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We explain that a full description of how the non-equilibrium state of the system evolves in time requires the consideration and solution of its general equation of motion. In the case of the Carnot medium, as a general equation of motion, there must be taken two balances of: nonequilibrium specific volume and non-equilibrium specific entropy. Instead of taking the classical approach where the balance of entropy is postponed to more advanced and theoretical treatments, we focus on the analysis of two, most general, volume and entropy fluxes. These fluxes of motion are universal features of thermodynamics. It has been shown that the Carnot working continuum mathematical model is captured by the two general nonmathematical statements valid for all systems that we call the first law and the second law of thermodynamics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Ochrymiuk
Waldemar Dudda
Janusz Badur

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdańsk, Poland
  2. University of Warmia and Masury, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Oczapowskiego11, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
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In this paper a three-dimensional model for determination of a microreactor's length is presented and discussed. The reaction of thermocatalytic decomposition has been implemented on the base of experimental data. Simplified Reynolds-Maxwell formula for the slip velocity boundary condition has been analysed and validated. The influence of the Knudsen diffusion on the microreactor's performance has also been verified. It was revealed that with a given operating conditions and a given geometry of the microreactor, there is no need for application of slip boundary conditions and the Knudsen diffusion in further analysis. It has also been shown that the microreactor's length could be practically estimated using standard models.

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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Badur
Paweł Jóźwik
Michał Karcz
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The conversion of a waste heat energy to electricity is now becoming one of the key points to improve the energy efficiency in a process engineering. However, large losses of a low-temperature thermal energy are also present in power engineering. One of such sources of waste heat in power plants are exhaust gases at the outlet of boilers. Through usage of a waste heat regeneration system it is possible to attain a heat rate of approximately 200 MWth, under about 90°C, for a supercritical power block of 900 MWelfuelled by a lignite. In the article, we propose to use the waste heat to improve thermal efficiency of the Szewalski binary vapour cycle. The Szewalski binary vapour cycle provides steam as the working fluid in a high temperature part of the cycle, while another fluid – organic working fluid – as the working substance substituting conventional steam over the temperature range represented by the low pressure steam expansion. In order to define in detail the efficiency of energy conversion at various stages of the proposed cycle the exergy analysis was performed. The steam cycle for reference conditions, the Szewalski binary vapour cycle as well as the Szewalski hierarchic vapour cycle cooperating with a system of waste heat recovery have been comprised.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Ziółkowski
Janusz Badur
Tomasz Kowalczyk
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Research regarding blade design and analysis of flow has been attracting interest for over a century. Meanwhile new concepts and design approaches were created and improved. Advancements in information technologies allowed to introduce computational fluid dynamics and computational flow mechanics. Currently a combination of mentioned methods is used for the design of turbine blades. These methods enabled us to improve flow efficiency and strength of turbine blades. This paper relates to a new type turbine which is in the phase of theoretical analysis, because the working fluid is a mixture of steam and gas generated in a wet combustion chamber. The main aim of this paper is to design and analyze the flow characteristics of the last stage of gas-steam turbine. When creating the spatial model, the atlas of profiles of reaction turbine steps was used. Results of computational fluid dynamics simulations of twisting of the last stage are presented. Blades geometry and the computational mesh are also presented. Velocity vectors, for selected dividing sections that the velocity along the pitch diameter varies greatly. The blade has the shape of its cross-section similar to action type blades near the root and to reaction type blades near the tip. Velocity fields and pressure fields show the flow characteristics of the last stage of gas-steam turbine. The net efficiency of the cycle is equal to 52.61%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Jerzy Głuch
Paweł Ziółkowski
Łukasz Witanowski
Janusz Badur

