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This paper presents the method of analysis of parametric systems in frequency domain. These systems are also referred to as linear time varying systems (LTV). The article includes a description of an analytical method for determining the frequency response of the first order parametric circuit with non-periodically variable parameters. The results have been illustrated by an example.

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Anna Piwowar
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The article proposes the method of synthesis of active elements with time-varying parameters R(t), C(t) and L(t). In order to construct the elements, it is necessary to use operational amplifiers, multipliers and classic RLC components. The variability in time of the elements results from applying voltage to control terminals. Assuming that the parameters of elements R(t), L(t), C(t) are exponentially varying, dependencies describing the control voltage waveforms which enable such a parameter variability were determined. The obtained results were illustrated with examples and PSpice simulations.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Piwowar
Janusz Walczak
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This study assessed sound localisation definition in ambisonic systems using two-non-parametric and three parametric decoders, in a two-dimensional format. The sound samples were played back through eight loudspeakers arranged in a circle. The participants compared pairs of sound samples to determine which sample offered a more precise perception of the sound source’s location. The data analysis, using a Bradley-Terry probability mode, revealed that parametric decoders were preferred with a 60–83% probability. Among the parametric decoders, the COMPASS method, which utilizes the Multiple Signal Classification algorithm for sound source direction estimation, received the highest scores for sound localisation judgements.
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Jacek Majer

  1. Chopin University of Music, Department of Sound Engineering, Chair of Musical Acoustics and Multimedia, Warszawa, Poland
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The paper presents results of numerical calculations and experimental data on the directional pattern of two 38-element parametric arrays composed of ultrasound sources. Two types of antenna arrays are considered, namely with parallel and coaxial connections of ultrasonic transducers (elements). The results of selecting and functional testing of unit elements are described in this paper. It is found that in the coaxial element connection of the antenna array, the level of side lobes is higher than that in the parallel element connection.

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Denis S. Rakov
Aleksandr S. Rakov
Andrey N. Kudryavtsev
Nikolay P. Krasnenko
Yury A. Chursin
Maksim A. Murin
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The dynamic development of science requires constant improvement of approaches to modeling physical processes and phenomena. Practically all scientific problems can be described by systems of differential equations. Many scientific problems are described by systems of differential equations of a special class, which belong to the group of so-called singularly perturbed differential equations. Mathematical models of processes described by such differential equations contain a small parameter near the highest derivatives, and it was the presence of this small factor that led to the creation of a large mathematical theory. The work proposes a developed algorithm for constructing uniform asymptotics of solutions to systems of singularly perturbed differential equations.
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Valentyn Sobchuk
Iryna Zelenska
Oleksandr Laptiev

  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
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The research was attempted to mimic the locomotion of the salamander, which is found to be one of the main animals from an evolutionary point of view. The design of the limb and body was started with the parametric studies of pneumatic network (Pneu-Net). Pneu-Net is a pneumatically operated soft actuator that bends when compressed fluid is passed inside the chamber. Finite Element Analysis software, ANSYS, was used to evaluate the height of the chamber, number of chambers and the gap between chambers for both limb and body of the soft mechanism. The parameters were decided based on the force generated by the soft actuators. The assembly of the salamander robot was then exported to MATLAB for simulating the locomotion of the robot in a physical environment. Sine-based controller was used to simulate the robot model and the fastest locomotion of the salamander robot was identified at 1 Hz frequency, 0.3 second of signal delay for limb actuator and negative π phase difference for every contralateral side of the limbs. Shin-Etsu KE-1603, a hyper elastic material, was used to build the salamander robot and a series of experiments were conducted to record the bending angle, the respective generated force in soft actuators and the gait speed of the robot. The developed salamander robot was able to walk at 0.06774 m/s, following an almost identical pattern to the simulation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elango Natarajan
Kwang Y. Chia
Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi
Wei Hong Lim
Chun Kit Ang
Ali Jafaari

