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A widely held view of linguistic researchers claims that collocations constitute a difficult and crucial aspect of vocabulary knowledge. The above-mentioned view is reflected in linguistic theory and practice. Collocations are justly devoted attention by linguists as well as all the individuals who aspire to fluently use a foreign language. Nevertheless, the term itself remains a subject of controversy, since linguistic literature provides various definitions of collocations. The differences between various definitions are related to their contexts as well as purposes for which they are formed. The present article accepts the context-dependence of various definitions of collocations and aims to propose a definition to be employed for the purposes of LSP lexicography.
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Anna Zagórska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The aim of the discussed and reviewed books is to describe repetitions in Polish. Different classifications of repetitions are given and described in detail in the monography. The Lexicon is devoted to concrete repetitive units: 1) lex-icalized repetitions, 2) operations, 3) universal repetitions for different languages. The research was based on the material of National Corpus of Polish. Both reviewed books are unique contributions to Polish syntax, semantics, lexicography and pragmatics.
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Bílková J., 2013, Tautologie a kontradikce v češtině, Praha: Filip Tomáš - Akropolis.
PZTS = Dobaczewski A., 2018, Powtórzenie jako zjawisko tekstowe i systemowe. Repetycje, reduplikacje i quasi‑tautologie w języku polskim, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
SRiPP = Dobaczewski A., Sobotka P., Żurowski S., 2018, Słownik reduplikacji i powtórzeń polskich. Od zleksykalizowanych podwojeń do regularnych układów repetycyjnych, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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Karolína Skwarska

  1. Slovanský ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Praha
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Five years ago Vasilis Orfanos published an excellent monograph on the Turkish lexical borrowings attested in the Cretan dialect of Modern Greek (Orfanos 2014). In this paper the present authors increase the number of the possible Cretan Turkisms, providing and explaining additional items not listed in Orfanos’s book.

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Elwira Kaczyńska
Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak
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The theme of the article is the concept of credentials based on the data from general and terminological dictionaries. It contains a proposal for a Russian-Polish entry article with the name of this diplomatic document (entry article as a part of a translation dictionary within the project “Diplomacy and politics. Russian-Polish dictionary survey”). The author explains the history of this term in both languages, focusing on the dissimilarity of its grammatical form both in Russian and Polish monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, which is especially visible while comparing dictionary and textual data. The material derived from Russian and Polish parallel texts (autonomous, independent of each other) is described according to the recommendations adopted for translation dictionaries – providing their users with the practical information on the usage of units (their syntactic requirements and usage conditions). The analysis also devotes ample attention to the socalled undescribed translated items (equivalents not recorded so far in Russian-Polish/ Polish-Russian lexicography). The discussion of numerous bilingual dictionaries justifi es the claim that a considerable part of collected units can be regarded as undescribed translated items (undescribed equivalents).

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Ewa Białek
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Connection of etymology and dialect lexicography is bilateral: progress of etymological investigations leads to the analysis of dialectal vocabulary, and composition of the dictionary of many / all dialects of some language requires standardization of initial records. Standardization presupposes removal of specific dialectal structural / phonetic modifications and consideration of the history of language. So, the attraction to etymological analysis of dialect words is useful and even inevitable. The author offers possible solutions of these methodological problems.
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Králik L., 2020, Etymológia a nárečová lexikografia (na materiáli Slovníka slovenských nárečí), Bratislava: VEDA.
SSN = Slovník slovenských nárečí, t 1: A–K, ved. red. I. Ripka, Bratislava: Veda 1994; t. 2: L–P (povzchádzať), red. A. Ferenčíková, I. Ripka, Bratislava: Veda 2006.
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Жанна Ж. Варбот

