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The following paper presents the process of decarbonization of the energy sector in Greece and points out to different methods the Greek authorities are adopting in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases generated by electricity production. Greece is a country which is modernizing its energy sector gradually, yet dynamically. One of the prime aims is to reduce the level of energy produced in coal-fired power plants by focusing on the renewable energy and the gas sector. In 2010 still more than half of the electrical energy was generated by lignite-fired power plants. Almost ten years later the ratio has dropped to only slightly more than 30%. A significant reduction in coal consumption was possible thanks to investments in renewable energy sources, especially in the wind and solar energy sectors. Both sectors have seen a large increase in production, making renewable energy sources already accounting for over 20% of Greek electricity production. Capital-intensive investments were also made in the country’s gas supply through the expansion of gas-fired power plants and gas transmission networks. As a result, natural gas remains the main source of energy for Greece next to coal. Unfortunately, a big challenge in terms of decarbonization is the need for increased imports of electricity from abroad, due to the insufficient capacity of the Greek energy sector. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to define a Greek model of decarbonization and to point out to its benefits and dangers. Greek strategy might serve as an example of how to successfully solve the energy issues in the countries with similar energy profile.
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Wiktor Hebda

  1. Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
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A Polish translation of Book 10 of Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica, whose climactic part treats the deaths of Paris and Oenone. This foreshadows the first Polish translation of the whole of Quintus’ poem since the rendering by Jacek Idzi Przybylski published in Cracow in 1815.
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Włodzimierz Appel

  1. Katedra Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
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A review of the commentary on the Batrachomyomachia by Joel Christensen and Erik Robinson.
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Jakub Zbądzki

  1. Instytut Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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The paper deals with the problem of defi nite article in the Gothic Bible. More specifically, it concentrates on the differences and similarities of use between the target language, i.e. Gothic, and the source language, i.e. Greek, with special attention being paid to the case of the article – nominative, genitive, dative or accusative. It is part of a larger endeavor aiming at the analysis of the whole Gothic Bible in this respect. This time the Gospel of John is taken into consideration, following an earlier study which concentrated on the Gospel of Matthew. In the paper it will not only be observed how frequently Gothic omits the definite article in places where Greek uses it in the Gospel of John, but also in what way the cases of the definite article vary in both languages due to their grammatical specificities.

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Ireneusz Kida
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A review of a new Polish translation of Aristophanes’ Clouds by Olga Śmiechowicz.
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Tomasz Mojsik

  1. Wydział Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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A brief report on the international congress on Plutarch held online in September 2021.
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Katarzyna Jażdżewska

  1. Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University
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The motif of the so-called “critique of writing” in the Phaedrus has received much attention from contemporary commentators of Plato. Less attention has been paid to the explicit praise of writing and the project of making all citizens literate presented in the Laws. Because in the Phaedrus there is talk of writing of every sort (including legal documents), the question arises whether Plato changed his attitude to writing in the Laws. The present discussion places the Platonic reflection on writing and speech in the broader context of the ambivalent attitude of fourth-century BC Athenians to writing and written laws. It is demonstrated, first, that Plato criticizes writing to the same extent to which he praises it; second, that if his criticism includes writing, it also includes verbal teachings and all oral compositions.
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Dorota Zygmuntowicz

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, Polska Akademia Nauk
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A response to the review of a new Polish translation of Aristophanes’ Clouds, which appeared in the previous issue of “Meander”.
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Olga Śmiechowicz

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The study focuses on the reflection of Jewish‑Slavic relations in the work of Alexander Pavlovіch (Oleksandr Pavlovych, 1819‑1900). The author in question was a Greek Catholic priest – a representative of the Eastern Religious Rite (Byzantine) during the 19th century. In the context of his poems, the figures of Jewish innkeepers appear to be overly burdened with stereotypes. We briefly present the history of the Jews in Eastern Slovakia, where Pavlovich lived. The aim of such poems, which were written mostly by the clergy during the mentioned period, was not to stir up passion. The task of didactic works was to educate people and warn them against the harmful effects of alcohol. Pavlovich belonged to the group of writers that raised awareness of alcoholism. Despite being canonized, it is necessary to critically revise the approach of the poet’s treatment of the Jewish theme over a longer period.
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Adriana Amir

  1. Prešov, Prešovská univerzita
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The article gives a brief presentation of the identity of Septuagint and its history. The issues dealt with are: the literary unity of LXX, its basic terminology and origins, its canon as well as its significance for Judaism and for modern biblical studies.

