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The preliminary stage of asphalt mixture production involves the drying and dedusting of coarse aggregates. The most common types of coarse aggregates used are limestone and basalt. In the process of drying and dedusting the dryer filter accumulates large quantities of waste in the form of mineral powder.

This paper introduces an investigation into limestone powder waste as a potential microfiller of polymer composites. Physical characteristics such as the granulation the of powder collected from the filter - in terms of the season of its collection and the type of input materials used - were analysed. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used for the investigation described within this paper. The obtained results were compared against those of other materials which can be used as polymer composites microfillers.

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M. Kępniak
P. Woyciechowski
W. Franus
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An understanding of the fundamental correlation between grain size and material damping is crucial for the successful development of structural components offering high strength and good mechanical energy absorption. With this regard, we fabricated aluminum sheets with grain sizes ranging from tens of microns down to 60 nm and investigated their tensile properties and mechanical damping behavior. An obvious transition of the damping mechanism was observed at nanoscale grain sizes, and the underlying causes by grain boundaries were interpreted.

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Haneul Jang
Kwangmin Choi
Jaehyuck Shin
Donghyun Bae
Hyunjoo Choi
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In this study, we present a new method for obtaining the parameters of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation for dynamic recrystallization grain size. The method consists of finite-element analysis and optimization techniques. An optimization tool iteratively minimizes the error between experimental values and corresponding finite-element solutions. Isothermal backward extrusion of the AA6060 aluminum alloy was used to acquire the main parameters of the equation for predicting DRX grain size. We compared grain sizes predicted using optimized and reference parameters with experimental values from the literature and found better agreement when the optimized parameters were applied.

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Missam Irani
Mansoo Joun
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The efficient, stable and reliable operation of the blast furnace secures the proper quality of coke, which is one of the basic components of the blast furnace charge. In modern blast-furnace technology, when using substitute fuels, i.e. coal dust, the role of coke is extremely important. For this reason, the demands placed on its quality increase. Domestic coking plants have a limited base of Polish high quality coking coals at their disposal, therefore the full use of their coking properties is extremely important. The grain composition of the coal blend is one of the basic factors affecting the quality of the produced coke. This influence depends on the quantity and quality of coal components that make up the blend. In the conducted research, 21 coking coals, differing significantly in the degree of rank and origin (Polish and overseas coals), it was shown that the separated grain classes differ in properties, both coking properties and the degree of devolatalization during heating. In analyzing the obtained results, it was observed that the grain volume growth occurs essentially in the temperature range between the beginning and the maximum of fluidity. It has been shown that there is a linear correlation between the temperature corresponding to maximum fluidity and the temperature at which the maximum rate of evolution of volatiles enters. The presented phenomena accompany the emergence of coal expansion pressure during the coking process and they are its primary causes. The presented results can be an important guide for preparing the milling of coal for the coking process.

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Bartosz Mertas
Marek Ściążko
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The investigation results of the reclamation of spent moulding sands with furfuryl resin are presented in this paper. The reclamation

process was performed in the secondary reclamation chamber of the REGMAS 1.5 vibratory reclaimer. 70 kg portions of moulding sands,

previously subjected to the primary reclamation and dedusting, were used. The secondary reclamation was performed in two stages: the

first consisted of determining the reclaimer intensity at various reclamation times (5 min, 10 min and 15 min) and various electrovibrator

frequencies (40 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz), the second consisted of determining the influence of additional crushing elements on the intensity

of processes.

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R. Dańko
M. Skrzyński
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Repeated austenitisation and furnace cooling of homogenised 0.16 wt. % carbon steels result in ferrite grain sizes between 27 μm and 24 μm. Similarly, repeated austenitisation and normal-air cooling produces ferrite grain sizes between 17 μm and 12 μm; while repeated austenitisation and forced-air cooling produces a minimum grain size of 9.5 μm. Furnace cooling decomposes the austenite eutectoidally to lamellar pearlite; while normal-air cooling and forced-air cooling after austenitisation cause degeneration of pearlite regions producing grain boundary network as well as cluster of cementite and other carbides. Forced-air cooled samples provide the highest YS (364 MPa) and UTS (520 MPa); while furnace cooling provides the lowest (290 MPa and 464 MPa) leaving the normal-air cool performance in between. Hardness values depict the role of individual ferrite and pearlite content and the extent of pearlite degeneration occurring after each cyclic treatment.