  1. Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова Российской Академии Наук, Москва
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Here conducted is research into functional parallels within Ukrainian and Polish media lexicography. The analysis of non‑vocabularies in the context of the functional‑stylistic approach, so dominant in modern times, is updated. In the information age, lexicography has become an interdisciplinary, syncretic and innovative field of academic knowledge, testing the experience of several academic disciplines, primarily linguistics, semiotics and computer science / cybernetics. The purpose of our article is to create a model for a new media dictionary (of a discursive and functional type), which would meet the requirements of the times and the practical needs of a 21st‑century user. Here lies the matter of superimposing the Ukrainian and Polish experience of modern progressive changes in media lexicography as an innovative method for the creation of dictionaries. The complex screening of neo‑lexicography in the field of the media in Ukraine and Poland is presented, the functional criteria for the analysis of media innovations and their representation in dictionaries are defined, while the prospects of the cooperation of lexicographers on e‑dictionaries are outlined. The authors see in the Polish‑Ukrainian media lexicographic disposition, evolutionary changes on the way to the creation of a dictionary that would reflect the dynamic language processes within mass communication.
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Adamska‑Sałaciak А., Lexicography and Theory: Clearing the Ground, ‟International Journal of Lexicography” 2019, vol. 32 (1), p. 1‑19.

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Лариса Шевченко
Дмитро Сизонов

  1. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
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The next (and not yet the last) issue of the second volume Plants of the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols, published in Lublin under the editorship of prof. E. Bartminsky and S. Niebrzegowska‑Bartminska, contains the topics Shrubs and Little bushes. The ethnolinguistic “portraits” of the plants are given at the broad Slavic and European background. Like the previous issues, it is a significant contribution to the study of Polish and Slavic folk culture. It also provides various material for linguistic studies of Polish and Slavic phytonymy thanks to a rich dialect corpus of plant names and related folklore and ethnographic contexts. Moreover, the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols provides a new method of ethnolinguistic lexicography, which can be successfully applied to the study of other Slavic and non‐Slavic languages and cultural traditions.
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Наталья Б. Корина

  1. Очередной выпуск Словаря народных стереотипов и символов
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In his contribution, the author discusses the Yakut forms in the travelogue of the physician, botanist and geologist Johann Redowsky (1.1.1774–8.2.1807). The travelogue was recorded on the occasion of Count Yurii Aleksandrovich Golovkin’s diplomatic mission to China. Redowsky accompanied Golovkin representing the Academy of Sciences. The travel diary documents Redovsky’s journey from Irkutsk to Kamchatka in 1806–1807 and contains much ethnographic information about Tungus and Yakuts. Redowsky’s material is interesting because it contains lexemes that are not found elsewhere, or at least not in the form noted in the diary.
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Michael Knüppel

  1. Arctic Studies Center (ASC), Liaocheng University, China
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The present work discusses the issues of the variantivity of borrowings from English into modern Polish and Russian. The material for study is variants of English borrowings (based on spelling, spelling and pronunciation, stress pattern, and morphology), excerpted mainly from newest dictionaries of foreign words that have been published over the last 15 years. The analysis aims to determine common “regular correspondencies” of such variants present in the two Slavic languages under discussion, and to identify the individualised variances typical of a particular national language. An important objective of the study is also to specify the reasons why alternative forms have been emerging so numerously in both languages, and to unearth some problems underlying the variantivity of Anglicisms. The research presented in this paper is significant for several perspectives: firstly, variantivity is a challenge to lexicographers and normative linguists still attempting to standardise the enormity of foreign lexical items of an unstable form. Secondly, the fact that a given item has its equivalents poses a problem to average language users who are often confused and do not know how to write or pronounce a word, with dictionaries not necessarily being helpful in this respect. The obtained results may encourage further steps towards the systematization of principles governing the adaptation of borrowings and the attempts to tame the present escalating chaos in Polish and Russian literature on the subject.
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Anna Romanik

  1. Białystok, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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The Polish word ‘niepamięć’ (oblivion) is defined by dictionaries as ‘forgetfulness’, ‘lack of remembrance’. In the last 25–30 years, its meaning has been extended and incorporated into the term ‘niepamięć zbiorowa’ (collective oblivion), which means ‘socially relevant phenomena suppressed from memory and/or not admitted to the collective memory of a community’. The author has analysed the contents of the Polish concept of ‘NIEPAMIĘĆ (zbiorowa)’ and asked whether one could find a lexical equivalent of Polish ‘niepamięć’ in Russian and an equivalent of the concept of ‘NIEPAMIĘĆ’ in Russian mentality. Providing a negative answer to these questions today, the author proposes that, instead of analysing individual words such as ‘niepamięć – забвение (zabveniye)’, one should analyse entire conceptual and lexical fields of memory in Polish and in Russian.