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Krzysztof Mielcarek
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The author analyzes the two most common synonymous Greek prepositions ἐν and εἰς in the texts of the New Testament. She begins with a description of the basic syntactic functions of Greek prepositions, then goes on to analyze the status of two selected prepositions, pointing to the differences in their meaning and their dependence on the connectivity with specific noun cases. The last part of the text is devoted to the pre-verbal value of the prepositions under the study and the compound verbs based on them, which are combined with the verbs without prefixes, which are their basis. This starting point allows conclusions of a syntactic-semantic nature based on the use of the studied forms in the Greek New Testament texts.
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Aleksandra Żłobińska-Nowak

  1. Université de Silésie
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A Polish translation, with commentary, of an Egyptian novella about king Nectanebo II and a certain hieroglyph carver, attested on fragments of one Greek and four demotic papyri.
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Agnieszka Wojciechowska

  1. Instytut Historyczny, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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In a number of passages in the Iliad and the Odyssey, Homer introduces theomachoi, i.e. “those who battle with the gods”, or hoi proteroi – “the earlier ones”. This generation of heroes precedes the generation of the heroes of the Trojan war and differs from them by, e.g., possessing certain supernatural capacities and by encountering fantastic monsters. This essay discusses the appearances and the function of the theomachoi in the Homeric poems. It is argued that Homer’s consistent use of such tales creates a net of parallelisms between the proteroi and the heroes of the Trojan war, which prompts the reader’s deeper reflection on the latter’s choices and actions.
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Katarzyna Kostecka

  1. Wydział Historii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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This paper analyses four Polish renditions of Aeschylus’s Agamemnon (first part of the trilogy Oresteia) – by Zygmunt Węclewski, Jan Kasprowicz, Stefan Srebrny, and Artur Sandauer – and attempts to trace in particular the manner in which the translators approach and portray Clytemnestra, an ambiguous and complicated figure, who exceeds the social frames within which she lives. A comparison of the four translations with the Greek text uncovers the different strategies chosen by the translators which, in turn, point to their reading of the play.
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Barbara Bibik

  1. Katedra Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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The paper argues that the verbs ἀγαπάω and φιλέω occurring in John 21, 15–17 do not express different kinds of love (higher and lower), as some commentators claimed. At the same time, it may reasonably be doubted whether John used synonyms here only for stylistic reasons. Context analysis of the dialogue between Jesus and Peter points to allusions to their conversation in John 13, 31–38 and Jesus’ definition of love cited in John 15, 12–14. The identification of the references leads to the conclusion that the alternation of the synonymous verbs reflects the pattern ἀγάπη-φίλοι observed in the latter passage.
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Sławomir Torbus

  1. Instytut Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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The essay describes the exhibition Chroma held at the Metropolitan Museum in New York (5th June 2022 – 26th March 2023) on the subject of polychromy in Ancient Greek sculpture. The author presents a short description of the history of research into the Greeks painting their sculptures as well as of the political context of this issue, in which the whiteness of the marble statues is intertwined with the idea of a white Western European civilization. Another important context is that of the American political landscape, in particular far-right, racist movements, which often appropriate symbols connected with what they see as “white” Greek civilization.
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Hanna Gołąb

  1. Department of Classics, Columbia University
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A translation into Greek and Latin of four poems by Adam Mickiewicz, three from his Lausanne Cycle, composed in 1839–1840, and one slightly earlier (“Gęby za lud krzyczące…”).
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Jerzy Danielewicz

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The paper compares the employment of the definite article in the Gothic version of the Gospel of Luke and in its Greek counterpart which served as the basis for the Gothic translation. Although the Gothic text is usually said to be a word-for-word reflection of the Greek text, we demonstrate that just like in the case of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John, which were of concern in our previous studies, there are enormous differences between the two languages especially in the domain of the definite article, not only in terms of amount but also in terms of the cases used – nominative, genitive, dative or accusative.
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Ireneusz Kida

