Humanities and Social Sciences

Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej


Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej | 2024 | t. 27 | No 2

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Launched in 1865, Bluszcz [Ivy] was an illustrated women’s weekly which featured topical parenting issues in the context of ongoing social and cultural changes, the arrival of new technologies and modern tendencies in the arts and science. In tune with the latest trends in education, the weekly propagated a new approach to parenting and schooling. While upbringing should be based on at least elementary knowledge of the child’s psychology, educational institutions should open up to democratic reforms. The whole society need to be involved in the process of character shaping of the young generations of Poles. It was a task, the writers of Bluszcz insisted, inherent to a patriotic commitment to the future of the nation.
The article presents a qualitative analysis of the parenting themes featured in Bluszcz in 1905–1918, notably child's development, parenting problems, education of girls and women and the character of a good teacher/educator. Apart from regular health and hygiene advice, information on children with special care needs and presentation of latest educational trends, the magazine would also publish discussions about the ways of inculcating desirable values in children and young people. The special focus of this article is, however, on its presentation of vocational education and its handling of the situation of women being pushed to find new roles for themselves in a modern world. The author shows how Bluszcz tried to convince its female readers that the purpose of upbringing was to prepare a young person for a life that combines self-reliance, a useful role in society and self-realization, i.e. developing one’s own talents, passions and interests. Inspired by that mission, the editors and writers wrote about access to education (in the broad sense of the word), the role of parents in the nurturing and education of their children, in organizing small children’s free-time activities and taking care of their hygiene and health.
Undoubtedly, Bluszcz had the ambition to stimulate the social engagement of its women readers and encourage them to break down educational barriers, fight social pathologies and find the right approach towards children with special needs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Renata Bednarz-Grzybek

  1. Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej ul. Głęboka 43 PL 20-612 Lublin
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In October 1924, as the coffin with the ashes of Henryk Sienkiewicz returned to Poland from Switzerland huge crowds came out to pay their respects for their beloved national writer in cities along the train's route and at the state funeral in Warsaw. This article is an account of the national funeral ceremony which, as it happened, was followed by a six-months' run in Polish cinemas of a recent screen adaptation of Quo Vadis. In Warsaw, however, its showing was suspended after Sienkiewicz's heirs, appalled by the film's lurid scenes, obtained an appropriate court order. The article throws light on that sensational twist and examines all the circumstances — including the functioning of the movie theatre business, publicity, advertisements and press reviews — connected with the arrival of that silent movie spectacular in Poland. The main focus is on the daily newspapers as they were the primary information channel about cinema repertoire for the mass audience.
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Krzysztof Stępnik

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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This article examines the origin, history, profile and mission of the Roman Catholic weekly Dzwon Niedzielny [Sunday Bell] published in Krakow in 1925–1939. The methodology of critical analysis of historical sources and qualitative analysis of press studies has been used to assess whether the magazine was successful in carrying out its program. On the linguistic level, the corpus of core article headlines from a total of 765 issues has been analyzed (with the help of the text analysis tool to identify keywords, collocations, characteristic vocabulary and construct a word frequency table. The results indicate that the editors by and large stuck to their declared goals and objectives. The mission statement from the magazine's earliest phase was still very much in evidence in what it published years later. The editors of the Dzwon Niedzielny never wavered from their main goal which was to educate the public in spirit of Roman Catholicism, patriotism and communal responsibility.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Woźniak

  1. Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie ul. Franciszkańska 1 PL 31-004 Kraków
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This article is the second instalment of a study of the Polish humourous and satirical magazines published in the United States in the late 19th century. While the earliest of them that started in the 1880s were ephemera with a lifespan of a few months, their successors from the 1890s (Bocian [The Stork], Djabeł [The Devil], Kropidło [The Sprinkler], Kuryer Świąteczny [The Holiday Courier] and Maczuga [The Cudgel]) managed to stay in the market for much longer. The article, based on archived source material, follows the fortunes of the earliest humour magazines published in Chicago and sketches the profiles of their publishers and editors. This piece of research into a largely forgotten section of the popular press, published abroad and in the home country, has produced a number of insights that could be of use not only within the field of press history.
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Janusz Gerasik
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Like all other regional daily newspapers founded by the ruling Polish United Workers' Party, the Kielce Słowo Ludu functioned as a source of authorized information and a tool for the mobilization of the 'masses'. An important date in the mobilization calendar was the recurring anniversary of the 22 July 1944 Manifesto, established as the state holiday of the People’s Republic of Poland. The coverage of the occasion soon turned into a set of repetitive formulas, as the ritual of national and regional celebrations, anniversary speeches by central and local figures, reports on the completion of important construction projects, the awarding of medals and decorations for outstanding work performance was rolled out year in year out. The importance of the date was marked further by the release of occasional publications whose language, however, could not rise above the repetitive, dreary clichés of the regular press. Their titles said it all, as for example 'The Origins of the People's Republic', 'Difficult Beginnings and Great Achievements; so did the secondary headlines, as in the condensed 'yesterday and today', or the giveaway 'Working- Class Characters through the Prism of Their Own Experiences: Happy Lives'. The message communicated by all of those representations could not have been simpler.
Their recipients were to be reassured that in their postwar world everything was getting better, the hard‑working people got credit for their effort and the country was on the right track.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anita Młynarczyk- Tomczyk