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Wojciech Chlebda
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The science of lexicography with its focus on etymology reaches back to ancient times; the history of Tibetan dictionaries is almost as old as the written language itself. About 1,200 years ago, the wish to translate the Buddhist scriptures in Sanskrit initiated the compilation of the first bilingual dictionary. lt provides Tibetan synonyms for Sanskrit terms and is written in Tibetan script. lt was compiled and used by monks who worked as scholars and translators. Throughout the following centuries, Tibetan dictionaries have been compiled, and, as will be shown, this happened for various reasons. As the Tibetan language is not yet fully explored, new dictionaries for Tibetan are still being worked on. One of these is under preparation in Munich; it will be the focus of the main part of this article. As the paper addresses a wider audience and not specifically scholars of Tibetan studies, l will situate Tibetan lexicography within a broader context, commencing with a brief introduction into the Tibetan script and language followed by a survey on the development of Tibetan lexicography and dictionaries. Then, the paper introduces the Wörterbuch der tibetischen Schriftsprache, an ongoing long-term project at the Bavarian Academy for Sciences and Humanities in Munich.

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Petra Maurer
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The next three issues of the second volume “Plants” of the “Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols”, published in Lublin under the editorship of prof. E. Bartminsky, are devoted to the topics"Herbs","Fruit and coniferous trees",-"Deciduous trees". Like the previous issues, they are a valuable contribution to the study of Polish and Slavic folk culture, as well as to the development of such a complex discipline as ethnobotany. They also provide rich material for linguistic studies of Polish and Slavic phytonymy, since they contain a rich dialect corpus of plant names and related ethnographic and folklore contexts. But the important thing is that the Lublin dictionary gives researchers a new method of ethnolinguistic lexicography, which can be successfully applied to the study of other Slavic and non‑Slavic languages and cultural traditions.
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Acta Linguistica 2010 = „Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskikh issledovaniy RAN”, vol. 6, part 1: Etnobotanika: rasteniya v yazyke i kul'ture, eds. V.B. Kolosova, A.B. Ippolitova.
Acta Linguistica 2017 = „Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskikh issledovaniy RAN”, vol. 13, part 2: Etnobotanika: rasteniya v yazyke i kul'ture, eds. N.N. Кazanskiy, V.B. Kolosova.
Agapkina Т.А., 2019, Derev'ya v slavyanskoy narodnoy traditsii. Ocherki, Moskva: Indrik.
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Smyk K., 1995, Drzewa i krzewy iglaste. Master thesis, Lublin: UMCS.
SSSL = Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych, koncepcja całości i redakcja: J. Bartmiński, t. 1. Kosmos, cz. 1: Niebo. Światła niebieskie. Ogień. Kamienie, 1996; cz. 2: Ziemia. Woda. Podziemie, 1999; cz. 3: Meteorologia, 2012; cz. 4: Świat. Światło. Metale, 2012; t. 2: Rośliny, cz. 1: Zboża, 2017; cz. 2: Warzywa. Przyprawy. Rośliny przemysłowe, 2018; cz. 3: Kwiaty, 2019; cz. 4: Zioła; 2020; cz. 5: Drzewa owocowe i iglaste, 2020; cz. 6: Drzewa liściaste, 2021, Lublin.
Steckiewicz M., 1991, Konotacja semantyczna nazw niektórych ziół w polszczyźnie ludowej. Master thesis, Lublin: UMCS.
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Tolstaya S.M., (rev.), 1997, Slovar' narodnykh stereotipov i simvolov, vol. 1: Kosmos, part 1, „Zhivaya starina”, no. 4, pp. 52–53.
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Tolstaya S.M., (rev.), 2014, Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych, koncepcja całości i redakcja: J. Bartmiński; zastępca redaktora: S. Niebrzegowska‑Bartmińska, Lublin, t. 1: Kosmos, cz. 3: Meteorologia, 521 s.; cz. 4: Świat. Światło. Metale, „Slavyanovedeniye”, no. 6, pp. 104–109.
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Светлана М. Толстая

