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The aim of this article is a translation in the nation-creating function. From the middle of 18th century Ukrainian writers want to improve position of Ukrainian language in the state, show his uniqueness. Their method to achieved the object was translation masterpices of European literature into Ukrainian. This was evidence that Ukrainian language is independent language and could exist.

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Regina Faltyn
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This article presents the essential information about the Polish language variety in Stubno, a village located about 20 km north-east of Przemyśl, close to the border with Ukraine. Until 1945, the village was inhabited by Poles, Ukrainians and Jews. A significant part of the paper is devoted to some passages authored by one M.W,. a woman who lived in Stubno in 1924-2004 and kept records in her personal journals from 1981 and until her death. In this case, her parents were Poles, but maternal grandparents were of Ukrainian descent. The author of the analysed texts received primary education only, worked on a farm and raised children and never left the village for long periods of time. Also, the notes contain a number of information concerning mostly farming and significant events of both the country’s and the world’s history. In addition, the texts include a language commentary on the most important phonetic, morphologic, word-formation, syntactic and lexical features of the local variety that occurred in the records. Furthermore, the notes provide answers to some questions about regional features of the Southern Kresy (present-day Ukraine) as reflected in the language of native inhabitants including the extent of the influence of Ukrainian, together with its local variety of the Nadsannia region.

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Katarzyna Dzierżawin
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The “top‑bottom” opposition is a binary spatial opposition. It describes the orientation of objects in space as well as identifies the spatial qualification of an object and models the coordinate system of the linguistic (resp. dialectal) worldview. This article deals with the problem of the semantic structure of derivatives, i.e. fragments of the derivative clusters of the base words of this opposition: верх, гора (“top”) and низ, гора, (с)під (“bottom”). The author scrutinizes the semantics of the adjectives вéрхній (верховúй, верхóвний), горíшній (гóрний) / ни́ жній (низови́ й), дóлíшній (дóльний), спíдній (сподо- вúй). These semantic features are analyzed within three semantic subcomplexes: ‘the top / bottom of the object’; ‘high / low limit’; ‘surface (exterior / interior)’. The subcomplexes unite the meanings of the adjectives which are structured hierarchically. These meanings represent different aspects of Ukrainian life. This study applied the traditional onomasiological descriptive model, moving the focus from the meaning to the word. The analysed units represent semantic and derivational features which are typical for the dialects of the Ukrainian language. The sources of the study are historical and regional dictionaries and texts, as well as linguistic atlases. As the study is based on an analysis of historical sources and manuscripts of the Ukrainian language from the 11th century onwards, semantic changes were recorded at different historical stages.
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Тетяна Ястремська

  1. Львів, Інститут українознавства ім. І. Крип’якевича НАН України
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The article offers a survey of works of Ukrainian linguists in the field of Church Slavonic, in particular its Ukrainian recension. While applying the historiographic approach, the author focuses on various publications and the study of the language of some records and their authors, and the reconstruction of orthoepy. The article also discusses some controversial questions of the interrelation between the Ukrainian (southern) and the Great Russian (northern) redaction of the Church Slavonic language from the second half of the 17th century onward. The author also highlights changes in the methodological principles and argues that, despite the use of sociolinguistic and cognitive methods along with the traditional structural and functional approach, the current discourse in Ukrainian linguistics appears to be incomplete.
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Halyna Naienko
1 2

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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This article offers a new analysis of Ivan Harayda’s Grammar of the Ruthenian Language ( Hramatyka rus’koho yazyka”) (Uzhhorod 1941). In contrast to its program, the grammar paid little tribute to the “popular” language as such. As Harayda himself regarded his text as a “compromise between many contradictory opinions regarding our popular language” he included only a few “popular” elements. Most of them were part of the written heritage that united Transcarpathia with other parts of the Ukrainian language area, particularly Galicia. Harayda often failed to clarify what he regarded as standard features. He also explicitly excluded some local features from the standard. Harayda’s grammar can barely be regarded as a successful attempt at the codification of the “Rusyn” language in the modern understanding.
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Michael Moser
1 2

  1. Universität Wien
  2. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest
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Since modern Slavic studies lack a uniform concept of the Ukrainian redaction of the Church Slavonic language, this article analyzes the major achievements of Ukrainian linguistics in the study of this phenomenon. Applying the method of linguistic historiography, the author describes the emergence of a national concept, according to which written sources – reflecting the features of the Ukrainian language from different periods of its formation – attest to the existence of a single Ukrainian redaction. The development of views on the Church Slavonic language is evidenced by the works of M. Maksymovych, I. Ohienko, G.Y. Shevelov, V. Nimchuk. Today different schools are primarily concerned with the quantitative interpretation of particular features of the Ukrainian redaction. Such an interpretation is largely premised on the 19th‑century Russian philological tradition which does not take into consideration the historical differentiation of East Slavic. Burdened with problematic terms like Russian, such an approach remains in contrast with Ukrainian linguistics, which accepts the existence of the Ukrainian redaction of Church Slavonic since the times of Kyivan Rus’.
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Halyna Naienko
1 2

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  2. Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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The article presents methodological assumptions for textbooks aimed at Polish‑speaking students who study Ukrainian as part of a philological degree course. Particular attention has been paid to the inclusion of cultural context, the aim of which is not only to diversify strictly linguistic tasks, but above all to introduce the student to the world of a different culture.
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Iryna Kononenko
Irena Mytnik
Svitlana Romaniuk

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The study analyzes the Ruthenian language of a remarkable bilingual print that appeared in the important Orthodox cultural center Ostrih in Church Slavonic and in Ruthenian “prosta mova” (“common language”) in 1607. It offers a critical evaluation of earlier studies and adds several new observations and theses.

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Michael Moser
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The Electronic System «Archival Card Index» (АСI) represents the digital format of lexical and illustrative materials of the Commission of the Dictionary Living Ukrainian language (All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), which created the «Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary» by ed. A. Krymsky and S. Yefremov, today recognized as the superlative of Ukrainian lexicography of the 20-30’s of the 20th century, and which is becoming even more relevant today. The value of the АСI consists in the fact that it contains materials IV volume of the «Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary» destroyed in 1933. For the first time since the 1930’s ACI became the object of scientific attention precisely as materials of the repressed Commission, for more than half a century they were considered lost. ACI digital format is needed in order to prevent its physical decay, to return to the linguistic-cultural process, to optimize research work. After all, ACI contains professionally processed linguistic sources of general dictionaries first half XXth century, which are of great value for the restoration of the authenticity of Ukrainian language thinking, to eliminate the prolonged russification of Ukrainian vocabulary and the creation of dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the 21th century.

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Оксана М. Тищенко
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The study analyzes the vocabulary of the Ruthenian “prosta mova” (“common language”) in a bilingual Ruthenian-Church Slavonic printed edition of 1607 (“Likarstvo na ospalyj umysl´´ čolovičyj” – “A Remedy for the Idle Human Mind”, translated by Demian Nalyvajko). We single out and discuss those lexical stems of the Ruthenian text that have no immediate equivalent in the early modern Polish language. Some of these stems belong to the Orthodox church terminology, others can be explained by the Church Slavonic original of the translation, still others demonstrate that Nalyvajko, like many other Ruthenian authors of that period, avoided certain Polish word stems despite the fact that his language is characterized by a plethora of marked Polonisms, and some of these avoided stems do occur in other Ruthenian texts of that period. Several markedly Ruthenian stems belong to the sphere of functional words.

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Michael Moser

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