  1. Zakład Historii XX i XXI wieku Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ul. Uniwersytecka 17 PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article examines the functioning of the cross-media system during wartime by comparing the strategy of two Ukrainian newspaper websites, one attached to the daily Vysoky Zamok, published in Lviv, and the other to the English-language weekly from the capital, the Kyiv Post. For the interpretation of data this study relies on content analysis as well as a combination of comparative and systematizing strategies. Both newspapers, as we have found, are adept at using various communication channels to push their cross-media information production and distribution. This strategy has a lot of advantages for the operator. He can get information from consumers who retain their privacy, and he can induce individual consumers to interact regularly online with media outlets offering the latest blogs, films, photos, commentaries, opinion polls, product rankings, etc. Moreover, the use of multiple media channels by the consumer may result in content being placed and reproduced in a widening circle of platforms and social media chats. Finally, it can be observed that since 2022 each platform has developed its own activity pattern (whereby the frequency of new uploads is the most important indicator of its health).
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Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana Biłuszczak

  1. Instytut Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych Uniwersytet Narodowy Politechnika Lwowska ul. Metropolity Andrzeja 5 UA 79016 Lwów
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In the last twenty years trust in traditional news media has been declining all over the world, but there are few countries where the fall has been as dramatic as in Lithuania. While in the early 2000s the Lithuanian legacy media top-ranked any public trust survey, today their reputation as a reliable source of news could hardly be worse. Researchers from a number of EU countries have studied this process in general, yet none of their explanations seems to fit the Lithuanian realities. In Lithuania the trust deficit may be the result of changes, especially in the news production format, from a fairly orderly, 'objective' narratives to a fast-paced hodgepodge of scenes and multiple voices, i.e. a format which prioritizes immediacy and sensationalism (especially in 24-hour news channels). It is this shift that may have precipitated the collapse in trust in news media, and yet it has never been properly investigated. To get a better understanding of the problem, we examined the views of the general public collected in a recent survey and matched them with the views sampled from a series of structured interviews with the publishers, editors and journalists of local weekly newspapers. The latter were keenly aware of their reduced authority, the fragmenta-tion of the field, and the precarious, chaotic conditions under which they had to work. They saw the root cause of their woes in the new strategic model adopted throughout the news media and inadequate government funding of the news industry.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrius Vaišnys

  1. Centre for Journalism and Media Research Faculty of Communication Vilnius University Bernardinu str. 11 LT 01124 Vilnius

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The Editorial Board of ‘Yearbook of the History of Polish Press’ (YHPP) applies core practices of publication ethics according to the guidelines of COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics. All parts involved in the publishing process (editors, authors, reviewers, and publishers) are familiarized with the practices applied in the journal.

The authors, when submitting the manuscript, must confirm their knowledge of these rules.In the case of manuscripts with multiple authors, the authors must declare who contributed to the work and in what capacity. YHPP does not accept the manuscripts that have been under consideration for publication anywhere else. Reviewers who accept to assess the manuscript must confirm the knowledge of the code of ethics (Guidelines for reviewers) as well as declare any conflict of interest.

Detailed guidelines on publication ethics applied in the journal are available at COPE website: The basic standards of ethics applied in YHPP, based on the guidelines of COPE are presented below.

Code of conduct for Editorial Board

Fair play. Submitted manuscripts are assessed based on their content without discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious or political beliefs.

Confidentiality. All submissions are confidential. It is unacceptable to disclose their content to the third parties by anyone except if authorized by the Editor-in-Chief. Any part of manuscripts cannot be used by the persons involved in the process of reviewing and editing.

Independence of the Parties and Conflict of Interest. The selection of reviewers is carried out with the utmost care and ethical standards, and in accordance with the principle of independence of the parties. The reviewers should not be affiliated with the same academic institution as any of the authors of the manuscripts, and they cannot assess the manuscripts where a conflict of interest may occur between the reviewer and the author(s).

Prevention of ghostwriting and guest authorship. Editorial Board of YHPP feels responsible for the research reliability, and it implements the rules of prevention of ghostwriting and guest authorship. “Ghostwriting” is a phenomenon of not disclosing the name of a person who is the author or who has made a significant contribution to the submission. The significant contribution should be always reported by indicating the names of all authors or by acknowledging this person. “Guest authorship” is based on attributing to particular person authorship or co-authorship, even though her/his contribution to the publication was very little or did not happen at all. To prevent ghostwriting and guest authorship, the authors are asked to disclose each author’s contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study; the main responsibility in contribution reporting lies on the corresponding author. The Editorial Board requires a financial disclosure as well as disclosure of any support made by research institutions, associations, and any other subjects. The Editorial Board documents any manifestation of scientific misconduct, particularly violation of scientific research ethics. All cases will be revealed, and the relevant actors (i.e., institutions that employ the authors, scientific societies, scholarly editors associations, etc.).