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A.R. Subhani
D.K. Mondal
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The paper presents results of aluminium concentration determination in the samples of surface water and bottom sediments of the Mala Wełna River (West Poland). In the surface water the concentration of aluminium varies in the range from 4.14 to 25.9 ug/dm'. With use of the Mineql+ program the concentration of the aluminium sulphate complexes in the water samples studied has been determined in a model way. In the bottom sediments samples of the river aluminium has been determined in the granulometrie fractions of the grain sizes> 2.0; 2.0-1.0; 1.0-0.5; 0.5-0.25; 0.25-0.1; 0.1-0.063; < 0.063 mm, using the sequential extraction scheme proposed by Tessier el al. The lowest concentration of aluminium has been found in the granulometrie fraction 0.5-0.25 mm, while the highest in the fractions 0.1-0.063 and< 0.063 mm. An elevated concentration of aluminium has been also noted in the fraction> 2.0 mm. Taking into regard the chemical fractions the lowest concentration of aluminium has been found in the exchange fraction and the fraction bounded to carbonates (fractions I and li), whereas the highest concentration of aluminium has been determined in the lithogenic fraction (fraction V). The methods of sample preparation for analysis of aluminium in bottom sediments were compared. Il was observed that higher concentration of aluminium was present in grounded samples without its influence on grain size fractions. The concentration of aluminium in surface water samples has been determined by the GF-AAS, while in bottom sediments by F-AAS.
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Marcin Frankowski
Anetta Zioła-Frankowska
Jerzy Siepak
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Foundry sand is the main element of sand mixtures from which molds or sand cores are made. Due to the continuous development of coremaking technologies, the selection of the right type of base sand becomes more and more important. The major features of foundry sand are determined by the following factors: chemical and mineralogical composition, sand grain size, grain size distribution, sand grain shape, and surface quality. The main goal of our research was to develop a qualification method that can be used to predict the characteristics of sand cores made from different sand types. Samples made from different types of foundry sand were used during the research whose properties were examined with a new qualification system, and then its connection with the gas permeability of sand cores was analyzed. Based on the research results, a strong correlation could be established between the suggested quality indicators: CQi (Core Quality Index), CG (Coefficient of Granulometry), and permeability.
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Authors and Affiliations

H. Hudák
G. Gyarmati
L. Varga

  1. Institute of Foundry, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Miskolc, Hungary
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Article deals with a fractional and chemical composition of sediments from the sediment reservoir in Ilyash village, Ferghana region, Uzbekistan (Syr Darya river basin) and analyses their feasibility. As a key factor in the study of this process was considered the fractional and agrochemical composition of sediments moving with water in the sediment reservoir, and the change of their share in the water along the length of the reservoir. The main composition of the sediments in reservoir consists of fractions >0.25 and 0.25–0.01 mm, with the average fraction of 69% in the inlet and 60% in the outlet. The river sediments are rich in minerals important for the irrigated cropland. Based on the results we conclude that it is possible to regulate the number of chemical compounds in the water by controlling the exploitation regime of reservoir and the sedimentation process in it.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tatiana Kaletova
1 2
Aybek Arifjanov
Luqmon Samiev
Farrukh Babajanov

