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The paper presents an analysis of relations describing entropy generation in a condenser of a steam unit. Connections between entropy generation, condenser ratio, and heat exchanger effectiveness, as well as relations implied by them are shown. Theoretical considerations allowed to determine limits of individual parameters which describe the condenser operation. Various relations for average temperature of the cold fluid were compared. All the proposed relations were verified against data obtained using a simulator and actual measurement data from a 200 MW unit condenser. Based on data from a simulator it was examined how the sum of entropy rates, steam condenser effectiveness, terminal temperature difference and condenser ratio vary with the change in the inlet cooling water temperature, mass flow rate of steam and the cooling water mass flow rate.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Laskowski
Maciej Jaworski
Adam Smyk
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W sytuacji niestabilności i zmian, które charakteryzowały Związek Radziecki w latach dwudziestych ubiegłego wieku, grupa architektów-konstruktywistów pod przewodnictwem Moisieja Ginzburga zajmowała się problemem braku mieszkań dla pracowników w dużych sowieckich miastach. Rozwiązania wypracowane przez zespół Ginzburga zostały opracowane pod patronatem Sowieckich platform OSA i Strojkom. Zostały przeprowadzone w trzech kolejnych etapach zwieńczonych budową Domu Narkomfinu. Niemniej, architektoniczna nowoczesność osiągnięta w Narkomfinie była związana z postępami w sektorze budownictwa mieszkaniowego poczynionymi przez ich kolegów z Europy. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje analizę faktycznych powiązań pomiędzy owym moskiewskim prototypem a zachodnimi modelami, które zaczynały być opracowywane w Europie, a zwłaszcza w Niemczech. Przedmiotowa koncepcja umieszcza badania prowadzone przez zespół Ginzburga w procesie skomplikowanej i niezwykle ważnej asymilacji, która integrowała nowe modernistyczne techniki Zachodu.
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Daniel Movilla Vega
Adolfo Sotoca
Mateusz Gyurkovich
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The paper presents formulas which can be used to determine steam condensation pressure in a power plant condenser in off-design conditions. The mathematical model provided in the paper makes it possible to calculate the performance of the condenser in terms of condensing steam pressure, cooling water temperature at the condenser outlet, and condenser effectiveness under variable load conditions as a function of three input properties: the temperature and the mass flow rate of cooling water at the condenser inlet and the mass flow rate of steam. The mathematical model takes into account values of properties occurring in reference conditions but it contains no constant coefficients which would have to be established based on data from technical specifications of a condenser or measurement data. Since there are no such constant coefficients, the model of the steam condenser proposed in the paper is universally applicable. The proposed equations were checked against warranty measurements made in the condenser and measurement data gathered during the operation of a 200 MW steam power unit. Based on the analysis, a conclusion may be drawn that the proposed means of determining pressure in a condenser in off-design conditions reflects the condenser performance with sufficient accuracy. This model can be used in optimization and diagnostic analyses of the performance of a power generation unit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Laskowski
Adam Smyk
Adam Ruciński
Jacek Szymczyk

  1. Institute of Heat Engineering, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Nowowiejska 21/25, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
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This paper presents the results of an experimental study and
mathematical modeling of the effect of dynamic instabilities on the condensation phase transformation of the refrigerants homogeneous R134a and its replacement in the form of isomers R1234yf and R1234ze and R404A or R507 and R448A in pipe mini-channels. In the case of homogeneous chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), it is the 1234 isomers that are envisioned as substitutes for the withdrawn ones with high ozone depletion potential and global warming potential. For zeotropic and azeotropic mixtures, for example, these are R507 or R448A. The paper presents a dimensional analysis procedure based on the Buckingham Π theorem to develop a regression velocity model of pressure dynamic instabilities. The experimental part of the work was carried out with the use of tubular mini-channels with internal diameter 1.40–3.3 mm.
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Waldemar Kuczyński

  1. Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Power Engineering, Racławicka 15-17, 75-625 Koszalin, Poland
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This paper presents a comparison of three surface condenser connection setups on the cooling water side. Four connections were considered, namely serial, mixed and two parallel ones. The analysis was conducted based on the calculated heat balances of proposed power unit for nominal and not nominal parameters for tested connections. Thermodynamic justification for the use of more complex configuration was verified. The exhaust steam pressure calculation was presented. Three methods of computing the heat transfer coefficient based on characteristic numbers, namely the Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) method, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standard, were used. Calculation results were validated with the real data. The most accurate model was indicated and used in heat balance calculations. The assumptions and simplifications for the calculations are discussed. Examples of the calculation results are presented.