  1. Faculty of Engineering, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kulala Lumpur, Malaysia
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One of the problems in Russia Power Sector strategy until 2035 is the technologies development for mitigation of harmful emissions by the heat and power production industry. This goal may be reached by the transition to environmentally friendly generation units such as oxy-fuel combustion power cycles that burn organic fuels in pure oxygen. This paper provides the results of research on one of the most efficient oxy-fuel combustion power cycle, which was modified by the usage of nitrogen for turbine cooling. The computer simulation and parametric optimization approaches are described in detail. The net efficiency of the oxy-fuel combustion power cycle in relationship to the carbon dioxide turbine exhaust pressure is shown. Moreover, the influence of the regenerator scheme and modeling parameters on heat performance is obtained. Particularly, it was found that the transition to a scheme with five two-threaded heat exchangers decrease cycle efficiency by 4.2% compare to a scheme with a multi-stream regenerator.

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Vladimir Kindra
Andrey Rogalev
Olga Vladimirovna Zlyvko
Alexey Zonov
Matvey Smirnov
Ilya Kaplanovich
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Drilled displacement columns, constructed in the form of unreinforced or reinforced concrete elements, are currently a very commonly used method of improving soft subsoil, creating an alternative to more expensive pile foundations. A frequently used solution for improving soft soils of road or railway embankments is to design a regular pattern of columns of relatively small diameter. Columns along the perimeter of the improved area are reinforced with rigid steel profiles, while the internal ones are made as concrete elements. Column heads are usually covered with a load transfer platform (layer of compacted granular fill) which is additionally reinforced with geosynthetics.
The application of soil improvement with displacement columns is not always successful. It is due to the errors and shortcomings occurring at the design stage, including simplifications in modelling, to construction faults, which may include insufficient experience of contractors and/or improper supervision.
Referring to the real object that failed, the article provides the results of numerical parametric analyses taking into account the influence of the key design parameters such as: the stiffness of the load transfer layers, the amount and stiffness of the geosynthetic reinforcement as well as the column spacing. The article presents comparisons of numerical results obtained with the finite element analyses for various approaches to geometry modelling (axisymmetric, 2D and 3D). The simulations indicate that the use of the axisymmetric model of a single column in routine design may lead to the deformations exceeding the serviceability limit states.
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Waldemar Szajna
Liudmyla Bondareva
Bartosz Szatanik

  1. University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Civil Engineering, Prof. Zygmunta Szafrana 1 Street, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland and TPA – Technical Research Institute, Parzniewska 8 Street, 05-800 Pruszków, Poland
  2. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31 Povitroflotski avenue, 03037, Kyiv, Ukraine and TPA – Technical Research Institute, Parzniewska 8 Street, 05-800 Pruszków, Poland
  3. TPA – Technical Research Institute, Parzniewska 8 Street, 05-800 Pruszków, Poland and MSc., Eng., TPA – Technical Research Institute, Parzniewska 8 Street, 05-800 Pruszków, Poland
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We demonstrate MW-level, single resonance optical parametric oscillator, based on KTP Type-II crystal with noncritical phase-matching. The OPO is pumped by electro-optically Q-switched Nd:YAG slab laser providing 55 mJ of pulse energy. At the output, we achieved 28 mJ of signal pulse energy at 1.57 μm with 51% conversion efficiency, corresponding to 1.4 MW of peak power.

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M. Kaskow
L. Gorajek
W. Zendzian
J. Jabczynski
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Many millions of people around the world engage in science, so tools are necessary to support decisions about the directions of funding streams. In many countries bibliometric indicators are used for this purpose, which have become a practical "currency", enabling a simple and convenient valuation of a scientist or a scientific institution. Poland has a complicated system for evaluating, with weaknesses galore. Particular reservations concern the ranking list of scientific journals, which has been arbitrarily changed in 2021–2023 towards promoting domestic periodicals that do not stand international competition. Since December 2023 awareness of the cardinal weaknesses of the existing system of evaluating scientists has become widespread. A quick emergency solution was implemented to enable evaluation for the period 2022–2025 (as a result of mid-game rule modifications). However, rethinking of the future evaluation system is necessary. The author presents a roster of ideas related to the evaluation system and objective journal ranking (via bibliometric indices) in particular. A systematic measure reducing the probability of pathological development is badly needed.
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Zbigniew Kundzewicz

