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A study was undertaken to investigate the effects of crumb rubber on the strength and mechanical behaviour of Rubberized cement soil (RCS). In the present investigation, 26 groups of soil samples were prepared at five different percentages of crumb rubber content, four different percentages of cement content and two different finenesses of crumb rubber particle. Compressive strength tests were carried out at the curing age of 7 days, 14 days, 28 days and 90 days. The test results indicated that the inclusion of crumb rubber within cement soil leads to a decrease in the compressive strength and stiffness and improves the cement soil’s brittle behaviour to a more ductile one. A reduction of up to 31% in the compressive strength happened in the 20% crumb content group. The compressive strength increases with the increase in the cement content. And the enlargement of cement content is more efficient at low cement content.

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F.C. Wang
W. Song
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The paper presents results of compressive strength investigations of EN AC-44200 based aluminum alloy composite materials reinforced

with aluminum oxide particles at ambient and at temperatures of 100, 200 and 250C. They were manufactured by squeeze casting of the

porous preforms made of α-Al2O3 particles with liquid aluminum alloy EN AC-44200. The composite materials were reinforced with

preforms characterized by the porosities of 90, 80, 70 and 60 vol. %, thus the alumina content in the composite materials was 10, 20, 30

and 40 vol.%. The results of the compressive strength of manufactured materials were presented and basing on the microscopic

observations the effect of the volume content of strengthening alumina particles on the cracking mechanisms during compression at

indicated temperatures were shown and discussed. The highest compressive strength of 470 MPa at ambient temperature showed

composite materials strengthened with 40 vol.% of α-Al2O3 particles.

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A. Kurzawa
J.W. Kaczmar
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Light-weight Self-Compacting Concrete (LWSCC) might be the answer to the increasing construction requirements of slenderer and more heavily reinforced structural elements. However there are limited studies to prove its ability in real construction projects. In conjunction with the traditional methods, artificial intelligent based modeling methods have been applied to simulate the non-linear and complex behavior of concrete in the recent years. Twenty one laboratory experimental investigations on the mechanical properties of LWSCC; published in recent 12 years have been analyzed in this study. The collected information is used to investigate the relationship between compressive strength, elasticity modulus and splitting tensile strength in LWSCC. Analytically proposed model in ANFIS is verified by multi factor linear regression analysis. Comparing the estimated results, ANFIS analysis gives more compatible results and is preferred to estimate the properties of LWSCC.

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B. Vakhshouri
S. Nejadi
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Plastic obtained from the discarded computers, televisions, refrigerators, and other electronic devices is termed as e-plastic waste. E-plastic waste is non-biodegradable waste. This paper focuses to investigate the replacement of fine aggregate with plastic aggregate obtained from e-plastic. The paper presents a detailed comparison of concrete properties (i.e.: compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, density and workability) for normal concrete and concrete containing e-plastic fine aggregates. The testing was conducted according to the ASTM standards. 28-day Compressive, Flexural and Split tensile strengths were determined. In addition to the effect of e-plastic fine aggregate, silica fume is added as an admixture to find the effect on strengths. Authors have performed a compressive, flexural and tensile test of concrete mix with various percentages of e-plastic aggregates (i.e., 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) and silica fume (i.e.: 0, 5 and 10%) and concrete densities are also considered. It has been concluded that an increase in the e-plastic fine aggregate results in reduction in densities, compressive, flexural and tensile strength values. However, when we add silica fume to the concrete mixture it leads to strength values similar to the control mixture. The optimum obtained concrete blend contained 5% e-plastic fine aggregates and 10% silica fume. The addition of silica fume in concrete mixtures increases the 28-day compressive, flexural and tensile strengths. Moreover, the density of concrete decreases with the increase in the e-plastic aggregates.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adil Farooq
Muneeb Abid Malik
Tauqeer Tariq
Mamoon Riaz
Waqas Haroon
Awais Malik
Mujeeb Ur Rehman
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The study investigates the effect of Portland cement and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) added in changed proportions as stabilising agents on soil parameters: uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), Proctor compactness and permeability. The material included dredged clayey silts collected from the coasts of Timrå, Östrand. Soil samples were treated by different ratio of the stabilising agents and water and tested for properties. Study aimed at estimating variations of permeability, UCS and compaction of soil by changed ratio of binders. Permeability tests were performed on soil with varied stabilising agents in ratio H WL B (high water / low binder) with ratio 70/30%, 50/50%, and 30/70%. The highest level of permeability was achieved by ratio 70/30% of cement/slag, while the lowest - by 30/70%. Proctor compaction was assessed on a mixture of ash and green liquor sludge, to determine optimal moisture content for the most dense soil. The maximal dry density at 1.12 g/cm 3 was obtained by 38.75% of water in a binder. Shear strength and P-wave velocity were measured using ISO/TS17892-7 and visualised as a function of UCS. The results showed varying permeability and UCS of soil stabilised by changed ratio of CEM II/GGBS.
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Authors and Affiliations