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Ewa Dobkiewicz-Wieczorek
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Combi-steamer condensation hoods are widely used in modern gastronomy. They condense steam produced by the combi-steamer and also filter solid particles, moisture, grease and smells. All these factors negatively affect the staff and dishes, so efficient work of the condensation hoods becomes important. A mathematical and experimental analysis of such a device is described in this paper. First a measurement methodology was designed and measurements of air humidity, temperature and mass flow rates were performed. The measurement procedure concerned dedicated a steam generator and combi-steamer. Next a mathematical model was developed. It was based on mass and energy balances of the condensation hood. The condensate flow rate turned out to be insufficient to fulfill the energy balance while measured directly. Hence, it was calculated from heater’s power of the steam generator and the balance model was validated. The combisteamer had an unknown output, so the condensate flow rate was provided by the balance model after its validation. A preliminary diagnosis of the device was carried out as well.

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Mieszko Tokarski
Arkadiusz Ryfa
Piotr Buliński
Marek Rojczyk
Krzysztof Ziarko
Andrzej J. Nowak
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Experts from Poland are involved in designing and building the world’s strongest pulsed neutron source for investigating the properties of condensed matter.
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Dariusz Bocian
Wojciech Zając
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The image analysis consists in extracting from the information which is available to the observer of the part that is important from the perspective of the investigated process. This process usually accompanies a considerable reduction in the amount of information from the image. In the field of two-phase flows, computer image analysis can be used to determine flow and geometric parameters of flow patterns. This article presents the possibilities of using this method to determine the void fraction, vapor quality, bubble velocity and the geometric dimensions of flow patterns. The use of computer image analysis methods is illustrated by the example of HFE 7100 refrigerant methoxynonafluorobutane condensation in a glass tubular minichannel. The high speed video camera was used for the study, and the films and individual frames received during the study were analyzed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Sikora
Tadeusz Bohdal
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Asynchronized (doubly-fed) machines with two (three) excitating winding and reversing excitation system allow to control vector of magnetomotive force. This solution allows separating regulation of the electromagnetic torque (active power) and voltage (reactive power). This paper describes the experience in the development and operation of asynchronized turbogenerators and condensers.

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Yury Shakaryan
Pavel Sokur
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The internal diameter of a tube in a ‘church window’ condenser was estimated using an entropy generation minimization approach. The adopted model took into account the entropy generation due to heat transfer and flow resistance from the cooling-water side. Calculations were performed considering two equations for the flow resistance coefficient for four different roughness values of a condenser tube. Following the analysis, the internal diameter of the tube was obtained in the range of 17.5 mm to 20 mm (the current internal diameter of the condenser tube is 22 mm). The calculated diameter depends on and is positively related to the roughness assumed in the model.
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Authors and Affiliations

Artur Rusowicz
Rafał Laskowski
Andrzej Grzebielec
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The present paper describes the results of experimental investigations of heat transfer during condensation of R134a, R404A and R407C in pipe minichannels with internal diameters 0.31-3.30 mm. The results concern investigations of the local heat transfer coefficient. The results were compared with the correlations proposed by other authors. Within the range of examined parameters of the condensation process in minichannels made of stainless steel, it was established that the values of the heat transfer coefficient may be described with Akers et al., Mikielewicz and Shah correlations within a limited range of the mass flux density of the refrigerant and the minichannel diameter. On the basis of experimental investigations, the authors proposed their own correlation for the calculation of local heat transfer coefficient.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Bohdal
Henryk Charun
Małgorzata Sikora
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Proposed is the analysis of steam condensation in the presence of inert gases in a power plant condenser. The presence of inert, noncondensable gases in a condenser is highly undesirable due to its negative effect on the efficiency of the entire cycle. In general, thermodynamics has not provided an explicit criterion for assessing the irreversible heat transfer process. The method presented here enables to evaluate precisely processes occurring in power plant condensers. This real process is of particular interest as it involves a number of thermal layers through which heat transfer is observed. The analysis was performed using a simple, known in the literature and well verified Berman’s model of steam condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases. Adapted to the geometry of the condenser, the model enables, for instance, to recognise places where non-condensable gases are concentrated. By describing with sufficient precision thermodynamic processes taking place in the vicinity of the heat transfer area segment, it is possible to determine the distributions of thermodynamic parameters on the boundaries between successive layers. The obtained results allow for the recognition of processes which contribute in varying degrees to irreversible energy degradation during steam condensation in various parts of the examined device.