  1. Институт славяноведения РАН, Москва
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The author studied 40 pages (letters Д–Ж) of the Dokładny słownik rosyjsko-polski, written by the Ukrainian-born Russian P. Dubrowski and published in Warsaw in 1877. After a brief profile of the now nearly forgotten lexiographer, the author adds a few additional questions to the known critical remarks about the topic of study and discusses – in the context of the state of Polish language generally and of the Kresy in the nineteenth century – interesting findings refl ected in this dictionary in the areas of spelling, phonetics, flexion, syntax and lexis. She found that the Polish language presented in this Russian-English dictionary rather faithfully reflects the nineteenth-century instability of norms at all levels of the language, so that non-native speakers of the language were more inclined to choose recessive over expansive variants, occasionally those supported by analogous forms in Russian. In the author’s view, the prospect of a comprehensive, systematic exploration of this source is promising, especially regarding the possibility of extracting peculiar lexis from it, in particular so-called lexical agnonyms.

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Jolanta Mędelska
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The author of the article focuses her attention on the Polish-language part of the Suprasl Lexicon published in 1722 by the Basilian convent publishing house in Suprasl. In terms of origin the regional vocabulary constitutes two groups. One group, with its parallels in Old Church Slavonic (OCS), exhibits a common Slavonic occurrence. In formal terms, the words register West Slavonic features such as the Polish suffix -ro- in skowroda (OCS сковрада, Ruthenian сковoрoда) or -ło- in tłokno (OCS тлакно, Ruthenian толокно). The provenance of the other group of regional vocabulary is more limited in rangeand we should search for references in the West Ruthenian languages developing within the Polish language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (e.g., brozna, bystrzynia, czerha, muraszczka, muraszcznik, niedonosek, powodyr, przekidczyk, radno). The majority of the analyzed words have been found in 19th-century sources (e.g., dialect dictionaries, Adam Mickiewicz’s literary texts). However, the analysis proves that their chronology begins as early as in the 17th-18th centuries.

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Lilia Citko
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Out of concern for language ‘purity’ ‘Polonizing’ dictionaries/dictionaries of Polish equivalents were published in Poland, whose authors (language purists) aimed to replace words/expressions of foreign origin with native-language equivalents (or with assimilated loanwords). Besides Latinisms or Gallicisms under criticism were also German loanwords. The main focus of the paper is on the pre-sentation of the dictionary by E.S. Kortowicz (1891), in which the author seeks to eliminate Germanisms from the Polish language.

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Katarzyna Sztandarska
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The Electronic System «Archival Card Index» (АСI) represents the digital format of lexical and illustrative materials of the Commission of the Dictionary Living Ukrainian language (All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), which created the «Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary» by ed. A. Krymsky and S. Yefremov, today recognized as the superlative of Ukrainian lexicography of the 20-30’s of the 20th century, and which is becoming even more relevant today. The value of the АСI consists in the fact that it contains materials IV volume of the «Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary» destroyed in 1933. For the first time since the 1930’s ACI became the object of scientific attention precisely as materials of the repressed Commission, for more than half a century they were considered lost. ACI digital format is needed in order to prevent its physical decay, to return to the linguistic-cultural process, to optimize research work. After all, ACI contains professionally processed linguistic sources of general dictionaries first half XXth century, which are of great value for the restoration of the authenticity of Ukrainian language thinking, to eliminate the prolonged russification of Ukrainian vocabulary and the creation of dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the 21th century.

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Authors and Affiliations

Оксана М. Тищенко

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