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Code of conduct for Reviewers

Contribution to the work of Editorial Board. Reviewers assist in the work of the Editorial Board and they influence the decisions made by editors. They may also assist the authors in improving their manuscripts.

Qualifications and promptness. Any invited reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript, or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should immediately notify the Editorial Board.

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Independence of the parties and conflicts of interest. The selection of reviewers is carried out with the utmost care and ethical standards, and in accordance with the principle of independence of the parties. In particular, the principle applies, according to which reviewers should not work at the same academic institution as any of the authors of the texts under evaluation, and they cannot evaluate texts where there may be a conflict of interest between the reviewer and the author(s).

Code of conduct for Authors

Scientific Reliability. The authors should describe their research in a reliable way and interpret the results in an objective manner. Collected data and the study should be described in a way that permits others to replicate the work. Unreliable and unethical presentation and interpretation of data and results are unacceptable.

Originality. Authors may submit only original manuscripts of their authorship. In case when they have used the work and/or statements of others, these elements should be cited. The Editorial Board checks all manuscripts for plagiarism in plagiarism checker software.

Data access. Authors could be asked to provide the raw data of their study, so they should be prepared to ensure public access to data. The authors should also archive data for a reasonable number of years after publication.

Redundant publication. Authors should not publish articles describing essentially the same research in more than one journal of primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgment of sources. Authors should ensure that they have properly acknowledged the work of others, and should also cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported study. Information obtained privately, from conversation or correspondence with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source.

Authorship of the manuscript. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made substantial contributions should be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author should also verify that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Conflict of interest. Authors should include a statement disclosing any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that may be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Notification for fundamental errors. When authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their own published work, they are obliged to promptly notify the Editorial Board and cooperate with them to either correct the paper in the form of an erratum or to retract the paper.

Peer-review Procedure

Peer Review Process and Criteria

‘Yearbook of the History of Polish Press’ welcomes only fully original articles (not previously printed anywhere) which present the latest research results and which are not a compilation of already existing studies.

The first stage of the reviewing procedure is the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief (or a member of the Editorial Board indicated by him/her), who takes a preliminary decision on admitting the article to further reviewing or rejecting it, of which they inform the author immediately. In some cases, their decision is consulted with a member of the Editorial Board who specialises in the issue in question. The reasons for rejection at this stage may include, but are not limited to, incompatibility of the manuscript's subject matter with the journal's profile, failure to meet standards for article structure, low substantive level, gross linguistic deficiencies, non-compliance with the principles of publication ethics or other legitimate reasons.

The submission then proceeds to the external review stage. Each article undergoes anonymisation, i.e. the concealment of data that could identify the author, before it is sent to the Reviewers. At least two independent reviewers from outside the author's unit are appointed to evaluate each publication. The editors ensure that there is no conflict of interest (especially business or personal relationships) between authors and reviewers in the review process. Reviews are processed in a 'double-blind review process' in which reviewers and authors do not know each other's identities.

Reviews are written and descriptive. In his/her assessment the reviewer takes into account the originality and substantive value of the article, its form (composition, language), the quality of the sources, scientific reliability. Reviewers may also indicate the qualification of the article to a given category of scientific texts. All remarks, corrections and suggestions for possible changes are placed by the reviewer in the review form, so that the author can get acquainted with them and take them into account in the final editing of the text. The review concludes with a conclusion and an unequivocal request that the article should or should not be accepted for publication. Two positive reviews are required for an article to be accepted for publication. In t case of a significant divergence of reviews, the editorial board may decide to appoint a third reviewer.

Upon completion of the external review stage, the author is notified accordingly by the editorial board. In addition to the reviewers' conclusions, the author may receive additional comments and suggestions for changes from the Editor-in-Chief (or a member of the Editorial Board designated by the Editor-in-Chief) or the language editor.

The review process is confidential. A collective list of reviewers working with the journal is published once a year under Editorial Board / List of Reviewers. The ethical aspects of the responsibilities of reviewers and authors are outlined below in the Ethical Principles section. The editors also accept non-peer-reviewed material (reports, commentaries, letters, etc.) for publication.

Obligations of reviewers The reviewer's opinion is a key element of the editorial process, as it is on the basis of this opinion that the editorial board makes the substantive decision on whether or not accept the article for publication. In order for this process to proceed properly, we ask reviewers to evaluate manuscripts objectively and we oblige them to maintain confidentiality, to report conflicts of interest and to pass on information on suspected plagiarism. For details, please see the chapter 'Reviewer policies' in the section on Publication Ethics (below). Forms for reviewers
  • Review form (used for traditional review circulation);
  • A declaration of no conflict of interest (from 2023 onwards the statement is part of the review form);
  • System form (available to registered reviewers)..
List of reviewers

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