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Building, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  2. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland
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The article presents a zero-dimensional mathematical model of a tubular fuel cell and its verification on four experiments. Despite the fact that fuel cells are still rarely used in commercial applications, their use has become increasingly more common. Computational Flow Mechanics codes allow to predict basic parameters of a cell such as current, voltage, combustion composition, exhaust temperature, etc. Precise models are particularly important for a complex energy system, where fuel cells cooperate with gas, gas-steam cycles or ORCs and their thermodynamic parameters affect those systems. The proposed model employs extended Nernst equation to determine the fuel cell voltage and steadystate shifting reaction equilibrium to calculate the exhaust composition. Additionally, the reaction of methane reforming and the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen have been implemented into the model. The numerical simulation results were compared with available experiment results and the differences, with the exception of the Tomlin experiment, are below 5%. It has been proven that the increase in current density lowers the electrical efficiency of SOFCs, hence fuel cells typically work at low current density, with a corresponding efficiency of 45–50% and with a low emission level (zero emissions in case of hydrogen combustion).
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Badur
Marcin Lemański
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Paweł Ziółkowski
Sebastian Kornet
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In this paper, thermodynamic analysis of a proposed innovative double Brayton cycle with the use of oxy combustion and capture of CO2, is presented. For that purpose, the computation flow mechanics (CFM) approach has been developed. The double Brayton cycle (DBC) consists of primary Brayton and secondary inverse Brayton cycle. Inversion means that the role of the compressor and the gas turbine is changed and firstly we have expansion before compression. Additionally, the workingfluid in the DBC with the use of oxy combustion and CO2 capture contains a great amount of H2O and CO2, and the condensation process of steam (H2O) overlaps in negative pressure conditions. The analysis has been done for variants values of the compression ratio, which determines the lowest pressure in the double Brayton cycle.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Ziółkowski
Janusz Badur
Witold Zakrzewski
Oktawia Kaczmarczyk
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The paper presents thermodynamic analysis of the gas-steam unit of the 65 MWe combined heat and power station. Numerical analyses of the station was performed for the nominal operation conditions determining the Brayton and combined cycle. Furthermore, steam utilization for the gas turbine propulsion in the Cheng cycle was analysed. In the considered modernization, steam generated in the heat recovery steam generator unit is directed into the gas turbine combustion chamber, resulting in the Brayton cycle power increase. Computational flow mechanics codes were used in the analysis of the thermodynamic and operational parameters of the unit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Chrzczonowski
Paweł Ziółkowski
Janusz Badur
Krzysztof Jesionek
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The main goal of the considered work is to adjust mathematical modeling for mass transfer, to specific conditions resulting from presence of chemical surface reactions in the flow of the mixture consisting of helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of organic compounds incorporate microchannels coupled at the ends and heated to 500 ◦C at the walls regions. The experiment data were compared with computational fluid dynamics results to calibrate the constants of the model’s user defined functions. These extensions allow to transform the calculations mechanisms and algorithms of commercial codes adapting them for the microflows cases and increased chemical reactions rate on the interphase between fluid and solid, specific for catalytic reactions. Results obtained on the way of numerical calculations have been calibrated and compared with the experimental data to receive satisfactory compliance. The model has been verified and the performance of the thermocatalytic reactor with microchannels under hydrogen production regime has been investigated.

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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Badur
Michał Stajnke
Paweł Ziółkowski
Paweł Jóźwik
Zbigniew Bojar
Piotr Józef Ziółkowski
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An analysis of the methods used in Bulgaria for estimating CO2, SO2 and dust emissions has been conducted. The first methodology, which is officially used by all energy auditors at the Agency for Sustainable Energy Development targets the energy efficiency of combustion devices installed mainly at industrial enterprises. The second methodology, used by the Ministry of Environment and Water, is more comprehensive and can be applied to thermal power plants, small combustion plants as well as industrial systems. In recent years, many projects related to energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, including hydrogen technologies, which require an assessment of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, have been implemented as a priority. The use of reliable and accurate methods is essential in the assessment of greenhouse emissions. A novel methodology, based on stoichiometric equations of the combustion process for solid, liquid and gaseous fuels has been proposed and comprised. This novel methodology is characterized by higher precision compared to the methods currently in place and this is achieved through calculating emissions from the combustion of energy fuels accounting for the full elemental composition of the fuel and its heating value, whereas the current commonly applied methods use only the fuel type and the carbon content. A further benefit of the proposed methodology is the ability to estimate emissions of fuels for which there is no alternative method for calculating CO2, SO2 and dust. Results of emission calculations according to the analysed methods are presented. Finally, a comparative analysis between the presented methodologies including an assessment of their accuracy and universal applicability has been made.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iliya Krastev Iliev
Hristo Ivanov Beloev
Diana Ivanova Ilieva
Janusz Badur

