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Keywords painting art imagery
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What creative process is involved in creating a painting? Where does artistic inspiration come from?
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Magdalena Zawisza

  1. Faculty of the Humanities, University of Social Sciences in Warsaw
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How can the world of plants best be depicted? How do drawings differ from micrographs? Why is it that even the best quality photographs are no match for hand-drawn illustrations?
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Dominik Tomaszewski
Marzenna Guzicka

  1. Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik
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Foraminifera are microorganisms of enormous importance – both now and in the past.
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Anna Waśkowska
Justyna Kowal-Kasprzyk

  1. Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
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High-resolution images of forest areas taken by drone or satellite, further integrated with airborne and terrestrial laser scanning data, can provide early warning of damage – even of individual trees afflicted by pests.
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Paweł Strzeliński

  1. Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Poznań University of Life Sciences
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Efficient, accurate data collection from imagery is the key to an economical generation of useful geospatial products. Incremental developments of traditional geospatial data collection and the arrival of new image data sources cause new software packages to be created and existing ones to be adjusted to enable such data to be processed. In the past, BAE Systems’ digital photogrammetric workstation, SOCET SET ® , met fi n de siècle expectations in data processing and feature extraction. Its successor, SOCET GXP ® , addresses today’s photogrammetric requirements and new data sources. SOCET GXP is an advanced workstation for mapping and photogrammetric tasks, with automated functionality for triangulation, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) extraction, orthorectification and mosaicking, feature extraction and creation of 3-D models with texturing. BAE Systems continues to add sensor models to accommodate new image sources, in response to customer demand. New capabilities added in the latest version of SOCET GXP facilitate modeling, visualization and analysis of 3-D features.
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Stewart Walker
Arleta Pietrzak
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This paper describes a synthetic aperture radar system for tactical-level imagery intelligence installed on board an unmanned aerial vehicle. Selected results of its tests are provided. The system contains interchange-able S-band and Ku-band linear frequency-modulated, continuous wave radar sensors that were built within a frame of a research project named WATSAR, conducted by the Military University of Technology and WB Electronics S.A. One of several algorithms of radar image synthesis, implemented in the scope of the project, is described in this paper. The WATSAR system can create online and off-line radar images.

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Piotr Kaniewski
Wojciech Komorniczak
Czesław Leśnik
Jacek Cyrek
Waldemar Susek
Piotr Serafin
Michał Łabowski
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The dual nature of water (acqua) in feminine portals – The work is an attempt to show how the concept of acqua (water) is conceptualized in Italian persuasive discourse regarding the health and beauty of modern women. The conducted research mainly based on the notion of imagery in language (Langacker) and linguistic picture of the world (Bartmiński) reveals a number of semantic and axiological aspects involved by the analyzed concept. The valuation of acqua is also noteworthy, as water functions in the linguistic system as a neutral concept, while the corpus subjected to the analysis shows that it has a double face: it is benevolent and destructive at the same time.

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Aleksandra Paliczuk
Agnieszka Pastucha-Blin
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Water levels in freshwater resources have been descending daily as global temperatures have risen and a coastal recession has occurred. The losses in these water basins have a significant influence on natural life. While drought is a global environmental issue, its consequences may be seen in Turkey. This study looks at the loss of water areas in Burdur Lake, one of Turkey’s major lakes, between 2010 and 2021. The areas were identified using supervised classification, and the classification process was carried out for 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2021, respectively. Furthermore, several drought detection metrics, such as land surface temperature, soil moisture values, Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), and precipitation amounts, have been evaluated for the study area between 2010 and 2021. The values of all drought detection indicators were also evaluated monthly for each year of the study. The analysis reveals abnormalities in all parameters, particularly in recent years, when compared to earlier years. Water areas decreased by 36.48% as a result of the classifications, whereas sandy areas increased by 89.85%. Again, the average values of various parameters used for drought detection over the years were compared. As a result, the indicator parameters gave reliable results as well as a means of monitoring the drought.
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Ahmet Batuhan Polat
Ozgun Akcay
Fazli Kontas

