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Aluminum-glass partition systems are used as building facades but also as glazed internal walls designated to form various internal partitions with glass doors. These partitions are designated to create fire compartments as well as separate and soundproof the zones created, without visually limiting the built up area. System fireproof partitions manufactured in fire resistance classes EI 30 to EI 180 constitute an important product in the offer of domestic and foreign manufacturers in terms of fire safety. The internal and external fireproof partitions are generally designed conformant to deterministic criteria, i.e. the structure of the partition is determined by the formal requirements listed in the legal regulations pertaining to basic requirements which should be satisfied by buildings and their parts. The fireproofing qualities of system aluminum-glass partitions are controlled in laboratories and documented in technical approvals. Partitions designed according to the deterministic criteria may be verified by the fire reliability analysis of the designed structure using the known simple and complex models of the reliability theory. In this paper the reliability formulae for simple and mixed mathematical models of non-renewable objects, which have been applied to model the fire reliability of partitions made by Aluprof, a domestic maker of aluminum-glass systems, under catalog numbers MB-78EI and MB-118EI, have been juxtaposed. The results of calculations allowed for preparing design recommendations, verifying the deterministic criteria for design of fire resistant partitions. In particular the fire reliability analysis prompts for abandoning the design of expensive aluminum-glass partitions made of multi-layered glass having multiple fire resistant layers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marian Gwóźdź

  1. University of Bielsko-Biala (ATH), Institute of Building Industry, ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
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The objective of this study is to investigate the change in partition coefficient with a change in the concentration of the solute in a liquid system consisting of two relatively immiscible solvents. To investigate the changes in the partition coefficients, the data of the partition coefficients at infinite dilution and the ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) data at finite concentrations of the solute should be consistent. In this study, 29 ternary systems that are found in literature and for which the partition coefficients at infinite dilution and the ternary LLE data cannot be predicted accurately by the universal quasi-chemical (UNIQUAC) model are identified. On the basis of this model, some consistent and inconsistent ternary systems are introduced. Three inconsistent systems, namely hexane-butanol-water, CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride)-PA (propanoic acid)-water, and hexane-PA-water, are chosen for detailed analysis in this study. The UNIQUAC activity coefficient model is used to represent these data over a range of concentrations. The results show large errors, exhibiting the inability of this model to correlate the data. Furthermore, some ternary systems in which cross behavior of solutes between two phases observed are identified.

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Akand Islam
Anand Zavvadi
Vinayak Kabadi
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The paper presents the stability problem of control systems composed of a fractional-order PI controller and a inertial plant of a fractional order with time delay. Simple and efficient computational method for determining stability regions in the controller and plant parameters space is given. Knowledge of these regions permits tuning of the fractional-order PI controller. The method proposed is based on the classical D-partition method.

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A. Ruszewski
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The principles of editing historical sources have been discussed for decades, but most of the dilemmas cannot be unequivocally resolved. These include the decision to translate a foreign language source into Polish. Several factors should be taken into consideration, above all: 1. The editorial practice; 2. The language of the source; 3. The type of the text and the recipient of the publication; 4. The availability of the original for researchers of the era. Each of these aspects deserves separate evaluation.
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- Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych [AGAD]
- Archiwum Ghigiottiego [AG]
- Archiwum Publiczne Potockich [APP]
- Korespondencja Stanisława Augusta [KSA]
- Nuncjatura Stolicy Apostolskiej [NSA]
- Zbiór Popielów [ZP]


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Michał Balogh
1 2

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
  2. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris
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Glass-aluminum building facades, as well as glazed walls intended to construct internal partitions of various types with glass doors, the purpose of which is to create fire zones, must satisfy certain fire resistance requirements stated in the codes. The offer of domestic and foreign manufacturers consists of system fire resistant partitions manufactured in the EI 30 to EI 180 fire resistance classes. Fire retardant properties of such partitions are verified experimentally, and the technical approvals are issued based on the results of such tests. In this paper the results of fire tests performed on selected partitions made by the leading domestic maker of glass-aluminum systems and representative for the whole commercial offer of Aluprof S.A. are presented. Fire resistance of doors and partitions made of aluminum sections with fire protecting insulation in one or several chambers and Polflam glazing panes differing in thickness of swelling gel have been tested. In this paper a comparative analysis of the temperature increase curves obtained on the external surface of glass panes and aluminum sections forming the tested partitions has been performed. The relationships between the internal structure of aluminum sections and glazing panes and the shape of empirical curves have been indicated. A mixed tangent-secant linearization of these curves has been proposed as well as presentation of the experimental results in the non-dimensional coordinates. Such presentation form of final experimental results allows for a clear interpretation of laboratory tests with reliable documenting of nominal fire resistance requirements.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marian Gwóźdź
Michał Marcinowski
Patrycja Antonik-Popiołek

