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In this note, a formula for the lower Bohl exponent of a discrete system with variable coefficients and weak variation was proved. This formula expresses the Bohl exponent through the eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix. Based on these formulas a necessary and sufficient condition for an uniform exponential instability of such systems is also presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Czornik
Krzysztof Simek

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Akademicka Street 16, 44-101 Gliwice, Poland
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This study proposes the LoRa-Based Mesh Sensor Network without relying on LoRaWAN connection sending the communication data in the form of Star-to-Star, it can be sends the data in the form of peer-to-peer without the gateway. In the case that a longer distance is needed, the system is connected by a means of multi-hop presenting the hardware and software model through the use of low voltage power. Then, the testing is done using point to point and the received signal is measured by a gauge and compared with the model in accordance with the theoretical principle.
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Jarun Khonrang
Mingkwan Somphruek
Pairoj Duangnakhorn
Atikhom Siri
Kamol Boonlom

  1. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand
  2. University of Leeds, United of Kingdom
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Future wireless communication networks will be largely characterized by small cell deployments, typically on the order of 200 meters of radius/cell, at most. Meanwhile, recent studies show that base stations (BS) account for about 80 to 95 % of the total network power. This simply implies that more energy will be consumed in the future wireless network since small cell means massive deployment of BS. This phenomenon makes energy-efficient (EE) control a central issue of critical consideration in the design of future wireless networks. This paper proposes and investigates (the performance of) two different energy-saving approaches namely, adaptive-sleep sectorization (AS), adaptive hybrid partitioning schemes (AH) for small cellular networks using smart antenna technique. We formulated a generic base-model for the above-mentioned schemes and applied the spatial Poisson process to reduce the system complexity and to improve flexibility in the beam angle reconfiguration of the adaptive antenna, also known as a smart antenna (SA). The SA uses the scalable algorithms to track active users in different segments/sectors of the microcell, making the proposed schemes capable of targeting specific users or groups of users in periods of sparse traffic, and capable of performing optimally when the network is highly congested. The capabilities of the proposed smart/adaptive antenna approaches can be easily adapted and integrated into the massive MIMO for future deployment. Rigorous numerical analysis at different orders of sectorization shows that among the proposed schemes, the AH strategy outperforms the AS in terms of energy saving by about 52 %. Generally, the proposed schemes have demonstrated the ability to significantly increase the power consumption efficiency of micro base stations for future generation cellular systems, over the traditional design methodologies.
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Authors and Affiliations

MHD Nour Hindia
Faizan Qamar
Henry Ojukwu
Rosilah Hassan
Kaharudin Dimyati

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
  3. Network and Communication Technology (NCT) Lab, Centre for Cyber Security, Fakulti Teknologi & Sains Maklumat (FTSM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor Malaysia
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The mismatch effect of photovoltaic (PV) arrays due to different illumination intensity has a significant impact on the output characteristics and output power of PV arrays, which is crucial to understand the output characteristics of PV arrays and optimize the array configuration in order to improve the value of the maximum power point. This paper illustrates the short-circuit current mismatch of series circuits, and the open-circuit voltage mismatch of parallel circuits and proposes corresponding solutions for each mismatch phenomenon. The output characteristics of multi-stage series PV arrays and multi-stage parallel PV arrays under complex illumination are analyzed by using the peak point approximation calculation method, and the distribution law of peak voltage points as well as the I-V (Current-Voltage) characteristic equation of each operating section are proposed. On this basis, the output characteristics of 3 x 3 centralized PV arrays are analyzed and verified by simulation. By comparing series and parallel PV arrays with the same condition, as well as several groups of centralized PV arrays with the same topology and different types of illumination distribution, this paper proposes a configuration optimization method for PV arrays. Matlab/Simulink simulation results confirm that the output power of parallel arrays is greater than that of series arrays under the same configuration and illuminationt distribution type, and the peak point is less than that of series arrays under the same configuration and lighting conditions; while in centralized PV arrays, the fewer series modules are shaded, the greater the output power and the less the peak point.
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Liming Wei
KaiKai Li