  1. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey
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Land use land cover change (LULC) has become part of the global science agenda and the understanding of LULC change is vital for planning sustainable management of natural resources. The study has employed multi- temporal satellite imagery to examine the LULC change in the Abbottabad District from 1989 to 2019. Images from Landsat-5, Landsat-7, and Landsat-8 Thematic Mapper (TM) for the same season were acquired from the USGS for the years of 1989, 1999, 2009 and 2019. The images were pre-processed by atmospheric correction, extraction of the study area and band composite. The supervised image classification using Maximum Likelihood Classifier and accuracy assessment were applied to prepare LULC maps of the Abbottabad District. In the last three decades, the study area witnessed number of changes in the pattern of LULC due to population growth, rapid urbanization and increased development of infrastructure, which cumulatively led to the emergence of new patterns being employed for land use. Results of the analysis involving the classified maps show that agricultural land and bare land have decreased, respectively 15.73% and 3.81%, whereas water resources have decreased significantly by 0.58%. This study reveals that GIS can be used as an informative tool to detect LULC changes. However, for planning and management, as well as to gain better insight into the human dynamics of environmental variations on the regional scale, it is crucial to have information about temporal LULC transformation patterns in the study area.
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Zartashia Anwar
Arif Alam
Noor Elahi

  1. COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, Department of Development Studies, University Road, Tobe Camp, Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 22060, Pakistan
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The presented article consists of two studies (correlation and experimental) on the importance of self-esteem for the perceived value added by a brand to a consumer’s self-image. Both studies were conducted online, using the snowball method, controlling for participants’ gender and product categories. The correlation study showed that consumers, with an increase in self-esteem understood as a trait, look for more positive traits in brands and fewer negative traits to incorporate into their self-image by purchasing the brand. In addition, they confirmed that brand preference is mainly related to the qualities possessed, which the consumer can confirm by purchasing the brand. The experimental study showed that people with lowered self-esteem perceive more positive traits in brands that they can incorporate into their self-image by purchasing the brand, and there were no differences in confirming positive traits and avoiding negative traits that are associated with the brand. The new measurement of the perceived value of a brand to a consumer’s self- image, used, allowed the identification of specific areas of brand image sensitive to a consumer’s self-esteem.
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Paweł Krasa
Oleg Gorbaniuk
2 3
Magdalena Kolańska-Stronka
Karolina Czarnecka
Kinga Czyż
Tomasz Karski
Agnieszka Krajewska
Paweł Pamuła
Dajana Synowiec

  1. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  2. Institute of Psychology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
  3. Casimir Pulaski University of Radom, Radom, Poland
  4. University of Zielona Gora, Zielona Gora, Poland
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Most of the medieval Italian cities are civitas born of the ruins of the ancient Roman civilization. Their beauty ist the origin for deep esthetical experiences, to which Sławomir Gzell gave the name bellezza. There are a few characteristic features composing the "picturesqueness", painterliness and harmony of those cities, which lead the observer to strong emotions and constant, sensual exploration. The author contemplates the aspects creating the phenomrnon of beauty of Italian cities and towns - which are the metapfor of human desires and deepest cravings.

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Beata Malinowska-Petelenz
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This study is a research reconnaissance into the visual imagery in the poetry of Jan Kochanowski, Poland’s most talented poet before the Romantic Age. Although he was familiar with the technique of ekphrasis and took an interest in emblems, he seems to have been rather sparing in making use of visual potential of the poetic word. However, he does rely on the sense of sight in his epistemological refl ection concerning the problem of knowing God, aesthetics (the experience of beauty) and ethics (the visible order of the world as a guide to proper conduct). The eye also plays a major role in his descriptions of the human psychology, especially love. The sight has a special function in his Treny (Laments), a cycle of elegies written after the death of his baby daughter Urszula in 1579. While addressing the fundamental questions of life and death, Kochanowski draws on visual and aural imagery to convey the devastating pain felt by the father after the death of his beloved child and to question his earlier confi dence in man’s sovereign mind.

