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Under the name of ‘pivot derivation’, this article reconsiders a phenomenon known by Arab grammarians and lexicographers as well as by Arabists and Semitists: the derivation of a secondary lexical family from a primary one, via a morphologically ambiguous form. Through the examples of ma‘īn, masīḥ and ma/isāḥa, and a rereading of Mez (1906), it proposes several extensions of this type of derivation, made possible not only by homophony but also by homography or phonetic accidents, and compatible with the borrowing from other languages.

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Pierre Larcher
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The author of the article makes an attempt to show borrowings from the perspective of their penetration into Polish and presents the most common and less frequent words. Special attention is paid to the usage and context of separate words in pairs (native word ~ borrowed word) in two idiolects that demonstrate the preservation of the Polish language tradition and show a new wave of loanwords as well. The author describes some word-formative peculiarities of verbs in the dialectal Polish language of Gródek Podolski. This text can be a supplement to the previous papers concerning borrowed vocabulary and morphological derivation in Polish dialects.

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Julia Domitrak
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The author discusses the importance of Wiesław Boryś' etymological dictionary of the Polish language for research on the semantic derivation in Polish and Macedonian conducted at the Research Center of Areal Linguistics at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Skopje.
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Zuzanna Topolińska

  1. Macedońska Akademia Nauk i Sztuk, Centrum Badawcze Lingwistyki Arealnej im. Božidara Vidoeskiego, Skopje
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The eigenvalues assignment problems for descriptor linear systems with state and its derivative feedbacks are considered herein. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions to the problems are established. The Euler and Tustin approximations of the continuous-time systems are analyzed. Procedures for computation of the feedbacks are given and illustrated by numerical examples.
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Tadeusz Kaczorek

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wiejska 45D, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
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The use of foreign bases in derivation and compounding has led to the creation of a very young, but rapidly expanding, fourth sub-lexicon of Contemporary Korean – hybrids. Their growing number enhances the degree of hybridization within the Korean lexical subsystem. Hybrids, however, can also be coined be means of borrowed affixes. It is on these that this article will use to illustrate the growing influence the formation of the global communicative community exerts on Contemporary Korean. It will also address the reasons for borrowing these bound morphemes. Although Korean linguists generally deny the existence of foreign affixes in Korean, this article, based on an analysis of neologisms coined after 2000, will identify -reo, -ijeum, -iseuteu and anti- corresponding to English -er, -ism, -ist and anti-, respectively. Hybrid derivatives with foreign affixes may be treated as marginal, due to their relatively small morphological productivity, in comparison to other well-researched coinages. Nonetheless their existence and the growing popularity of Konglish might be perceived as the beginning of further and even more prominent changes to the Korean language, which in a long-term perspective may also influence the perception of the world by Korean speakers, since the national language not only stores the cultural and material values of the community but also a changing view of the world.
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Anna Borowiak

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
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The lich‑ root as well as its marginal semantic lines are described here. The description is based upon folk and mythological images and also upon etymologic data, including the meaning of this root and its derivatives in Slavonic languages (chiefly in Russian and Ruthenian). The semantics is labelled as excess (superfluity), insufficiency (lack), harmfulness (damage), dash (Dutch courage) as well as being presented with the semantic signs and forms reflected in words. Presented is the possible semantic mechanism for the development and transition from the initial meanings to newer ones. We explain the logic of the association root in question with the old images of lot and moderation. Future research prospects for the lich‑ root as well as its semantic and morphological derivation are shown. This includes not only literary variants but equally dialectal and regional ones.
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Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The article is devoted to an analysis of the suffixal and truncated suffixal variants of male Christian names in the Lutsk castle book of 1560‑1561(2013), and the identification of productive / unproductive formants in the composition of the researched names. The Polish academic I. Mytnik prepared a monograph Anthroponymy of Volynia of the 16th‑18th centuries (2010), using a wide source base – 58 manuscripts and 32 printed sources, but this 16th‑century Volyn literary heritage site did not serve as a basis for her study. Having studied the word‑formative derivatives of the male Christian names in the Lutsk castle book of 1560‑1561 we came to the conclusion that the most productive formants are ‑k(o) (67 variants) and ‑ets (40 variants); the suffixes ‑yna (10), ‑uk (9), ‑ash (6), ‑osh (4) show a slightly lower productivity. With the help of the suffixes ‑k(a), ‑yk, ‑ysh, ‑ut(a), ‑yts(a) 2 nominal variants are formed. Names with the formants ‑ok, ‑as, ‑ys, ‑os, ‑ay constitute single examples. The most commonly used names in Volyn documents from the middle of the 16th century were Yatsko / Ya(ts)ko (35 bearers), Fede(ts) / Khvede(ts) (22), Vasko / Va(s)ko (20), Hrytsko / Hry(ts)ko, Yvane(ts) (18), Le(v)ko (15), Andree(ts) / Andr± e(ts) (14), Yvashko / Yva(sh)ko, Matys (11), Mykhno, Tyshko / Ty(sh)ko, Fe(d)ko / Khve(d)ko (10). Among the truncated suffix name variants, the most productive form is ‑khno: it being attested in 9 names. While the most commonly used name is Mykhno (10 bearers).
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Lesya Yashchuk
Oksana Lytvynchuk