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Zbigniew Drożyński
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The paper deals with the wet steam flow in a steam turbine operating in a nuclear power plant. Using a pneumatic and an optical probe, the static pressure, steam velocity, steam wetness and the fine water droplets diameter spectra were measured before and beyond the last turbine low-pressure stage. The results of the experiment serve to understand better the wet steam flow and map its liquid phase in this area. The wet steam data is also used to modify the condensation model used in computational fluid dynamics simulations. The condensation model, i.e. the nucleation rate and the growth rate of the droplets, is adjusted so that results of the numerical simulations are in a good agreement with the experimental results. A 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations was performed for the lowpressure part of the turbine considering non-equilibrium steam condensation. In the post-processing of the of the numerical calculation result, the thermodynamic wetness loss was evaluated and analysed. Loss analysis was performed for the turbine outputs of 600, 800, and 1100 MW, respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gukchol Jun
1 2
Michal Kolovratník
Michal Hoznedl

  1. Czech Technical University in Prague, Technická 4, 160 00, Prague, Czech Republic
  2. Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o., Tylova 1/57, 301 28, Pilsen, Czech Republic
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The paper presents studies of mathematical modelling in transonic flow through the first stage rotor of the axial compressor of homogenous and heterogeneous condensation. The condensation phenomena implemented into a commercial software is based on the classical theory of nucleation and molecular-kinetic droplet growth model. Model is validated against experimental studies available in the literature regarding the flow through the first stage of turbine compressor, i.e. the rotor37 transonic compressor benchmark test. The impact of air humidity and air contamination on the condensation process for different flow conditions is examined. The influence of latent heat release due to condensation exerts a significant impact on the flow structure, thus the analysis of the air humidity and contamination influence on the condensation is presented. The results presented indicate the non-negligible influence of air humidity on the flow structure in the transonic flow regime, thus it is recommended to take condensation phenomenon under consideration in high-velocity airflow simulations.

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Piotr Paweł Wiśniewski
Sławomir Dykas
Guojie Zhang
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One of the well-known technologies that fit well into the goal of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is nuclear energy. In particular, the change in approach to the design and construction of nuclear power plants led to the development of small modular reactors (SMRs), which are characterized by a broader range of possible applications than large nuclear reactors and the ability to flexibly operate as per load demand. This paper presents an analysis of the thermal loads of a steam turbine rotor operating in a power plant with SMR. Steam-water cycle and turbine train of a 300 MW unit are presented. High-pressure steam turbine rotor and its thermal loading due to varying steam conditions are investigated for a cold startup designed with consideration of the thermal characteristics of nuclear reactors. It was shown by numerical simulations that steam condensation on rotor surfaces plays a crucial role in determining its thermal behaviour. Comparison with conventional rotors has shown that the thermal loading of nuclear turbine rotors is lower and more stable than that of conventional turbines.
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Mariusz Banaszkiewicz
Michał Skwarło

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdańsk, Poland
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The author, following the concept of E. Benveniste, considers complex words as a product not only of word-formation derivation, but also of syntactic trans-formation (condensation) of phrases. The object of the transformation is phrases as composite syntactic and semantic constructions, but the derivation itself, i.e. the formation of complex words is carried out in the language according to the same rules as the derivation of simple (not complex) words, and with the same formal techniques as word formation in general, i.e. by affixation and transformation of components of complex words (truncation, interfixation, accent shifts, etc.). At the same time, the syntactic and semantic relations between components that are characteristic of generating phrases retain their meaning in the structure of derived complex words, no matter what models of derivation (semantic and word-forming) they may relate to. Complex words of the same type in their word-formation structure can have completely different semantics, depending on the syntactic and semantic relations that link the components of the original phrases.

The article offers a typology of complex words in the Russian language in terms of their "internal" syntactic and semantic structure. In composites derived from predicative phrases, there are subject, object, locative, temporal, and other semantic models of relations between a predicate and a dependent word. Composites with a supporting noun can be derived both from phrases with a com-positional connection, and from phrases with a subordinate connection (with relations of functional, comparative, and attributive dependence in a broad sense). Similarly, composites with a reference adjective, numeral, and counting words are analyzed. The article contains a criticism of some provisions of the academic "Russian grammar" (1980).

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Светлана М. Толстая
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Water resources are the main component of natural systems affected by climate change in the Middle East. Due to a lack of water, steam power plants that use wet cooling towers have inevitably reduced their output power. This article investigates the replacement of wet cooling towers in Isfahan Thermal Power Plant (ITPP) with Heller natural dry draft cooling towers. The thermodynamic cycle of ITPP is simulated and the effect of condenser temperature on efficiency and output power of ITPP is evaluated. For various reasons, the possibility of installing the Heller tower without increasing in condenser temperature and without changing the existing components of the power plant was rejected. The results show an increase in the condenser temperature by removing the last row blades of the low-pressure turbine. However, by replacing the cooling tower without removing the blades of the last row of the turbine, the output power and efficiency of the power plant have decreased about 12.4 MW and 1.68 percent, respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohamad Hasan Malekmohamadi
1 2
Hossein Ahmadikia
Siavash Golmohamadi
Hamed Khodadadi