Per Lindh
1 2
Polina Lemenkova

  1. Swedish Transport Administration, Malmö, Sweden
  2. Lund University (Lunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Building Materials, Lund, Sweden
  3. Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), École polytechnique de Bruxelles (Brussels Faculty of Engineering), Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis, Brussels, Belgium
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The aim of the paper was to analyse the possibility to use waste material which is created during the production of mineral-asphalt mixes as a side effect of the process of drying and dedusting diabase aggregate in high temperature. Experimental studies included the analysis of the influence of the addition of diabase dust on the improvement of the properties of cement concrete destined for the construction of local roads. The mineral additive in the form of diabase dust, which constitutes natural waste, was inserted into the concrete mix as a mineral additive substituting a part of the aggregate with the constant amount of cement and water, and additionally as the substitute for cement. The performed studies resulted in the conclusion that adding diabase dust significantly increased the tightness and density of concrete, which impacts the increase of compressive strength by 7, 21 and 28% in reference to model concrete. The insertion of the waste diabase dust into the concrete mix significantly improved the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete after 150 cycles of testing and reduced the water absorption by 6, 15 and 21%. Using diabase dust as a substitute in the following amount: 50, 100 and 150 kg/m3 did not cause significant changes in the scope of density and water absorption, whereas the reduction of the compressive strength was from 8, 23 and 33% in reference to the model concrete. The application of dust as the substitute for cement resulted in the reduction of the costs of concrete by 6, 12 and 18% and resulted in the possibility to fully apply waste material, which confirms the justness of undertaking implementation research. Concrete with the use of waste rock dusts may be qualified as concrete that is environmentally friendly and compliant with the sustainable development of modern construction materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Rudnicki
Robert Jurczak

  1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Military University of Technology in Warsaw, ul. Gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 01-476 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, al. Piastów 50a, 70-311 Szczecin, Poland
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The subject of the research was the Middle Miocene red algal limestone from the Włochy deposit, which is currently the only place of exploitation of the Pińczów Limestone representing a local type of the Leitha Limestone. The collected samples of this rock belong to the organodetric facies of diverse grain size and sorting of clastic material. Considering the proportions of characteristic skeleton remains, the composition of the coarse-grained organodetric facies is red algal-foraminiferalbryozoic, while of the fine-grained facies is foraminiferal-red algal. The cement of these rocks is predominantly sparite compared to micrite-clay matrix. A complement to petrographic studies was the chemical analysis and identification of mineral phases with X-ray diffraction. Moreover, physical and mechanical properties of samples were analyzed. Porosity of the rock was assessed in the polarizing and scanning microscope (SEM-EDS) observations, as well as with a porosimetric tests. The coarse-detrital limestone with a dominant binder in the form of intergranular cement is characterized by the apparent density sometimes exceeded 1.90 Mg/m3, while fine-grained limestone has the highest water absorbability (above 20%) and total porosity (about 40%). The above properties influenced high water absorption by capillarity, limiting the possibility of using limestone in places exposed to moisture. The observed relationship between the ultrasonic waves velocity and the uniaxial compressive strength gives the possibility of predicting the value of the latter parameter in the future. The limestones from Włochy deposit do not differ in quality from the previously used Pińczów Limestones, and their technical parameters predestine them for use as cladding material with insulating properties.