  1. Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University
  2. Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
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How is formed the adjective fettleibig (obese)? It may seem an evident derivate from fett (fat) and Leib

(body); however, the NP fetter Leib is as seldom as the adjective is frequent: this sounds paradoxical.

In this contribution, a new way of explaining the formation of this adjective is explored: fettleibig

appears as a subsistance of a in past times rich -leibig-paradigm. Therefore, in a synchronic view, this

adjective is not explained as a derivate, although it remains mainly transparent.

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Sylvain Farge
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The paper focuses on the semantic derivation models of irrational vocabulary – a semantic class of words that denote the situation of experience that is not based on logical reasons or rational thinking. The study elaborates on the semantic derivation strategies of irrational verbs, adjectives and nouns in the Ukrainian, English and German languages. The modelling of semantic derivation strategies provided in the paper proceeds from the assumption that the development of an irrational vocabulary paradigm is realised based on a prototypical situation model – a construct that characterizes not only the nature of the source and target meanings but also the ways those meanings are connected. We posit two constituents to underlie the prototypical model of irrational situation – the features of irrational situation participants and those of irrational situation itself. Both characteristics determine the nature of semantics shift strategies, among those are argument, componential, implicative and metaphorical ones. The argument strategy provides for promoting and demoting arguments within the same actantial structure set by a predicate. The componential strategy deals with the semantic transformations, resulting in a new concept of situation (whereas a target meaning borrows some components from a source one). The implicative strategy occurs based on a contiguous connection of different situations or different fragments of the same situation. The metaphoric strategy provides for the similarities revealed between the situations. The study concludes that irrational vocabulary in Ukrainian, English and German applies more to the componential, implicative and metaphorical strategies which provide for the priority of the inter-concept relations in these languages.
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Анастасія Кінащук

  1. Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет
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Water names, using the genetic-motivational criteria, can be divided into two superior groups: deappellative and deproprial hydronyms. Among the hydronyms derived from proper names, one can distinguish between the detoponymic and deanthroponymic. The names of flowing waters from anthroponyms are the subject of this article. Preliminary statistical data regarding deanthroponymic potamonyms in the Vistula river basin, their chronology, naming models, word formation bases and geographical distribution are presented. The results of the analysis show that the deanthroponymic potamonyms account for approximately 6.8% of the names of flowing waters of the Vistula river basin, estimated at more than 13,500. They appear sporadically in documents as early as in the 13th century, with only 12% visible until the 16th century, with most of them not being noticed until the 19th and 20th centuries. Such a statistical distribution is typical for the names of the flowing waters of that basin. Deanthroponymic names of rivers represent a variety of naming models, but most often appear as a part of compound names created with the suffix -ów, one-word formations with the same suffix and derivatives from the suf. -ka. They mainly identify objects located between the Soła River and the Dunajec River, especially in the Dunajec River basin, so in mountainous and submontainous areas, as K. Rymut claimed. The basis of such potamonyms are mainly personal names with different motivations, rarely being ethnonyms and first names.

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Urszula Bijak
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In this paper, we consider an optimal control problem in which a dynamical system is controlled by a nonlinear Caputo fractional state equation. First we get the linearized maximum principle. Further, the concept of a quasi-singular control is introduced and, on this basis, an analogue of the Legendre-Clebsch conditions is obtained. When the analogue of Legendre- Clebsch condition degenerates, a necessary high-order optimality condition is derived. An illustrative example is considered.
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Shakir Sh. Yusubov
Elimhan N. MahmudoV
2 3

  1. Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  2. Department of Mathematics, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
  3. Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan
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In the paper positive fractional continuous-time linear systems are considered. Positive fractional systems without delays and positive fractional systems with a single delay in control are studied. New criteria for approximate and exact controllability of systems without delays as well as a relative controllability criterion of systems with delay are established and proved. Numerical examples are presented for different controllability criteria. A practical application is proposed.
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Beata Sikora
Nikola Matlok