  1. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jilin Jianzhu University, Changchun, Jilin, China
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The article has presented the method of 3D Digital Light Processing printing as one of the technologies used for rapid prototyping of dental models and making elements of dentures. In this work the research was presented, which the aim was to determine the effect of additional exposure time on the properties of the obtained printouts. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis test showed significant differences in stiffness between uncured specimens as well as specimens cured for 10, 20 and 30 minutes. In turn the obtained TG and DTG curves allowed to determine the most optimal curing time for DLP printouts. These studies provide the basis for determining the most appropriate method for handling printouts after the process of printing from liquid resin, so that they are the best possible quality for dentists and prosthodontists.
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J. Redutko
A. Kalwik
A. Szarek

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Technology and Automation,21 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
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Ni-16Mo and ODS alloys were fabricated by the powder metallurgical processes, and their microstructures and tensile properties were investigated. Ni-16Mo-7Cr and Ni-16Mo-7Cr-0.3Ti-0.35Y2O3 (in wt.%) alloys were prepared by mechanical alloying, uniaxial hot pressing, and heat treatment processes. Microstructural observations of these alloys revealed that the Ti and Y2O3 additions to a Ni-16Mo alloy were significantly effective to refine the grain size and form nano-sized Y-Ti-O oxide particles. Consequently, the tensile strengths at room temperature and 700°C were considerably enhanced. This improvement of tensile properties can be mainly attributed to the formation of nano-sized oxide particles, as well as the refined grain size. It is thus concluded that Ni-16Mo alloy with Ti and Y2O3 additions would be very effective in improving the mechanical properties especially at elevated temperatures.
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Jaeyoon Bae
Sumin Lee
Kunok Chang
Djamel Kaoumi
Sanghoon Noh

  1. Pukyong National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Korea, Republic of Korea
  2. Kyung Hee University, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Yongin, Republic of Korea
  3. Nort h Carolina State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Raleigh, USA
  4. Pukyong National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, , 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Korea, Republic of Korea
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A contemporary European city faces various challenges, and it remains in a permanent state of crisis. The components that create such a situation are subject to change over time. In addition to the existing problems, the inhabitants, authorities, and people involved in designing and transforming the city, including architects, face newchallenges. In recent years, the old problem of a shortage of affordable housing has been coupled with new challenges, including a sudden influx of refugees, climate change and its consequences, and the pandemic. Solutions to these issues are complex and multi-dimensional, and the actions to be taken are of interdisciplinary nature. Prefabricated architecture can be part of these solutions. Prefabricated building technologies, including prefabricated large-panel buildings, modular buildings and mobile structures, can, under appropriate conditions, modernize the process of building new housing. These solutions fit into the idea of sustainable development and can respond to unexpected and dynamically changing circumstances over time (emergency buildings). This paper examines the contemporary urban crisis and possible steps to be taken through the prism of the possibilities offered by the design of prefabricated buildings. The question is what criteria and design strategies should be adopted for prefabricated architecture to meet the demands of a city in crisis? The conducted analyses are universal. Nevertheless, they consider the application of prefabricated solutions in architecture in Poland and the potential for its further development. Therefore, the discussed implementations from the author’s country are given an important role in the text and are shown first against the background of European design practice. Omission of solutions from other continents is a deliberate delimitation.
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Anna Tofiluk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents a procedure of calculation of natural frequencies and critical buckling forces of a micrononhomogeneous plate band resting on nonhomogeneous elastic subsoil and having any given boundary conditions. The band consists of N parts – cells [?] called elements, having a constant width l = L/N. Each band element consists of three parts – subelements with variable widths. The two of these subelements are matrix, the third – inclusion placed symmetrically relative to the matrix. Each band element is built of two isotropic materials. The matrix and inclusion bands have the stiffness and mass per area unit as well as they rest on the subsoil. The model has been derived with use of the classical displacement method. The stiffness matrix of any band element and then the band stiffness matrix have been built. An appropriate computer program has been written to calculate natural frequencies and critical buckling forces. A number of tests have been performed to check the working of the program and several calculative examples has been presented in the paper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Chalecki
Grzegorz Jemielita

  1. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska166, Warsaw, 02-787, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Armii Ludowej16, Warsaw, 00-637, Poland
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Good quality communication in the family is a source of positive relations among its members. It is the most important characteristic of a well-functioning family. Very interesting perceptions of communication in the family are held by high achieving students. In those young people, communication in the family correlates negatively with their high grade point average. Also, they evaluate positively communication in the family as a whole but less positively one-to-one verbal interactions with the mother and the father. This observation is explained by the fact that the family forms a system. Moreover, communication is associated with positive relationships and attitudes such as acceptance and autonomy, but correlates negatively with control, over-demanding behaviour, and inconsistency in the parents of high achieving students.