  1. University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
  2. Isfahan Thermal Power Plant, Isfahan, Iran
  3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
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The paper presents a modified in-house model for calculating heat transfer coefficients during flow condensation, which can be applied to a variety of working fluids, but natural refrigerants in particular, at full range thermodynamic parameters with a particular focus on increased saturation pressure. The modified model is based on a strong physical basis, namely the hypothesis of analogy between the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in two-phase flow. The model verification is based on a consolidated database that consists of 1286 data points for 7 natural refrigerants and covers the reduced pressure range (the ratio of critical pressure and saturation pressure) from 0.1 to 0.8 for different mass velocities and diameters. The new version of the in-house model, developed earlier by Mikielewicz, was compared with 4 other mathe-matical models widely recommended for engineering calculations and obtained the best consistency results. The value of the mean absolute percentage error was 28.13% for the modified model, the best result among the scrutinised methods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Głuch
Dariusz Mikielewicz

  1. Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
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In engineering phase-change phenomena are found in a multitude of applications, ranging from refrigeration and air con-ditioning to steam turbines and petroleum refining. This study investigates the flow of moist air in a circular duct where water vapour condenses in contact with the cold wall of the duct. The investigation delves into the relationship between the condensation mass transfer rate, the heat transfer between the bulk flow and the wall, and the temperature of the wall. The volume of fluid model coupled with the Lee evaporation-condensation model was employed. Five simulations were carried out, involving different wall temperatures while maintaining the same inlet conditions. Condensation was more pronounced at lower wall temperatures, which aligns with the expectations. The heat transfer between the bulk flow and the wall decreased with the decreasing temperature difference. Interestingly, the findings revealed that the surface heat transfer coefficient increased as the wall temperature approached the temperature of the bulk flow. The success of the study suggests potential applications in optimising thermal management systems, with implications for industries where accurate predictions of moisture behaviour and heat transfer are crucial.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Bobrowski
Artur Gutkowski

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Turbomachinery, 217/221 Wólczanska, 93-005 Łódź, Poland
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The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of industrial wastewater on the concentration of methanol in the considered section of the Ob River basin, present proposals for the implementation of a new treatment system and analyse the implementation results. On the basis of the results of the analysis of the known methods for reducing the concentration of methanol in water, a new technological scheme for post-treatment of effluents using biological treatment with methylotrophic Methylomonas methanica Dg bacteria was proposed. The calculation of the dilution of treated wastewater using the “NDS Ecolog” program was carried out on the basis of the detailed calculation method of Karaushev, the results of which showed a decrease in the concentration of methanol in the control section to 0.0954 mg∙dm –3 (permissible concentration is 0.1 mg∙dm –3). During the period of the flood of the Glukhaya channel, it ceases to be a separate water body and, in fact, becomes part of the flood channel of the Ob River. Certain parts of the flooded areas, due to elevation changes, communicate with the channel only during a short period of time when the water level rises, i.e. 3–5 weeks during the flood period, and in fact remain isolated reservoirs for the rest of the time, potentially acting as zones of accumulation and concentration of pollutants.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrey Ivanov
Alexey Strizhenok
Gabriel Borowski

  1. Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Faculty of Mining Engineering, 21st Line of Vasilyevsky island, 2, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  2. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Poland
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The paper presents selected issues relating to the energy analysis of the air heat pump for hot water. Experimental studies on a test stand made it possible to verify the operational parameters of the heat pump under actual conditions of use. The study shows that heating the water in the storage tank with the capacity of 130 dm3 from 25°C to 40°C took approximately 60 minutes and the water heating for another 5°C took 30 minutes longer. The heat pump process in the field of higher water temperature in the tank is less effective, thus heating the water in the tank above 50°C is less favorable economically.
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Mariusz Szreder
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Vapordynamic thermosyphon (VDT) is an efficient heat transfer device. The two-phase flow generation and dynamic interaction between the liquid slugs and vapor bubbles in the annular minichannel of the VDT condenser are the main features of such thermosyphon, which allowed to increase its thermodynamic efficiency. VDT can transfer heat in horizontal position over a long distance. The condenser is nearly isothermal with the length of tens of meters. The VDT evaporators may have different forms. Some practical applications of VDT are considered.
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Authors and Affiliations

Leonard Vasiliev
Leonid Vasiliev
Alexander Zhuravlyov
Aleksander Shapovalov
Aleksei Rodin
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The present paper describes results of experimental investigations of pressure drop during the condensation of R134a, R404a and R407C refrigerants in pipe minichannels with internal diameter 0.31-3.30 mm. The results concern investigations of the mean and local pressure drop in single minichannels. The results of experimental investigations were compared with the calculations according to the correlations proposed by other authors. A pressure drop during the condensation of refrigerants is described in a satisfactory manner with Friedel and Garimella correlations. On the basis of the experimental investigations, the authors proposed their own correlation for calculation of local pressure drop during condensation in single minichannels.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Bohdal
Henryk Charun
Małgorzata Sikora

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