  1. Department of Applied Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Kaszubska 23, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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Vapors of benzene and its derivatives are harmful and toxic for human beings and natural environment. Their detection has fundamental importance. For this purpose authors propose surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor with skeletonized layer deposited by Langmuir-Blodgett (L-B) method. This layer was obtained by depositing a binary equimolar mixture of 5-[[1,3-dioxo-3-[4-(1-oxooctadecyl) phenyl]propyl]amino]–1,3–benzenedicarboxylic acid with cetylamine. The skeletonized sensor layer has been obtained by removing cetylamine. Response of this sensor depends mainly of the electrical dipole momentum of molecule. Among the tested compounds, benzene has a zero dipole moment and gives the smallest sensor response, and nitrobenzene has the largest dipole moment and the sensor reacts most strongly to its vapor.
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Andrzej Balcerzak
Piotr Kiełczyński
Marek Szalewski
Krzysztof Wieja

  1. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland
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There is general agreement that primary pyrolysis products of end-of-life tyres should be valorised to improve the economics of pyrolysis. In this work, tyre pyrolysis char (TPC) is produced in a pyrolysis pilot plant designed and built at our home university. The produced TPC was upgraded to tyre-derived activated carbon (TDAC) by activation with CO2, and then characterised using stereological analysis (SA) and nitrogen adsorption at 77 K. SA showed that the grains of TPC and TDAC were quasi- spherical and slightly elongated with a 25% increase in the mean particle cross-section surface area for TDAC. The textural properties of TDAC demonstrated the BET and micropore surface areas of 259 and 70 m2/g, respectively. Micropore volume and micropore surface area were 5.8 and 6.7 times higher for TDAC than TPC at  2 nm, respectively. The n-hexane adsorption was investigated using experiments and modelling. Eight adsorption isotherms along with three error functions were tested to model the adsorption equilibrium. The optimum sets of isotherm parameters were chosen by comparing sum of the normalized errors. The analysis indicated that the Freundlich isotherm gave the best agreement with the equilibrium experiments. In relation to different activated carbons, the adsorption capacity of TDAC for n-hexane is about 16.2 times higher than that of the worst reference material and 4.3 times lower than that of the best reference material. In addition, stereological analysis showed that activation with CO2 did not change the grain’s shape factors. However, a 25% increase in the mean particle cross-section surface area for TDAC was observed.

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Tomasz Kotkowski
Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga
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The article focuses on the problem of possible relations of a work of art to the Absolute Being. The essence of the discussed issue can be put as a question: Is it possible, without mentioning God explicitly, to declare that a piece of art, as a carrier of beauty, indicates His presence? Relating to a number of Roman Ingarden’s significant statements that refer to metaphysical experience and the status of metaphysical qualities, and drawing upon Ingarden’s existential and ontological claims, the article presents metaphysical quality as a manifestation of existential dependence. This interpretation invokes the context of the primary being, and by extension, of the Absolute Being. If a work of art (or to be more precise, its concretization) is a carrier of aesthetic beauty through which a qualitative and metaphysical atmosphere emerges (and discloses its metaphysical quality) and if (as it is postulated in the interpretation suggested) it refers to the Absolute, then the thesis that beauty leads to God has been vindicated.
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Waldemar Kmiecikowski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Teologiczny, ul. Wieżowa 2/4, 61-111 Poznań
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In the paper, I analyze four types of ontic subordination, which constitute key elements of Ingardenian ontology: heteronomy, derivativeness, non-self‑reliance and dependency. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the concepts constructed by Ingarden are either logically incorrect, or are not sufficiently explained, or refer not to ontic but to semantic relations.
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Jacek Jadacki

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The paper presents the effect of tin on the crystallization process, microstructure and hardness of cast iron with compacted (vermicular) graphite. The compacted graphite was obtained with the use of magnesium treatment process (Inmold technology). The lack of significant effect of tin on the temperature of the eutectic transformation has been demonstrated. On the other hand, a significant decrease in the eutectoid transformation temperature with increasing tin concentration has been shown. It was demonstrated that tin narrows the temperature range of the austenite transformation. The effect of tin on the microstructure of cast iron with compacted graphite considering casting wall thickness has been investigated and described. The carbide-forming effect of tin in thin-walled (3 mm) castings has been demonstrated. The nomograms describing the microstructure of compacted graphite iron versus tin concentration have been developed. The effect of tin on the hardness of cast iron was given.