  1. Institute of Linguistics University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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Exegesis of Matthew 16:13-20, made in the light of historical and doctrinal terms occurred after 70 years in Judea, in which the evangelist Matthew was presented with its Judeo-Christian Church, indicates clearly existing in the text emphasis and related them to universalist objectives . They primarily guided him to define the saving message of Jesus the Risen of being Christological and Ecclesiological, in the final version edited by himself, in the Gospel of the Kingdom at the turning point for the fate of the Palestinian Church. The scene from Caesarea Philippi is edited in a manner which allows Peter to run his church in the Hellenistic world in order to gain complete doctrinal confidence that the same power of binding and resolving in heaven and on earth which he received from Jesus Simon Barjon to exercise it in the land of Israel, is also possessed by Simon Peter to celebrate it with the same saving efficiency in the lands of the heathen. Without this doctrinal certainty, it would probably be impossible to guarantee its further Judeo-Christian existence in the world of ethnochristians and gentiles.

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Ks. Zdzisław Żywica
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The purpose of the present article is a contrastive analysis of the verbs and verbal forms expressing the spatial situation in the Pericope Adulterae from the point of view of their translations into Polish and French starting from the original Greek biblical text. The author presents the general context of the pericope, its controversial place in the Gospel of John as well as its construction and its linguistic specificities. Starting from the original text of this biblical passage, then are listed the Greek verbs which express a spatial situation and are subjected to the analysis from the point of view of their forms and their meaning. According to the Polish and French translations chosen from this evangelical episode, the author proceeds to the comparison of the proposed equivalents and presents the comments which ensue. The analysis of translations demonstrates that some of the equivalents are analogous for two or all of the three languages, and some are typical only to one of the three languages.

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Aleksandra Żłobińska-Nowak
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Although for many years Plutarch has not been particularly valued for his philosophy, there is a growing interest today in his “practical ethics” and in particular in his writings on human emotions. This paper analyses Plutarch’s views on envy, its causes and effects, as well as the similarities and differences between envy on the one hand and ambition as well as hate on the other. His ideas for “healing” these negative emotions are also presented, ranging from total suppression to replacing the object of envy with another.
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Joanna Sowa

  1. Katedra Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The paper focuses on the Old Polish word kryłos, which was attested twice in court records from Przemyśl in the 15th century. Some existing hypotheses about the word origin and meaning are mentioned, although it has not been discussed before in a satisfactory way. A detailed study of the word’s etymology (concerning Old Ukrainian, Old Russian and Greek) and a precise analysis of the attestations enables us to determine its meaning, different from the meaning proposed in the Dictionary of Old Polish ( Słownik staropolski).
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Jan German

  1. Doctoral School in the Humanities, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (PhD Student)
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The paper first gives a survey of all the etymologies proposed so far for the Greek term for „pyramid” within the Greek language and the Oriental languages. Then the elaboration of a wholly new suggestion is ventured on the basis of phonological criteria in the context of the supposed Late Egyptian source language.

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Gábor Takács
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This paper presents a detailed analysis of the work of Theodoret of Cyrus, the theologian and representative of the fifth-century Antiochian exegetical school, entitled Cure of the Greek Maladies, with reference to the passages presenting the question of pagan worship and, more specifically, his [Theodoret’s] position towards it. The Antiochenian understands perfectly well that literature, culture and philosophy are the meeting point between Christianity and Hellenism. He does not explicitly reject the entire output of Greek culture, because he believes that an attempt to reconcile Christianity with Hellenism is possible, but without the participation of pagan worship. Christianity’s superiority to Hellenism must undoubtedly be granted. The author of the apologia offers the pagans a remedy to cure themselves of the disease of conceit. Theodoret of Cyrus condemned, among other things, secret practices and bowing to statues (III, 84; III 85), rejected bloody and impious sacrifices (VII, 3; VII, 10; VII 22; VII, 24), warned not to confuse the cult of martyrs with supplication offerings to the dead for the well-being of the living (VIII, 33; VIII 34), and was critical of the Greek oracles (X, 2-3; X, 9). In order to show more fully the issue referred to in the theme, the historical and social context of the apologia are analysed and the circumstances of the formation of the author’s own reason and spirituality are also discussed.
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Maria Piechocka-Kłos

  1. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

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