  1. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic
  2. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan
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In this study, the effects of grain refinement and production methods on the corrosion, corrosive wear and mechanical properties of the as-cast and as-rolled Mg-2 wt.% Zn (ZM20) and Mg-2 wt.% Zn-0,51 wt.% Mn (ZM21) alloys were examined by using OM, XRD, SEM, hardness and uniaxial tensile test. Additionally, the potentiodynamic polarization, immersion corrosion test and corrosive wear properties of the ZM20 and ZM21 alloys were compared. According to the XRD results, MgZn and MgZn2 phases were found in the alloys and also MnZn3 phase occurred in the ZM21 alloy with the addition of manganese. Both during solidification forming nucleation points with the added manganese and during rolling the broken secondary phase particles distributed into the matrix prevented grain growth and led to the formation of a more refined structure. The tensile test results showed that the strength of the as-cast ZM21 alloys were better than that of the as-cast ZM20 alloys and further improvement in mechanical properties occurred with the rolling of the both alloys. The most superior hardness was found in the as-rolled ZM21 alloy. In the total 400-m reciprocal corrosive wear test in the 3.5% NaCl solution, the lowest mass loss was in the as-rolled ZM21 alloys. In the potentiodynamic corrosion test, the highest corrosion resistance was occurred by the as-cast ZM20 alloy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Halil Ahmet Gören
Mehmet Ünal
Yunus Türen
Hayrettin Ahlatçı
Yavuz Sun

  1. Sinop University, The Vocational School, Mechatronic Department, Sinop, Turkey
  2. Karabuk University, Manufacturing Engineering, Turkey
  3. Karabuk University, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Turkey
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The influence of nano dispersion on the thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 was actively investigating to wide-spread thermoelectric applications. Herein this report, we have systematically controlled the microstructure of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 (BST) alloys through the incorporation of carbon nanofiber (CNF), and studied their effect on thermoelectric properties, and mechanical properties. The BST/x-CNF (x-0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 wt.%) composites powder was fabricated using high energy ball milling, and subsequently consolidated the powder using spark plasma sintering. The identification of CNF in bulk composites was analyzed in Raman spectroscopy and corresponding CNF peaks were recognized. The BST matrix grain size was greatly reduced with CNF dispersion and consistently decreased along CNF percentage. The electrical conductivity was reduced and Seebeck coefficient varied in small-scale by embedding CNF. The thermal conductivity was progressively diminished, obtained lattice thermal conductivity was lowest compared to bare sample due to induced phonon scattering at interfaces of secondary phases as well as highly dense fine grain boundaries. The peak ZT of 0.95 achieved for 0.1 wt.% dispersed BST/CNF composites. The Vickers hardness value of 101.8 Hv was obtained for the BST/CNF composites.
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Authors and Affiliations

P. Sharief
B. Madavali
Y. Sohn
J.H. Han
G. Song
S.H. Song
S.J. Song

  1. Kongju National University, Division of Advanced Materials Engineering & Institute for Rare Metals, Cheonan, 331-717, Republic of Korea
  2. Chungnam National University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Daejeon, 34134, Republic of Korea
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Effects of various friction stir processing (FSP) variables on the microstructural evolution and microhardness of the AZ31 magnesium alloy were investigated. The processing variables include rotational and travelling speed of the tool, kind of second phase (i.e., diamond, Al2O3, and ZrO2) and groove depth (i.e., volume fraction of second phase). Grain size, distribution of second phase particle, grain texture, and microhardness were analyzed as a function of the FSP process variables. The FSPed AZ31 composites fabricated with a high heat input condition showed the better dispersion of particle without macro defect. For all composite specimens, the grain size decreased and the microhardness increased regardless of the grooved depth compared with that of the FSPed AZ31 without strengthening particle, respectively. For the AZ31/diamond composite having a grain size of about 1 μm, microhardness (i.e., about 108 Hv) was about two times higher than that of the matrix alloy (i.e., about 52 Hv). The effect of second phase particle on retardation of grain growth and resulting hardness increase was discussed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jae-Yeon Kim
Jung-Woo Hwang
Seung-Mi Lee
Chang-Young Hyun
Ik-Keun Park
Jai-Won Byeon
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Equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) was used as a technique for severe plastic deformation (SPD) on Al alloy AA3004. This technique produced fully dense materials of refined grain structure to sub-micrometer dimensions and advanced mechanical properties. The ECAP processing of samples was conducted as 1 to 4 passes through the die at room temperature. We present the results of the studied homogeneity evolution with the ECAP treatment. Furthermore, a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used for examination of the microstructure changes in samples undergone from 1 to 4 passes. The microhardness-HV increased upon each ECAP pass. The resulting micro-hardness evolution was attributed to crystalline microstructure modifications, such as the d-spacing (studied by X-ray Diffraction-XRD) depending on the number of ECAP pressings. The microcrystalline changes (grain refining evaluated from the Scanning Electron Microscopy – SEM images) were found to be related to the HV, following the Hall-Petch equation.