  1. Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Inżynierii Mechanicznej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
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According to a widespread view, reviews in science are an instrument for the selection of ideas and people. The article analyzes the gatekeeping role of habilitation proceedings in Polish sociology, taking into account three main areas: (1) the power held in the field of sociology by individual and institutional selectors, (2) statistics on the results of selection, and (3) the fate of academics rejected in the gatekeeping process. It has been found that (1) in Polish sociology there are leading institutions that play the largest role in awarding habilitation degrees, but unlike in other disciplines, there is no phenomenon of domination in the field of review by specific scholars. (2) In the proceedings from 2013–2019, 12.5% of the proceedings ended with a refusal to grant the degree. In the set, no proceedings with a controversial outcome were found (e.g., conferring a degree with a preponderance of negative reviews or vice versa). In the examination of the review results, no trend of systematic gender discrimination was found. (3) 32% of those who were denied a degree left the scientific community, while 63% are still working at the same university as before the denial.
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Łukasz Remisiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Socjologii
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In this paper an application of the Serret–Frenet parametrization of a curve to the path following task is presented. This curvilinear parametrization method is used to obtain a control object description relative to the desired curve defined in the three-dimensional space. In order to derive proper equations, the innovative approach of the non-orthogonal projection of a control object on the given path is investigated. The non-orthogonal projection allows to design a global control algorithm. The proposed solution results in a cascade structure of the control system. Thus, the backstepping integrator algorithm was applied to create a control law. Due to the partial knowledge of control object dynamic parameters, an adaptive algorithm is taken into account. Theoretical considerations are confirmed with simulation study. Conducted simulations illustrated following paths at different levels of complexity by a holonomic non-redundant manipulator with a fixed base.
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Alicja Mazur
Filip Dyba

  1. Department of Cybernetics and Robotics, Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Janiszewskiego Street 11/17, Wrocław 50-372, Poland
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This paper proposes a design procedure for observer-based controllers of discrete-time switched systems, in the presence of state’s time-delay, nonlinear terms, arbitrary switching signals, and affine parametric uncertainties. The proposed switched observer and the state- feedback controller are designed simultaneously using a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The stability analysis is performed based on an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional with one switched expression, and in the meantime, the sufficient conditions for observer-based stabilization are developed. These conditions are formulated in the form of a feasibility test of a proposed bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) which is a non-convex problem. To make the problem easy to solve, the BMI is transformed into a set of LMIs using the singular value decomposition of output matrices. An important advantage of the proposed method is that the established sufficient conditions depend only on the upper bound of uncertain parameters. Furthermore, in the proposed method, an admissible upper bound for unknown nonlinear terms of the switched system may be calculated using a simple search algorithm. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed controller and the validity of the theoretical results are illustrated through a simulation example.

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N.A. Baleghi
M.H. Shafiei
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The industrial grinding devices, which work in the high-energetic fluidized bed conditions make it possible to obtain guaranteed particle size distribution of product and decrease of consumption energy. The matrix model for transformation of particle size distribution in the fluidized bed opposed jet mill is presented in the part IV of article. The proposed model contains the mass population balance of particle equation, in which are block matrices: the matrix of circuit M, the matrix of inputs F and the matrix of feed F0. The matrix M contains blocks with the transition matrix P, the classification matrix C, the identity matrix I and the zero matrix 0. The matrix was marked using with discrete forms of the selection and breakage functions, mean while the matrices of classification - using the equation, describing classification of grains in the grinding chamber of mill. In paper was discussed this model in details (part 2.1). The correctness of received form of the selection and breakage functions was confirmed. The method determination of the transition matrix for fluidized-jet grinding of grains (part 2.2) and the classification matrix for gravitational and centrifugal zones of grains (part 2.3) are presented. The verification of model obtained on basis results with experimental investigations, which were performed on a laboratory fluidized bed opposed jet mill. The experiment contained grinding of selected narrow size fractions of limestone in turbulent fluidized layer conditions, what in part I and part II of article (Zbroński, Górecka-Zbrońska 2007a, b) are presented. The parameters of parametric identification were: factor of proportionality - contained in the equation on the discrete form of selection function and sizes of limiting grains - contained in equation on the diagonal elements of classification matrix for stage of gravitational and centrifugal (part 3). The classic Fisher-Snedecor test was applied for estimation of prediction particle size distribution of grinding product (part 4). The significant divergences between numerical and experimental results of particle size distribution weren't affirmed. The experimental verification, parametric identification and statistical estimation of the proposed model showed that this model make it possible to forecasting particle size distribution of grinding product.