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Beata Figarska-Warchoł
Grażyna Stańczak
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Casting is the most widely used manufacturing technique. Furan No-bake mould system is very widely accepted in competitive foundry

industries due to its excellent characteristics of producing heavy and extremely difficult castings. These castings have excellent surface

finish and high dimensional stability. Self setting and high dimensional stability are the key characteristics of FNB mould system which

leads to reduce production cycle time for foundry industries which will ultimately save machining cost, labour cost and energy.

Compressive strength is the main aspect of furan no bake mould, which can be improved by analyzing the effect of various parameters on

it. ANN is a useful technique for determining the relation of various parameters like Grain Fineness Number, Loss on Ignition, pH, % resin

and temperature of sand with compressive strength of the FNB mould. Matlab version: R2015a version 8.3 software with ANN tool box

can be used to gain output of relation. This paper deals with the representation of relationship of various parameters affecting on the

compressive strength of FNB mould

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S.G. Acharya
J.A. Vadher
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This paper presents the details of optimized mix design for normal strength and high performance concrete using particle packing method. A critical review of mix design methods have been carried out for normal strength concrete using American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) methods highlighting the similarities and differences towards attaining a particular design compressive strength. Mix design for M30 and M40 grades of concrete have been carried out using ACI, BIS and particle packing methods. Optimization of concrete mix has been carried out by means of particle packing method using EMMA software, which employs modified Anderson curve to adjust the main proportions. Compressive strength is evaluated for the adjusted proportions and it is observed that the mixes designed by particle packing method estimates compressive strength closer to design compressive strength. Further, particle packing method has been employed to optimize the ingredients of high performance concrete and experiments have been carried out to check the design adequacy of the desired concrete compressive strength.

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S. Gopinath
A. Ramachandra Murthy
D. Ramya
Nagesh R. Iyer
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Nano technology is an emerging field of interest for civil engineering application. Among the nano materials presently used in concrete, nano-silica possess more pozzolanic nature. It has the capability to react with the free lime during the cement hydration and forms additional C-S-H gel giving strength, impermeability and durability to concrete. Present paper investigates the effects of addition of nano silica in normal strength concrete. Three types of nano-silica in the form of nano suspension having different amount of silica content have been investigated. Mix design has been carried out by using particle packing method. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis has been carried out to find the chemical composition of control concrete and nano modified concrete. Further, experimental investigations have been carried out to characterize the mechanical behaviour in compression, tension and flexure. It has been observed that the addition of nano-silica in normal strength concrete increased the compressive strength and decreased the spilt tensile strength and flexural strength. Also, Rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) has been conducted to know the chloride permeability of control concrete, nano modified concrete, and nano coated concrete. It has been observed that the chloride permeability is less for nano coated concrete.

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S. Gopinath
P.Ch. Mouli
A.R. Murthy
N.R. Iyer
S. Maheswaran
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Synthetic polymer latexes, such as styrene–butadiene rubber (SBR) latex addition in Portland cement has gained wider acceptance in many applications in the construction industry. Polymer-modified cementitious systems seals the pores and micro cracks developed during hardening of the cement matrix, by dispersing a film of polymer phase throughout the concrete. A comprehensive set of experimental test were conducted for studying the compressive properties of SBR latex polymer with crimped polypropylene fibres at relative volume fractions of 0.1 and 0.3%. The results indicated that the addition of polypropylene fibre has little effect on the reduction in the workability of concrete composite containing fly ash and SBR Latex. Increase in polypropylene fibres upto 0.3% Vf showed increase in compressive strength upto 57.5 MPa. The SBR concrete without fibre showed an increase in strength upto 20% compared to plain concrete. Test results also indicated that the compressive strength was increased in SBR fibre concrete by means of an ordinary dry curing process than wet curing because of their excellent water retention due to polymer film formation around the cement grains. On the contrary the compressive strength reduces for SBR fibre concretes under wet curing compared to dry curing.

