be gleaned from his letters to Teresa Torańska which she included in the book. Finally, this article follows up the traces of her presence in the Kultura microcosm and connects them into a figure of partnership and commonality, bridging a generation gap that would appear insurmountable.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Hofman

  1. Instytut Nauk o Komunikacji Społeczneji Mediach Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej ul. Głęboka 45 PL 20-612 Lublin
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Women's magazines are a segment of the Polish mass media system, or, more precisely, the Polish press sector, which has attracted a great deal of research conducted from a variety of critical perspectives. Those studies usually focus on the thematic scope and formal characteristics of individual magazines or subsegments of the women's magazines block, probed issues of ownership and market control, analysed genre distinctions and emergence of new subsegments, but, as yet, have paid hardly any attention to women's magazines as a source of information about politicians. This article attempts to fill that gap by taking up for a case study the glossy highlife magazine Uroda Życia [Life's Good Looks] launched in October 2014 by the Polish branch of the Swiss media group Edipresse. While the article's primary objective is to produce a profile of Uroda Życia, it also 1) chronicles the most important events in the magazine's history, 2) tries to position it in the existing glossy market, and 3) tries to figure out how much room it gives to the showcasing of politicians. The study, which uses the methodology of quantitative and qualitative content analysis, covers the years 2014 to 2021, i.e. when Uroda Życia used to appear in print format.
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Authors and Affiliations

Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska

  1. Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiegoul. Uniwersytecka 17 PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article takes into focus the creation of institutional framework for the promotion of physical education in the RC Diocese of Siedlce in the 1930s. The project was to be implemented through Catholic Action youth groups, i.e. the Catholic Association of Young Men and the Catholic Association of Young Women, and their forerunner The Union of Associations of Polish Youth. The analysis of the goals and progress in implementing the PE plans is based on articles in the local Catholic press, the weekly Głos Podlaski [The Voice of Podlasie] and Podlaski Miesięcznik Katolicki [The Podlasie Catholic Monthly]. It covers the period of nearly five years, beginning in 1934, when the opening of talks on cooperation between the re‑founded Catholic Action and the Polish Army's National Office of Physical Education and Military Training was first reported in the diocesan press. As soon as the agreement was signed, courses for enthusiasts of various sports were staged all over the country, followed by campaigns promoting sport and physical activity, and, more specifically, the creation of grassroots PE groups. It seems that young men and women from the small towns and villages of the Siedlce Diocese heeded the call of the Catholic Action and joined all kinds of initiatives, from health‑enhancing PE activities to the ‘Nation in Arms’ military training.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Cabaj

  1. Instytut HistoriiUniwersytet w Siedlcachul. Żytnia 39PL 08-110 Siedlce
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In Poland, the opinion-shaping weeklies unambiguously reflect the society's political and ideological divide. As a result they hold on to mutually exclusive views of reality, and interpret each new development in radically different ways. This article examines the coverage of one such event, the assassination of Paweł Adamowicz, the liberal mayor of Gdańsk, during a fundraiser on 13 January 2019, in Poland's top weeklies, i.e. Newsweek, Polityka, Do Rzeczy, Wprost, Gazeta Polska and Sieci. The analysis indicates that the differences of tone and approach in dealing with the event itself and its repercussions form a distinct pattern which can be described as follows. The left-liberal magazines gave pride of place to tributes to the late mayor's character and personal qualities, none of them more admired than his conciliatory temperament. The liberal-conservative magazines let in an array of notable persons from the world of media, culture and politics to do the commentary. Meanwhile, the conservative right worked to shift the focus of attention to a worrisome scenario in which Adamowicz's death may be used to justify a leftist clampdown. Thus, we can see that the press is in the business of framing events into politics-driven narratives, and, at the same time, of inspiring every reader with the confidence that the narrative (comments, judgments) he gets from his magazine is the most adequate and proper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Dobrzycki

  1. Instytut Nauk o Kulturze Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytet Śląski ul. Uniwersytecka 4 PL 40-007 Katowice

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Peer-review Procedure

Peer Review Process and Criteria

‘Yearbook of the History of Polish Press’ welcomes only fully original articles (not previously printed anywhere) which present the latest research results and which are not a compilation of already existing studies.

The first stage of the reviewing procedure is the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief (or a member of the Editorial Board indicated by him/her), who takes a preliminary decision on admitting the article to further reviewing or rejecting it, of which they inform the author immediately. In some cases, their decision is consulted with a member of the Editorial Board who specialises in the issue in question. The reasons for rejection at this stage may include, but are not limited to, incompatibility of the manuscript's subject matter with the journal's profile, failure to meet standards for article structure, low substantive level, gross linguistic deficiencies, non-compliance with the principles of publication ethics or other legitimate reasons.

The submission then proceeds to the external review stage. Each article undergoes anonymisation, i.e. the concealment of data that could identify the author, before it is sent to the Reviewers. At least two independent reviewers from outside the author's unit are appointed to evaluate each publication. The editors ensure that there is no conflict of interest (especially business or personal relationships) between authors and reviewers in the review process. Reviews are processed in a 'double-blind review process' in which reviewers and authors do not know each other's identities.

Reviews are written and descriptive. In his/her assessment the reviewer takes into account the originality and substantive value of the article, its form (composition, language), the quality of the sources, scientific reliability. Reviewers may also indicate the qualification of the article to a given category of scientific texts. All remarks, corrections and suggestions for possible changes are placed by the reviewer in the review form, so that the author can get acquainted with them and take them into account in the final editing of the text. The review concludes with a conclusion and an unequivocal request that the article should or should not be accepted for publication. Two positive reviews are required for an article to be accepted for publication. In t case of a significant divergence of reviews, the editorial board may decide to appoint a third reviewer.

Upon completion of the external review stage, the author is notified accordingly by the editorial board. In addition to the reviewers' conclusions, the author may receive additional comments and suggestions for changes from the Editor-in-Chief (or a member of the Editorial Board designated by the Editor-in-Chief) or the language editor.

The review process is confidential. A collective list of reviewers working with the journal is published once a year under Editorial Board / List of Reviewers. The ethical aspects of the responsibilities of reviewers and authors are outlined below in the Ethical Principles section. The editors also accept non-peer-reviewed material (reports, commentaries, letters, etc.) for publication.

Obligations of reviewers The reviewer's opinion is a key element of the editorial process, as it is on the basis of this opinion that the editorial board makes the substantive decision on whether or not accept the article for publication. In order for this process to proceed properly, we ask reviewers to evaluate manuscripts objectively and we oblige them to maintain confidentiality, to report conflicts of interest and to pass on information on suspected plagiarism. For details, please see the chapter 'Reviewer policies' in the section on Publication Ethics (below). Forms for reviewers
  • Review form (used for traditional review circulation);
  • A declaration of no conflict of interest (from 2023 onwards the statement is part of the review form);
  • System form (available to registered reviewers)..
List of reviewers

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