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Authors and Affiliations

N. Izairi
F. Ajredini
A. Vevecka-Pfiftaj
P. Makreski
M.M. Ristova
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Influence of the initial grain size on hot deformation behavior of the low-alloy Mn-Ti-B steel was investigated. The uniaxial compression tests were performed in range of the deformation temperatures of 900-1200°C and strain rates of 0.1-10 s–1. One set of samples was heated directly to the deformation temperature, which corresponded to the initial austenitic grain size of 19-56 μm; the other set of samples was uniformly preheated at the temperature of 1200°C. Whereas the values of activation energy, peak stress and steady-state stress values practically did not depend on the initial austenitic grain size, the peak strain values of coarser-grained structure significantly increase mainly at high values of the Zener-Hollomon parameter. This confirms the negative effect of the large size of the initial grain on the dynamic recrystallization kinetics, which can be explained by the reduction in nucleation density.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Kawulok
I. Schindler
R. Kawulok
P. Opěla
R. Sedláček
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Grain size distribution is one of the paleoenvironmental proxies that provide insight statistical distribution of size fractions within the sediments. Multivariate statistics have been used to investigate the depositional process from the grain size distribution. Still, the direct application of the standard multivariate methods is not straightforward and can yield misleading interpretations due to the compositional nature of the raw grain size data. This paper is a methodological framework for grain size data characterization through the centered log ratio transformation and euclidean data, coupled with principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and linear discriminant analysis to examine Quaternary sediments from Tövises bed in the southeast Great Hungarian Plain. These approaches provide statistically significant and sedimentologically interpretable results for both datasets. However, the details by which they supplemented the conceptual model were significantly different, and this discrepancy resulted in a different temporal model of the depositional history.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdelrhim Eltijani
Dávid Molnár
László Makó
János Geiger
Pál Sümegi

  1. University of Szeged, Department of Geology, 2-6 Egyetem u., H-6722, Szeged, Hungary
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There are 40 coal mines in Poland now. One of them (coal mine “Bogdanka”) is situated in Lublin Coal Basin, other are localised in Silesia and Małopolska regions. Coal mining is a source of large amounts of wastes. Mean annual production of wastes in only Lublin Coal Basin exceeds 2 million Mg, 65% of which is disposed on a heap. The rest is used to restore opencast excavations, to construct and repair local roads and to produce building materials. It seems that large amount of these wastes could be used to construct or modernize flood embankments and dykes. Using mine wastes as building materials requires the knowledge of their geotechnical parameters. A characteristic feature of mine wastes is their gradual weathering which affects geotechnical parameters largely determined by their mineral and petrographic composition.

This paper describes analyses of geotechnical parameters of mine wastes from Lublin Coal Basin (heap near coal mine “Bogdanka”) of various storage times and of samples collected after 10 years of exploitation of a dyke between ponds made of these wastes at the break of 1993 and 1994. Detailed analyses involved: grain size distribution, natural and optimum moisture content, maximum dry den-sity, shear strength and coefficient of permeability. Obtained results were compared with literature data pertaining to mine wastes from Upper Silesian Coal Basin and from other European coal basins.