  1. University of Bielsko-Biala (ATH), Department of Civil Engineering, ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  2. Aluprof S.A.„ ul. Warszawska 153, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
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The paper analyses the loss mechanism of roof insulation kits’ performance due to dampness increase in the insulation layers. The analyzed structures were used in standard conditions for ten years and had thermal insulation made of expanded polystyrene with a hydrophobized surface. The dampness of the thermal insulation materials was determined after the referenced period for their future fitness as roof insulation, based on laboratory tests of material samples collected from the structures. They were completed with a computer simulation of heat transfer and dampness in the partition for working conditions specified for ten years, assuming the thermal conductivity was determined for the materials collected from the analyzed roofs. It was discovered that simulation-based calculation dampness values are much lower than those observed after ten years of roof utilization. Additionally, the authors attempted to determine the correlations between the period of thermal insulation materials used in real conditions and the selected properties of the products determined in laboratory tests. To that end, the collected material was dried to constant weight and then subjected to accelerated aging through total immersion in water at room temperature, for twenty-eight days, followed by 300 freeze-thaw cycles at –20°C and +20°C. The results helped conclude that the abovementioned laboratory testing cycle does not allow for assessing the fitness for the use of the referenced products for ten years. The directions of future laboratory tests were set, suggesting extending the testing cycle at least twice.
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Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Francke
Agnieszka Winkler-Skalna
Robert Geryło

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Thermal Physics, Acoustics and Environment Department, Building Research Institute, Filtrowa 1,00-611 Warsaw, Poland
  3. Building Research Institute, Filtrowa 1, 00-611 Warsaw, Poland
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Size distribution of particulate matter (PM) emitted from coal combustion in residential furnaces as well as emission of Hg, Zn, Pb and Cu were investigated. The metals emission was characterised by partition factors K. The factor expresses the distribution of metal streams between the feed coal and its combustion products emitted to the atmosphere. The values of factors K for Zn, Pb and Cu were 0.59, 0.33 and 0.34 respectively; the relevant variance coefficients were 37, 46 and 44%. Much better variance coefficient of factor K (17%) appeared in the case of mercury. It was found that 52% of Hg in feed coal was emitted to the air in gaseous form. Particulate matter emission from 7 coal combustion sources was investigated and fine particles were found as the main fraction. About 76% of PM were emitted as the size fractions up to 12 μm. The share of size fractions between 12-29 μm was 9%. It means that the impact of PM emission from residential furnaces is not of local scale but the particles containing heavy metals can be transported on long distances in the atmosphere.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Hławiczka
Krystyna Kubica
Urszula Zielonka
Krzysztof Wilkosz
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The application of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) is a cost-effective and simple method of protein separation (including enzymes) from complex systems. The first stage of designing the protein purification process in an ATPS involves the identification of the conditions for the formation of a given extraction system. For this purpose, the conditions for the formation of ATPSs in a thermoseparating EO50PO50 polymer/potassium phosphates system have been studied. Factors determining the ATPS formation comprised: separation temperature (4ºC or 20ºC), phosphate solution pH (6, 7.5 or 9) as well as the concentration of NaCl introduced into the systems (0.085 M, 0.475 M and 0.85 M). ATPS without NaCl were prepared as well. The conditions for the formation of the primary EO50PO50/potassium phosphate ATPS were determined with their phase diagrams. It was observed that with an increase of phosphate pH and NaCl concentration in the system, there was a decrease of the EO50PO50 and phosphate concentrations necessary to form a primary ATPS. After the primary two-phase separation, the top phase (rich in the EO50PO50 polymer) was partitioned from the bottom phase (rich in phosphates). Next, by means of polymer phase thermoseparation, a secondary two-phase system was formed. In the secondary EO50PO50/phosphate ATPS, the bottom phase was formed by the concentrated EO50PO50 polymer (30-80% concentration), while the top phase by a solution composed mainly of water, containing phosphate ions and remains of EO50PO50 polymer (3-7%).