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Andrzej Edward Sękowski
Sylwia Gwiazdowska-Stańczak
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In this study, a procedure for optimal selection of measurement points using the D-optimality criterion to find the best calibration curves of measurement sensors is proposed. The coefficients of calibration curve are evaluated by applying the classical Least Squares Method (LSM). As an example, the problem of optimal selection for standard pressure setters when calibrating a differential pressure sensor is solved. The values obtained from the D-optimum measurement points for calibration of the differential pressure sensor are compared with those from actual experiments. Comparison of the calibration errors corresponding to the D-optimal, A-optimal and Equidistant calibration curves is done.

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Chingiz Hajiyev
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The paper presents application of a modified, symmetrical Bouc-Wen model to simulate the mechanical behaviour of high-frequency piezoelectric actuators (PAs). In order to identify parameters of the model, a two-step algorithm was developed. In its first stage, the mechanical parameters were identified by taking into account their bilinear variability and using a square input voltage waveform. In the second step, the hysteresis parameters were determined based on a periodic excitation. Additionally, in order to reduce the influence of measurement errors in determination of selected derivatives the continuum wavelet transform (CWT) and translation-rotation transformation (TRT) methods were applied. The results proved that the modified symmetrical Bouc-Wen model is able to describe the mechanical behaviour of PAs across a wide frequency range.

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Rafał Kędra
Magdalena Rucka
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The transient thermal model of the permanent magnet linear actuator (PMLA) has been considered. The characteristics of heating have been calculated including the main subdomains of the actuator. The carcasses from various materials have also been considered. The calculations have been verified experimentally and a good conformity was obtained.

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Bronisław Tomczuk
Andrzej Waindok
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The paper presents investigation results of the natural balancing phenomena in the flying-capacitor SEPIC converters. The SEPIC converters topologies can be reconfigured to the flying-capacitor topology. Owing to this modification the advantageous increase of frequency of the current in the chokes and the decrease of semiconductors voltages can be achieved which is shown in this paper. Similarly to other multilevel flying capacitor topologies the adequate voltage sharing of the flying capacitors is an important issue for safe operation of the converter. The paper focuses on the analysis of the flying capacitor voltages balancing in the converter by natural currents as well as by the application of the additional RLC balancing booster. The paper proves that the natural balancing can be achieved by the specific application of the balancing circuit in the flying-capacitor SEPIC topology and proves the specific differences in the balancing process by natural currents of converter and with the usage of the balancing circuit. An operation of the converter with the balancing circuit and the natural balancing ability is studied here.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Kawa
Robert Stala
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The general view of Tadeusz Rittner, a highly successful playwright of the early 20th century, as an uncommitted realist and author of ‘well-made plays’ has, no doubt, been formed and fixed by Zbigniew Raszewski, renowned historian of the theatre who wrote the introductions to the postwar editions of Rittner's plays. This article shows a rather different picture of Rittner, based on his journalism, autobiographical novels and lesser-known dramas in which he pursued his innovatory theatrical visions. The complete Rittner is, in fact, made up of metatheatricality, the grotesque, the aes-thetics of Viennese modernism and a fair share of commercialism.
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Sabina Brzozowska

  1. Uniwersytet Opolski
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Climate change has been affecting plants over the last century and caused

changes in life history features such as the flowering time. Herbarium specimens provide

a snapshot of the past environmental conditions during their collection. The collection

date in a herbarium specimen is a good proxy to determine the flowering period (phenology).

In this study, phenological data from subarctic plant specimens collected over

100 years were gathered by using one of the largest herbarium databases in the World.

The collection dates of 7146 herbarium specimens were analyzed and significant shifts

in the phenology of subarctic plants were detected. In this study, most of the analyzed

142 species in a subarctic biogeographic region tended to flower earlier in the 1950–2018

period compared to the 1900–1949 as a possible result of the climate change. Flowering

time shifted from 8 to 26 days in some species. Changes in flowering time may

alter species interactions, community composition, and species distribution in a region.

Therefore, results of this study may shed light on the possible shifts in phenology and

plant responses under the climate change.

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Fazlioglu Fatih

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