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Daniel Zbroński
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The article discusses the issues of accounting the direction pattern of parametric antenna array the propagation of sound over the Earth’s surface. As a radiator, a parametric antenna array is used. A description is given of measuring equipment and experimental research methods. The Delaney-Bezley model was used as a model of the Earth’s surface impedance. The research results showed the importance of accounting the direction pattern of parametric antenna array in predicting the sound pressure level of a propagating acoustic signal over the Earth’s surface. On the example of a difference signal with a frequency of 2 kHz, the calculation of the sound pressure level on a 100-meter path with the influence of the Earth’s surface is shown. The results obtained showed a good agreement between the theoretical calculation and experimental data.

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Denis S. Rakov
Aleksandr S. Rakov
Yury A. Chursin
Vsevolod V. Pavlichev
Artyom O. Igumnov
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A navigation complex of an unmanned flight vehicle of small class is considered. Increasing the accuracy of navigation definitions is done with the help of a nonlinear Kalman filter in the implementation of the algorithm on board an aircraft in the face of severe limitations on the performance of the special calculator. The accuracy of the assessment depends on the available reliable information on the model of the process under study, which has a high degree of uncertainty. To carry out high-precision correction of the navigation complex, an adaptive non-linear Kalman filter with parametric identification was developed. The model of errors of the inertial navigation system is considered in the navigation complex, which is used in the algorithmic support. The procedure for identifying the parameters of a non-linear model represented by the SDC method in a scalar form is used. The developed adaptive non-linear Kalman filter is compact and easy to implement on board an aircraft.

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Maria S. Selezneva
Konstantin A. Neusypin
Andrey V. Proletarsky
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The paper considers parametric optimization problems for the steel bar structures formulated as nonlinear programming ones with variable unknown cross-sectional sizes of the structural members, as well as initial prestressing forces introduced into the specified redundant members of the structure. The system of constraints covers load-bearing capacity constraints for all the design sections of the structural members subjected to all the design load combinations at ultimate limit state, as well as displacement constraints for the specified nodes of the bar system, subjected to all design load combinations at serviceability limit state. The method of the objective function gradient projection onto the active constraints surface with simultaneous correction of the constraints violations has been used to solve the parametric optimization problem. A numerical technique to determine the optimal number of the redundant members to introduce the initial prestressing forces has been offered for high-order statically indeterminate bar structures. It reduces the dimension for the design variable vector of unknown initial prestressing forces for considered optimization problems.

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Vitalina Yurchenko
Ivan Peleshko
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The aim of the study was to develop a practical approach to parametric shaping of spatial steel rod structures formed based on a hyperbolic paraboloid. This design approach was realized by application of designing tools working in environment of Rhinoceros 3D, that is its plug-in Grasshopper for geometric modelling and Karamba 3D for structural analysis. The goal of this research was to elaborate an universal scripts in order to create rod structures‘ models of various forms and grid patterns, as well as evaluating their structural behaviour dependently on various boundary conditions. The optimisation criterion was the minimum mass and deflection. Several proposals of coverings by means of single layer grid structures were presented and analysed to choose the best solution. The rod structures generated based on a hyperbolic paraboloid turned out to be structures with good static properties, so may be an interesting proposals to cover large areas.