Performed studies showed that coal mining wastes produced in Lublin Coal Basin significantly differed in the grain size distribution from wastes originating from Upper Silesian Coal Basin and that weathering proceeded in a different way in wastes produced in both sites.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Filipowicz
Magdalena Borys
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Comprehensive understanding of the melt quality is of vital importance for foundry man. The effect of each particular element need to be properly analysed. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to analyse the impact of various content of zirconium on the solidification path and structural characteristics (SDAS, grain size, porosity) of as cast commercial AlSi10MgCu alloys. It has been found that addition of zirconium up to 0.24 wt.% reduce significantly the grains size (from 3.5 mm to 1.2 mm), SDAS (from 57.3 µm to 50.4 µm) and porosity (from 19% to 5%), leading to production of sound cast parts.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Hajduch
M.B. Djurdjevic
D. Bolibruchová
Z. Simicevic
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The Matmata region, located in the south of Gabès (Tunisia), experienced significant damage during the floods of the Beni zelten wadi on November 11, 2017. These floods, exacerbated by the steep slopes and underlying soil conditions, led to the occurrence of debris flows, posing a threat to road infrastructure. The generation of debris flows is closely linked to intense rainfall events that surpass the soil capacity to retain water. To gain insights into the behaviour of the soil samples, various characteristics were analysed, including texture, clay mineralogy, grain size distribution, and Atterberg limits. The results showed that the mean liquid limit values ranged from 38% to 62%, while the mean plasticity index of the materials in the landslide-prone areas varied from 18% to 27.9%. These findings indicate presence of clay formations and highlight a significance of the increased soil clay content as contributing factors to landslide development. The X-ray Diffraction analysis revealed that gypsum, quartz, phyllosilicate and calcite minerals were the most abundant minerals identified in the soil samples. This work shows the importance of clay mineral and geotechnical parameters of the soils in the occurrence of landslides and predicting debris flows occurrences in the Matmata region.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hassen Bensalem
1 2
Soulef Amamria
Mohamed Sadok Bensalem
Claudia Meisina
Noureddine Hamdi
1 2

  1. Higher Institute of the Sciences and Techniques of Waters of Gabes, University of Gabes,6072 Zrig Gabès, Tunisia
  2. Laboratory of composite materials and clay minerals, National Center for Research in Materials Science Borj Cedria (CNRSM), B.P. 73‑8020 Soliman, Tunisia
  3. Faculty of Sciences Gabes,University of Gabes, 6072 Hatem BETTAHER Erriadh city Gabes, Tunisia
  4. Department of Earth and Envirnmontal Sciences, University of Pavia, 27100 Via Ferrata 9 Pavia, Italy
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The results are based on two experimental high-manganese X98MnAlSiNbTi24-11 and X105MnAlSi24-11 steels subjected to thermo-mechanical treatment by hot-rolling on a semi-industrial processing line. The paper presents the results of diffraction and structural studies using scanning and transmission electron microscopy showing the role of Nb and Ti micro-additives in shaping high strength properties of high-manganese austenitic-ferritic steels with complex carbides. The performed investigations of two experimental steels allow to explain how the change cooling conditions after thermo-mechanical treatment of the analysed steels affects the change of their microstructure and mechanical properties. The obtained results allow assessing the impact of both the chemical composition and the applied thermo-mechanical treatment technology on the structural effects of strengthening of the newly developed steels.

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Authors and Affiliations

L. Sozańska-Jędrasik
J. Mazurkiewicz
W. Borek
K. Matus
B. Chmiela
M. Zubko
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The emission of dust from coal fired furnaces introduces a lot of contamination into the environment, including dangerous metal compounds, which occur as trace elements in hard and brown coal. After the coal is burnt, they are contained in the grains of respirable dust, which creates health hazard. The results of investigations into the distribution of several trace elements in granular composition of ash emitted from CFB boilers used in coal-fired heat and power station are presented. The research material was taken by means of a cascade impactor, enabling a different granulometrie fraction to be separated from a stream of dust that penetrated the electrofilter. The CP-AES method (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) was used to determine trace elements after prior mineralization of samples by microwave method. The Authors presented the results of measurements and analyses, determining the ranges of trace elements' occurrence in dust, characterizing the distribution in PM,, PM25 and PM10 granulometrie fractions and determining the emission factors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Konieczyński
Katarzyna Stec

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