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S. Thirumurugan
A. Sivakumar
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In this research project, the measurements of the ultrasonic P- and S-waves and seismic cone penetration testing (CPT) were applied to identify subsurface conditions and properties of clayey soil stabilized with lime/cement columns in the Stockholm Norvik Port, Sweden. Applied geophysical methods enabled to identify a connection between the resistance of soil and strength in the stabilized columns. The records of the seismic tests were obtained in the laboratory of Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) through estimated P- and S-wave velocities using techniques of resonance frequency measurement of the stabilized specimens. The CPT profiles were used to evaluate the quality of the lime/cement columns of the reinforced soil by the interpretation of signals. The relationship between the P- and S-waves demonstrated a gain in strength during soil hardening. The quality of soil was evaluated by seismic measurements with aim to achieve sufficient strength of foundations prior to the construction of the infrastructure objects and industrial works. Seismic CPT is an effective method essential to evaluate the correct placement of the CPT inside the column. This work demonstrated the alternative seismic methods supporting the up-hole technology of drilling techniques for practical purpose in civil engineering and geotechnical works.
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Authors and Affiliations

Per Lindh
1 2
Polina Lemenkova

  1. Department of Investments, Technology and Environment, Swedish Transport Administration, Malmö, Sweden
  2. Faculty of Engineering, Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Building Materials, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  3. École Polytechnique de Bruxelles, Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis (LISA), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium
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Evaluating soil strength by geophysical methods using P-waves was undertaken in this study to assess the effects of changed binder ratios on stabilization and compression characteristics. The materials included dredged sediments collected in the seabed of Timrå region, north Sweden. The Portland cement (Basement CEM II/A-V, SS EN 197-1) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) were used as stabilizers. The experiments were performed on behalf of the Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) Biorefinery Östrand AB pulp mill. Quantity of binder included 150, 120 and 100 kg. The properties of soil were evaluated after 28, 42, 43, 70, 71 and 85 days of curing using applied geophysical methods of measuring the travel time of primary wave propagation. The P-waves were determined to evaluate the strength of stabilized soils. The results demonstrated variation of P-waves velocity depending on stabilizing agent and curing time in various ratios: Low water/High binder (LW/HB), High water/Low binder (HW/LB) and percentage of agents (CEM II/A-V/GGBFS) as 30%/70%, 50%/50% and 70%/30%. The compression characteristics of soils were assessed using uniaxial compressive strength (UCS). The P-wave velocities were higher for samples stabilized with LW/HB compared to those with HW/LB. The primary wave propagation increased over curing time for all stabilized mixes along with the increased UCS, which proves a tight correlation with the increased strength of soil solidified by the agents. Increased water ratio gives a lower strength by maintained amount of binder and vice versa.

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Authors and Affiliations

Per Lindh
1 2
Polina Lemenkova

  1. Swedish Transport Administration, Gibraltargatan 7, Malmö, Sweden
  2. Lund University, Division of Building Materials, Box 118, SE- 221-00, Lund, Sweden
  3. Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), École polytechnique de Bruxelles (Brussels Faculty of Engineering), Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis (LISA). Campus de Solbosch - CP 165/57, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
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A statistical approach was conducted to investigate effect of independent factors of the mixing time compactability and bentonite percentage on dependent variables of permeability, compression and tensile strength of sand mould properties. Using statistical method save time in estimating the dependent variables that affect the moulding properties of green sand and the optimal levels of each factor that produce the desired results.
The results yielded indicate that there are variations in the effects of these factors and their interactions on different properties of green sand. The outcomes obtained a range of permeability values, with the highest and lowest numbers being 125 and 84. The sand exhibited high values of tensile and compressive strength measuring at 0.33N/cm2 and 17.67N/cm2. Conversely it demonstrated low levels of tensile and compressive strength reaching 0.14N/cm2 and 9.32N/cm2.
These results suggest that the moulding factors and their interactions have an important role in determining properties of the green sand. ANOVA was used to assess effect of various factors on different properties of the green sand. The results obtained suggest that compactability factor play a significant effect on permeability, the mixing time or bentonite factor has a significant effect on the compressive strength and mixing time or compactability factor has a significant impact on the tensile strength with a significance level lower than 5%. It is found that neither the mixing time nor the amount of bentonite used in the green sand mix has a significant impact on its permeability. Compactability of the green sand does not has a significant effect on the compressive strength. Bentonite used in green sand mix does not have a significant impact on its tensile strength.
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Dheya Abdulamer