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Roman Krzywy
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This article contains analyses of the allegorical imagery in four video clips from Dorota Masłowska’s 2014 album Społeczeństwo jest niemiłe [Society is not nice], i.e. Żona piłkarza [Footballer’s wife], Ryszard [Richard], Prezydent [President] and Tęcza [Rainbow]. Each of them refers to an actual event, situation and character, described by means of stereotype word labels. The characters typify both the behaviour associated with certain social groups as well as some more persistent traits attributed to the Polish nation and Poland in general. The article examines the strategies and devices (parody, pastiche, irony, allusion) used by Dorota Masłowska to embed the intense specificity of her video stories in more general, allegorical narratives.
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Anna Folta-Rusin

  1. Katedra Lingwistyki Komputerowej, Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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Since 2000 when first imageries of Space Imaging of one metre resolution satellite products appeared on the World market, many institutions started using them for cartographic production such as orthophotomaps on a large scale. A choice of the mathematic sensor models of imageries for their orthorectification in producing orthophotomaps is one of the main investigation directions. In order to restitute the functional relation between imageries and their ground space, the use of sensor models is required. They can be grouped into two classes, the generalized sensor models (geometric or replacement sensor models) and physical or parametric models. The paper presents a brief overview of the geometric models such as RPC (Rational Polynomial Coefficients). Their properties, and in particular their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Also the parametric models, developed by the authors are presented in this paper. They are based on time-dependent collinearity equation of the mathematic relation between ground space and its imageries through parameters describing the sensor position in satellite orbit and position of the orbit in the geocentric system.
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Chinh Ke Luong
Wiesław Wolniewicz
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Today, the new era with Very High Resolution Satellite (VHRS) imageries as IKON OS, QuickBird, EROS, Orb View etc., provides orthophoto in large scale of 1 :5 OOO, to update existing maps, to compile general-purpose or thematic maps. Orthophotomap in the scale of I :5 OOO with Ground Sampling Distance of 0.5 m is one of three important sources for establishing GIS together with a Digital Elevation Model of ±LO m accuracy in height and a topographic map in the scale of 1: IO OOO. Therefore, the accuracy of products of VHRS imageries affects reliability of GIS. Nevertheless, the accuracy of products of processing VHRS imageries is at first dependent on chosen geometrical sensor models. The understanding of geometrical sensor models of VHRS imageries is very important for improving processing of VHRS imageries. The polynomial models are to provide a simple, generic set of equations to represent the indirect relationship between the ground and its image. The polynomial models or replacement sensor models must not only model the ground-to-image relationship accurately. Physical (or parametrical) model describes dir~ctly strict geometrical relations between the terrain and its image, using satellite's orbital parameters and basing on the co-linearity condition. In such model, the above-mentioned multi-source distorting factors are taken into consideration. In this paper a review of practical accuracy of geometrical models of VHRS imageries taken from different research institutions in the world in last years has been presented.
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Chinh Ke Luong
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This article focuses on paralogical figures (amphibology, equivocation, hypallage and syllepsis) in the poems of Jan Zych. Paralogicisms are phrases in which the combination of logical and syntactical form produces an irresolvable semantic conundrum. The article is divided into three parts, each dealing with one aspect of Zych’s handling of the opposition of distance and proximity: air metaphors expressive of the channel of poetic speech; communication by post (letters); and images of the labyrinth. The paralogical figures are discussed in terms of their function as textual building-blocks, a mark of the author’s subjectivity, and an invitation for performative reading. In this way, Zych’s poems, in particular Labirynty (The Labyrinths) are reconstituted as literary performances, analogous to the labyrinthine prose of J. L. Borges and Octavio Paz.

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Dorota Wojda

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