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J. Dzwierzynska
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To investigate the performance of an irreversible direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell, the direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell based on oxygen ion conductivity was modeled using finite time thermodynamic theory. First, mathematical expressions for the output power, output efficiency, ecological objective function and ecological coefficient of performance of the direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell were derived. Further, the effects of parameters such as operating tempera-ture, operating pressure, fuel utilization, and electrolyte thickness on the performance of direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell were numerically investigated. The results show that as the operating temperature of direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell increases, the performance of direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell including output power, output effi-ciency, ecological objective function and ecological coefficient of performance will be improved. Under certain conditions, increasing fuel utilization can improve output power, output efficiency and ecological performance. Increasing the elec-trolyte thickness will decrease the finite time thermodynamic performance of direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell. Moreover, the microstructure of the electrode also affects the performance of direct ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cell, and the ecological objective function is increased by 16.9% when the electrode porosity is increased from 0.4 to 0.8.
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Hanlin Song
Zhanghao Lu
Zheshu Ma
Xinjia Guo
Qilin Guo

  1. College of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, 210037, China
  2. School of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, Jinken College of Technology, Nanjing, 211156, China
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The implementation of a sustainable development concept that involves an improvement of resource use efficiency, whilst maximizing the utilization of locally available biomass resources, has contributed to an increased interest in the combined heat and power systems based on externally fired gas turbines. Since the high-temperature gas/gas heat exchangers intended to heat the turbine inlet air are the key components of such systems, intensified research on exchangers of this type has been observed over the last decade. This work presents the in-house calculation code developed to analyze the heat transfer between the hot-side and cold-side streams in the small-scale red-hot air furnace of a unique design. The performed calculations, based on the assumed thermal and flow operation parameters and technical specifications, allowed to determine the required heat exchange surface area of the furnace to achieve the target outlet conditions. The calculation code allows for determining the geometry of a furnace, including its overall dimensions, number of tubes, and their bent sections in the heat exchange parts. The study of the laboratory-scale furnace performance has demonstrated its good agreement with the simulation results, thereby proving the code a reliable tool in designing.
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Sylwia Polesek-Karczewska
Dariusz Kardaś
Izabela Wardach-Święcicka

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdańsk, Poland
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The paper deals with the digital architecture concept which is trying to introduce a new spatial language into the con-text of water urbanism, using nature as a model, measure and mentor. The first part analyses Biomimetics with its design strategies and methods. The Problem-Based Approach (designers look to nature for solutions) and the Solution-Based Ap-proach (biological knowledge influences human design) are defined here. In the second part of the research, the authors present selected examples to the topic. This case study has demonstrated that a new approach to architectural design is emerging. This approach redefines the process of architectural design, understood not as the traditional shaping of the ob-ject's form, but as a compilation of various factors resulting from changeable climate characteristics and ecology. The con-clusions emphasize that not only the contemporary understanding of ecology should be changed, but also the way architects approach the built environment, especially in the aquatic environment.

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Krystyna Januszkiewicz
Jakub I. Gołębiewski
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Nowadays, an orthomap destined for different purposes can be created from High Resolution Satellite (HRS) images using IKONOS, QuickBird and other satellite imageries having Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) lower than I m. The orthomap is one of the main sources for establishing GIS. Accuracy of the orthomap depends first of all on the parameters of Ground Control Points (GCPs) (the forms, number, accuracy and their distribution). In order to reduce the cost and number of GCP field measurements, the block of HRS images has been proposed. The accuracies of determined points in the block of HRS images are affected by the mathematical model used to build a block. The paper presents a general algorithm of bundle block adjustment model of HRS images using Keplerian parameters. In order to overcome strong correlation among exterior orientation elements of HRS images that causes the normal equation ill-conditioned, the ridge-stein estimator and orbital addition constraints have been proposed.
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Luong Chinh Ke

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