  1. University of Technology, Iraq
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Authors and Affiliations

Jljun Lu
Zhuofan Zhong
Hu Yongluan
Di Wu
Huafang Wang

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, China
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Current work attempts to fabricate aluminium alloy AA2219 metal matrix composite (AMC) reinforced with natural bio-based sea shell powder (SSP) which is a ceramic material, in view of improving the mechanical and tribological properties. SSP was characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) to assess its chemical constituents and particle size. Stir casting route was adopted for fabricating AMCs reinforced with 1, 2 and 3 wt. % of SSP. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) was used to analyse the formation of secondary elements during casting and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used analyze the surface morphology of the composite specimen before and after tribological tests. Hardness, Compressive strength and tribological properties were evaluated using appropriate tests and corresponding ASTM standards. Characterization methods revealed that the formation of secondary elements was very low at 3 wt. % of SSP when compared with other compositions. Hardness and compressive strength was found to be maximum for 3 wt. % of SSP while the specific wear rate and coefficient of friction values were found to be lesser for the same composite when compared with the unreinforced alloy and were on par with the AA2219 composites containing synthetic reinforcements.
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Authors and Affiliations

V. Bhuvaneswari
L. Rajeshkumar
R. Saravanakumar
D. Balaji

  1. KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore – 641407, Tamilnadu, India
  2. VSB College of Engineering and Technical Campus, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore – 642109, Tamilnadu, India
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Dramatic population and economic growth result in increasing demand for concrete infrastructure, which leads to an increment of freshwater demand and a reduction of freshwater resources. However, freshwater is a finite resource, which means that freshwater will be used up someday in the future when freshwater demand keeps increasing while freshwater resources are limited. Therefore, replacing freshwater with seawater in concrete blending seems potentially beneficial for maintaining the freshwater resources as well as advantageous alternatives to the construction work near the sea. There have been few experimental research on the effect of blending water salt content on the mechanical and physical characteristics of concrete, particularly high-strength concrete. Therefore, a research study on the influence of salt concentration of blending water on the physical and mechanical properties of high-strength concrete is necessary. This study covered the blending water salinity, which varied from 17.5 g/L to 52.5 g/L and was determined on the physical and mechanical properties, including workability, density, compressive strength, and flexural strength. The test results indicate that the use of sea salt in blending water had a slight negative influence on both the workability and the density of high strength concrete. It also indicates that the use of sea salt in blending water had a positive influence on both the compressive strength and the flexural strength of high-strength concrete in an earlystage.
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Authors and Affiliations

R.A. Razak
1 2
K. Yen Ng
M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah
1 3
Z. Yahya
1 2
R. Mohamed
K. Muthusamy
W.A.W. Jusoh
M. Nabiałek
B. Jeż

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Geopolymer and Green Technology, Center of Excellence (CEGeoGTech), Kangar, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Chemical Engineering Technology Perlis, Malaysia
  4. Malaysia Pahang, Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, Universiti Pahang Malaysia
  5. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Pagoh, Johor, Malaysia
  6. Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Department of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
  7. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Technology and Automation, 19c Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
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In this investigation, the confinement effects of micro synthetic fibers on lightweight foamed concrete (LFC) were examined. The parameters evaluated were porosity, water absorption, shrinkage, compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength. Three densities were cast which were 600 kg/m3, 1100 kg/m3, and 1600 kg/m3. Besides, the number of layers (1 to 3 layers) of micro synthetic fibers was also being examined. Based on the result obtained, the porosity improved by 8.0% to 16.3%, 13.8% to 25.6%, and 9.3% to 24.5% for the LFC with densities of 600 kg/m3, 1100 kg/m3, and 1600 kg/m3 confined with 1 layer, 2 layers, and 3 layers of micro synthetic fibers, respectively. Besides, for the water absorption test, the enhancements were 6.9% to 15.6%, 20.0 to 27.1%, and 12.2 to 29.6% for the respective densities and number of layers of micro synthetic fibers employed, while the drying shrinkage improved by 48.5% to 76.8%, 57.4% to 72.1%, and 43.2 % to 68.2% for the respective densities and number of layers of micro synthetic fibers employed. For the strength properties, a confinement with 3 layers of micro synthetic fibers showed significant results, where enhancements of 153% (600 kg/m3), 97% (1100 kg/m3), and 102% (1600 kg/m3) were obtained for the compression strength; 372% (600 kg/m3), 258% (1100 kg/m3), and 332% (1600 kg/m3) for the bending strength; and 507% (600 kg/m3), 343% (1100 kg/m3), and 332% (1600 kg/m3) for the splitting tensile strength, respectively, compared to the control LFC.
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Authors and Affiliations