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Grzegorz Gumienny
B. Kurowska
P. Fabian
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The paper investigates the controllability of fractional descriptor linear systems with constant delays in control. The Caputo fractional derivative is considered. Using the Drazin inverse and the Laplace transform, a formula for solving of the matrix state equation is obtained. New criteria of relative controllability for Caputo’s fractional descriptor systems are formulated and proved. Both constrained and unconstrained controls are considered. To emphasize the importance of the theoretical studies, an application to electrical circuits is presented as a practical example.
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Beata Sikora

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Since plant responses to selenium nanoparticles (nSe) had not been clarified, this study was carried out to evaluate the effects of nSe (10 and 100 μM) on photosynthesis performance, ion homeostasis, antioxidant system, and phenylpropanoids in strawberry exposed to salt stress. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy analyses indicated that foliar-applied nSe can be taken up by leaves and trans-located to roots. Salinity led to an increase in Na concentration and reductions in Ca and K contents which were relieved by the nSe applications. Moreover, the nSe treatment at 10 μM alleviated the NaCl-induced lesion to PSII functioning, contributing to improvement in water-splitting complex (Fv/Fo) under salinity. The exposure to nSe at a concentration of 100 µM exhibited a moderate stress, determined by the increases in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and lipid peroxidation rate (membrane integrity index). The nSe10 treatment increased catalase activity and phenylpropanoid derivatives contents (salicylic acid, catechin, and caffeic acid) and decreased the content of oxidants under salinity condition. Consequently, nSe utilization at a suitable dose can be an effective method to alleviate signs of salt stress via improvements in photosynthesis, ion hemostasis, photosynthesis performance, salicylic acid (a vital signaling defensive hormone), and antioxidant machinery.

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Reza Soleymanzadeh
Alireza Iranbakhsh
Ghader Habibi
Zahra Oraghi Ardebili
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The paper considers the application feasibility of the category of disembodied proper names (as introduced by A. Gardiner) in the context of embodied proper names regarded as a feature of the language‑cultural description of Ukrainian eponyms. Drawing on eponyms found in Leksykon lʹvivsʹkyy, the author elucidates both advantages of this application and problems it involves, and argues for the typology of disembodied name semantic shifts within a unified theory of deonomastic formation of lexical and phraseological items.
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Authors and Affiliations

Serhiy Yermolenko

  1. Kyiv, O.O. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics
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On the one hand, mathematics draws inspiration from everyday life and has the ambition to model it through a precise logical system, while on the other, it contributes new, sometimes very abstract ideas which expand our imagination and broaden our understanding of the surrounding reality. This is clearly illustrated when we scrutinize various mathematical concepts centered around the notion of “boundary.”
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Agnieszka Jurlewicz

  1. Chair of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Wrocław University of Science and Technology
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The author presents basic lines of semantic derivation from Proto-Slavic root *ži-/*živ- in Polish. Working on her theme she discovers an interesting old Slavic isogloss: while in West-Slavic languages the names for concepts ‘life/live’ and ‘animal’ have different etymology, in South- and East-Slavic, with the exception of the Ukrainian language – they have common origin.

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Zuzanna Topolińska
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The author, following the concept of E. Benveniste, considers complex words as a product not only of word-formation derivation, but also of syntactic trans-formation (condensation) of phrases. The object of the transformation is phrases as composite syntactic and semantic constructions, but the derivation itself, i.e. the formation of complex words is carried out in the language according to the same rules as the derivation of simple (not complex) words, and with the same formal techniques as word formation in general, i.e. by affixation and transformation of components of complex words (truncation, interfixation, accent shifts, etc.). At the same time, the syntactic and semantic relations between components that are characteristic of generating phrases retain their meaning in the structure of derived complex words, no matter what models of derivation (semantic and word-forming) they may relate to. Complex words of the same type in their word-formation structure can have completely different semantics, depending on the syntactic and semantic relations that link the components of the original phrases.

The article offers a typology of complex words in the Russian language in terms of their "internal" syntactic and semantic structure. In composites derived from predicative phrases, there are subject, object, locative, temporal, and other semantic models of relations between a predicate and a dependent word. Composites with a supporting noun can be derived both from phrases with a com-positional connection, and from phrases with a subordinate connection (with relations of functional, comparative, and attributive dependence in a broad sense). Similarly, composites with a reference adjective, numeral, and counting words are analyzed. The article contains a criticism of some provisions of the academic "Russian grammar" (1980).

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Светлана М. Толстая

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