Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne

Rocznik Pedagogiczny


Rocznik Pedagogiczny | 2016 | Tom 39


From the perspective of her own experience as the chairperson for the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles, the author provides a critical description of the state of academic development among academic teaching staff between 2011 and 2016. Alarming phenomena as far as academic promotions are concerned undergo an analysis in the context of social, political and structural changes, as well as institutional mechanisms on the ministerial level and at particular universities, taking into consideration the human factor.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bogusław Śliwierski


In the definition of civic competences which is situated in the Annex to Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 Decem-ber 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning – Key Competences for Life-long Learning – a European Reference Framework it is written: “Full respect for human rights including equality as a basis for democracy, appreciation and understanding of differences between value systems of different religious or ethnic groups lay the foundations for a positive attitude”. Therefore, the question is: Does school education in general premise developing attitudes based on val-ues essential to democracy? The answers to this question can be searched con-ducting various studies. The paper presents the results of analysis of the core curricula conducted by a team of researchers from the Department of School Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland). Why core curricula have become the object of our research? Basically, for two reasons. Firstly, the school has obligated to implement them, and all school programs and textbooks have to be consistent with them. Second-ly, they are also a kind of articulation and a declaration of competence required from people in the given place and time.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Violetta Kopińska


My aim in this paper is to problematize assumptions that underlie civic education as it is practiced in polish schools. The main object of my criticism is the absence of axiological dimension in the social studies curriculum. This absence is construed in the context of present social and political realities, such as: the growth of right wing populist parties, the popularity of nationalist ideas and practices among the younger generation, the presence of hate speech in the public sphere and the growing wave of chauvinism and xenophobia. In this context, the main thesis of this paper is that pupils and students need to be provided with a symbolic universe founded on radical values such as justice, equality and solidarity. Those values could be a base for political identities alternative to the essentialist, and exclusionary identity offered by the modern right wing populism.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Karolina Starego


This paper explores the issue of the value-based life and upbringing towards the values on the grounds of legal conditions in which the Polish educational system exists. Multiple standards are imposed on educational space and law, including especially education law, has been subject to major inflation, therefore, at the moment law is becoming one of the crucial factors that determine the structure and function of all subjects and institutions of education. Law not only determines the formal context of the system wit hin which education occurs but also influences organizational aspects of ongoing educational activities as well as individual areas of experiencing and learning both the school and the law. As a consequence, the law is able to and should support the process of leading students towards the value-based life. All the subjects and institutions of education as well as authorities decisive in terms of education should put and effort in searching for a knowledge on a good law and make establishment of such law a basic concern and task. Good law can lead to a value-based life or constitute a measure of the protection of values that are promoted and implemented within the educational system. Depriving school of humanity is also reflected in the legal sphere – a chaos that occurs in the educational reality under the influence of continuous amendments to the education law. This paper is aimed at considering the state and structure of the current law on the protection of values in education.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Turczyk


This is the article about political issues in education. The aim of the text is to present the relations between politics and education. I try to find answer to question: what is the essence of politics of education? I claim that education is inherently political. Every dimension and form of educational practice are politically contested spaces. I try to show that politics in education is a very important part of democracy in education. Democracy is impossible without politics and politics is impossible without democracy. So, I focus on describing possible political areas in education. The paper presents results of these relations. I also try to convince the reader that it is possible (it is necessary) to create important, interesting thinking about education from political point of view.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Nawrocki


This article reflects some trends and challenges in Germany in connection to immigration. The need of educational and scientific discussion and reflection of migration-specific themes are dictated by the contemporary reality requirements of almost all European countries. Change in society, associated primarily with the processes of immigration, affects the processes and systems of goal-countries, especially the education system.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marina Metz


Nowadays, it's hard to stay togdifficult to remain Yourself. How we behave in critical situations and if fight for our identity, our specificity, depends on us. How to live, we would not seem to us that we live in? The issues taken in this article are related to the specificity of highlander, and our choices which play an important role in my life. The first part of the article describes the basic concepts, including specificity, being yourself, singularity. In the next part a signpost were shown, which „saves” described highlander specificity. The aim of the article is to show the (frequently forged) highland value in aspect of creating ourself, our attitude towards life, which involve a lot of positives. I assert that the specificity of the highland is the value of itself creation.
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Anna Wojtas-Rduch


The article is an attempt to answer the question if volunteering can be a way of work on yourself. Analysis of self-education and volunteering was made based on the literature and my own experience of involvement in volunteering. Successively were analyzed issues such as – the decision to work on ourselves, goal setting, action planning, activity and self-auditing and auto-correction.
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Katarzyna Braun


The article introduces disabled University Students research conducted with the use of grounded theory strategy. The author with the help of metaphors released skirmish that may occur for a young researcher who uses grounded theory. The aim of the paper is a thesis that the application of this strategy requires from the researcher not only a knowledge of procedures, discipline and extensive knowledge but also, and perhaps above all, subtle reflectivity. It was explained also the relationship between the two areas (Grounded Theory and battle metaphor). Then, the author points to the skirmishes that happened to her in the research of students with disabilities in accordance to the strategy of grounded theory. They can occur, however, in any other areas of young researcher. The final conclusion of the use of skirmish metaphors, which was used in relation to the examination procedure, may be used to descriptions of the area under consideration as well.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Bełza


The article discusses the issue of the increase of young researcher's self-awareness. Author points out that young scientists have no awareness of their ignorance. They have insufficient need of self-criticism. The thought „it is possible that I don’t know” is the condition of the increase of self-awareness and courage to be criticized.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Konrad Pasikowski

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Tytuł: Times New Roman 12, bold.

Tekst podstawowy: czcionka Times New Roman 12, interlinia 1,5.

Cytowania: Przywoływane fragmenty tekstów źródłowych prosimy zaznaczać przez cudzysłów. Wypowiedzi osób badanych, analizowane wypowiedzi prasowe lub internetowe prosimy zaznaczać kursywą.

Przypisy: Dół strony, Times New Roman 10, interlinia 1. Tytuły cytowanych prac: kursywa. Np.

1 M. Mead, Kultura i tożsamość. Studium dystansu międzypokoleniowego, przeł. J. Hołówka, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2000, s. 3.

Bibliografia na końcu tekstu:

Dudzikowa M., Ku sprawstwu, współpracy i refleksyjności poprzez ich doświadczanie w edukacji szkolnej. Brunerowskie przesłanie w praktyce, [w:] Doświadczenia szkolne pierwszego rocznika reformy edukacji. Studium teoretyczno-empiryczne, red. M. Dudzikowa, R. Wawrzyniak-Beszterda, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków 2010.

Śliwerski B., Wielopragmatyczność w ponowoczesnej myśli pedagogicznej, „Rocznik Pedagogiczny” 2008, t. 31.

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