Md Azree Othuman Mydin

  1. Civil Engineering, School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia
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In this study, the results of experiment research on building mortars based on dry mixtures with the use of granite dust are given. It also shows the possibilities of their industrial release. In the conditions of energy resources shortage, gradual exhaustion of natural raw materials, aggravation of environmental problems, an important direction in the production of building mixtures is the development of mixes with waste materials from various industries. In particular, granite dust, which simultaneously allows to rationally use natural mineral material and solve environmental problems. Based on the obtained data, experimental and statistical models of physical and mechanical properties of fresh and hardened mortar are constructed and ways of optimizing their compositions and improving the properties of mortars are analyzed. It is established that the use of granite dust and some additives provides high standardized parameters for mortar mixture and bricklaying process, including plasticity, compressive strength and others at the low level of cement consumption. Fresh mortar mixtures have a prolonged slump retention.

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Grzegorz Prokopski
Vitaliy Marchuk
Andriy Huts
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The research focuses on the properties of foam glass, popular insulation material used in various industries and applications, including construction, chemistry and defence, after several years of use under varying load, thermal and humidity conditions. The material used as an insulating sub-base underneath industrial steel tank, which had failed with a threat of leakage of the stored high-temperature medium (200°C), was tested. After macroscopic and material evaluation of the foam glass samples, their compressive strength, water absorption, and behaviour under complex conditions including loading, high temperature, and moisture were examined experimentally. Absorption of water considerably affects reducing the foam glass performance. Investigations show that the foam glass generally does not reach the declared compressive strength. If this surface is additionally heated to high temperature, the foam glass undergoes destruction by chipping or crushing just at stresses several times lower than the limits for this material, and even with no applied load. The test results show that foam glass exposed to simultaneous action of water and high temperature undergoes progressive deterioration, resulting in a decrease in declared parameters and losing its usability. Therefore, effective and durable protection from water is of critical importance to ensure reliability of foam glass exposed to high temperatures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Wierzbicki
Mirosław Siennicki
Marian A. Giżejowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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The strength of recycled aggregate (RA) is low, which makes the performance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) poor, and the addition of fiber can make up for the shortcoming of RAC. In this paper, the mechanical properties of RAC which was added with steel fiber were studied. The specimens with RA content of 0%, 40%, 70% 100% and steel fiber content of 0%, 0.5% and 1% were prepared, and their mechanical properties were tested. The results showed that the slump reduced 73.75% after the addition of 100% RA and 37.5% after the addition of 1% steel fiber compared to R0S0; from the perspective of mechanical properties, the larger the content of steel fiber, the better the mechanical properties of the specimen; the improvement of the tensile strength was the most obvious after the addition of steel fiber. The experimental results show that steel fiber can improve the performance of RAC and make it perform better in practical application.

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Qing Su
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The fracture and fragmentation of concrete under static and dynamic loads are studied. The uniaxial compressive strength test is employed to study the concrete behavior under static loads while the split Hopkinson pressure bar is used to study the dynamic behavior of the concrete under static loads. The theories for acquiring the stress, strain and strain rate of the concrete in the dynamic test by Hopkinson pressure bar has been introduced. The fracture patterns of the concrete in the uniaxial compressive test have been obtained and the static concrete compressive strengths have been calculated. The fracture patterns of the concrete in the uniaxial compressive test have been obtained and the static concrete compressive strengths have been calculated. The fracture and fragmentation of the specimen under dynamic loads have been acquired and the stress-strain curves of concrete under various impact loads are obtained. The stress-strain curve indicates a typical brittle material failure process which includes existing micro-fracture closure stage, linear-elastic stage, nonlinear-elastic stage, and post-failure stages. The influence of the loading rate for the compressive strength of the concrete has compared. Compared with the concrete under static loads, the dynamic loads can produce more fractures and fragments. The concrete strength is influenced by the strain rate and the strength increases almost linearly with the increase of the strain rate.

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Authors and Affiliations

Huaming An
Lei Liu

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