  1. University of Ruse, Heat, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Studentska 8, 7017 Ruse, Bulgaria
  2. University of Telecommunications and Post, Akad. Stefan Mladenov 1, 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria
  3. Energy Conversion Department, Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-251 Gdansk, Poland
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The usage of wet methods for flue gas dedusting from coalfired boilers is associated with significant heat losses and water resources. Widespread emulsifiers of the first and second generation are satisfactory in terms of flue gas cleaning efficiency (up to 99.5%), but at the same time do not create conditions for deeper waste heat recovery, leading to lowering the temperature of gases. Therefore, in the paper, an innovative modernization, including installing an additional economizer in front of the scrubber (emulsifier) is proposed, as part of the flue gas passes through a parallel bag filter. At the outlet of the emulsifier and the bag filter, the gases are mixed in a suitable ratio, whereby the gas mixture entering the stack does not create conditions for condensation processes in the stack.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iliya Krastev Iliev
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Hristo Kvanov Beloev
Angel Kostadinov Terziev
Krzysztof Jan Jesionek
Janusz Badur

  1. University of Ruse, Department of Thermotechnics, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Studentska 8, 7017 Ruse, Bulgaria
  2. Energy Conversion Department, Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-251 Gdansk, Poland
  3. Technical University of Sofia, Department of Power Engineering and Power Machines, Kliment Ohridski 8, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
  4. Witelon Collegium State University, Faculty of Technical and Economic Science, Sejmowa 5C, 59-220 Legnica, Poland
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The article deals with a current state-of-art of fluid solid interaction (FSI) – the new branch of continuum physics. Fluid-solid interaction is a new quality of modeling physical processes of continuum mechanics, it can be described as the interaction of various (so far treated separately from the point of view of mathematical modeling) physical phenomena occurring in continuous media systems. The most correct is the simultaneous application of the laws of the given physical disciplines, which implies that fluid solid interaction is a subset of multi-physical applications where the interactions between these subsets are exchanged on the surface in interconnected systems. Our purpose is to extend the fluid solid interaction aplications into new phenomena what follow from the industrial needs and inovative thechnologies. Selecting the various approaches, we prefer the arbitraty lagrangean-eulerian description within the bulk of fluid/solid domain and a new sort of advanced boundary condition on a surface of common contact.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Ochrymiuk
Mariusz Banaszkiewicz
1 2
Marcin Lemański
1 3
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Paweł Ziółkowski
1 4
Piotr J. Ziółkowski
Rafał Hyrzyński
1 5
Michał Stajnke
Mateusz Bryk
Bartosz Kraszewski
Sylwia Kruk-Gotzman
1 6
Marcin Froissart
Janusz Badur

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Science, Fiszera 14, 80-331 Gdansk, Poland
  2. General Electric Power, Stoczniowa 2, 82-300 Elblag, Poland
  3. Anwil Grupa Orlen, Torunska 222, 87-800 Włocławek, Poland
  4. Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  5. Energa S.A. Grunwaldzka 472, 80-309 Gdansk, Poland
  6. Agencja Rynku Energii, Bobrowiecka 3, 00-728 Warszawa, Poland

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