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Radosław Dembczyński
Wojciech Białas
Tomasz Jankowski
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Very often, a digital system includes sequential blocks which can be represented using a model of the finite state machine (FSM). It is very important to improve such FSM characteristics as the number of used logic elements, operating frequency and consumed energy. The paper proposes a novel technology-dependant design method targeting LUT-based Mealy FSMs. It belongs to the group of structural decomposition methods. The method is based on encoding the product terms of Boolean functions representing the FSM circuit. To diminish the number of LUTs, a partition of the set of internal states is constructed. It leads to three-level logic circuits of Mealy FSMs. Each function from the first level requires only a single LUT to be implemented. The method of constructing the partition with the minimum amount of classes is proposed. There is given an example of FSM synthesis with the proposed method. The experiments with standard benchmarks were conducted. They show that the proposed method can improve such FSM characteristics as the number of used LUTs. This improvement is accompanied by a decrease in performance. A positive side effect of the proposed method is a reduction in power consumption compared with FSMs obtained with other design methods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alexander Barkalov
1 2
Larysa Titarenko
1 3
Małgorzata Mazurkiewicz
Kazimierz Krzywicki

  1. University of Zielona Góra, ul. Licealna 9, 65-417 Zielona Góra, Poland
  2. Vasyl’ Stus Dohetsk National University, 21, 600-richya str., Vinytsia, 21021, Ukraine
  3. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Nauky avenye, 14, 6166, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  4. The Jacob of Paradies University, ul. Teatralna 25, 66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
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Spherical fuzzy sets (SFSs) provide more free space for decision makers (DMs) to express preference information from four aspects: approval, objection, abstention and refusal. The partitioned Maclaurin symmetric mean (PMSM) operator is an effective information fusion tool, which can fully capture the interrelationships among any multiple attributes in the same block whereas attributes in different block are unrelated. Therefore, in this paper,we first extendPMSM operator to spherical fuzzy environment and develop spherical fuzzy PMSM (SFPMSM) operator as well as spherical fuzzy weighted PMSM (SFWPMSM) operator. Meanwhile, we discuss some properties and special cases of these two operators. To diminish the impact of extreme evaluation values on decision-making results, then we integrate power average (PA) operator and PMSM operator to further develop spherical fuzzy power PMSM (SFPPMSM) operator and spherical fuzzy weighted power PMSM (SFWPPMSM) operator and also investigate their desirable properties. Subsequently, a new multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) method is established based on SFWPPMSM operator under spherical fuzzy environment. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed method, and comparative analysis with the existing methods to further testy the validity and superiority of the proposed method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Huiyuan Zhang
1 2
Qiang Cai
Guiwu Wei
4 3

  1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Liupanshui Normal University, Liupanshui 553004, Guizhou, P.R. China
  2. School of Mathematical Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 610101, P.R. China
  3. School of Business, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 610101, P.R. China
  4. School of Mathematical Sciences, Sichuan NormalUniversity, Chengdu, 610101, P.R. China
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This work presents an automatic system for generating kidney boundaries in computed tomography (CT) images. This paper presents the main points of medical image processing, which are the parts of the developed system. The U-Net network was used for image segmentation, which is now widely used as a standard solution for many medical image processing tasks. An innovative solution for framing the input data has been implemented to improve the quality of the learning data as well as to reduce the size of the data. Precision-recall analysis was performed to calculate the optimal image threshold value. To eliminate false-positive errors, which are a common issue in segmentation based on neural networks, the volumetric analysis of coherent areas was applied. The developed system facilitates a fully automatic generation of kidney boundaries as well as the generation of a three-dimensional kidney model. The system can be helpful for people who deal with the analysis of medical images, medical specialists in medical centers, especially for those who perform the descriptions of CT examination. The system works fully automatically and can help to increase the accuracy of the performed medical diagnosis and reduce the time of preparing medical descriptions.
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Tomasz Les

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
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Article concerns medal made by Johann Philip Holzhauesser and given in 1780 to Ignacy Krasicki by King Stanisław August. The circumstances of its realization and reception during the life of gifted and after 1801 were presented based on the written sources (i.a. archives, correspondence). Message that accompanied the medal was analyzed and related to Stanisław August’s medal-making policy.
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Magdalena Kinga Górska

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich Polska Akademia Nauk
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This article attempts to show the importance of newspaper advertisements as a factual source which offers valuable insights into past events. The study of advertisements helps the researcher to complement and verify what has been gleaned from the usual documents, and sometimes can even provide a corrective to conclusions reached by other means. In particular, the advertisements in Lwowskie Tygodniowe Wiadomości [Lwów Weekly News], published 1786–1788 show how much information about property from the monasteries of Galicia, dissolved by Emperor Joseph II in 1782–1788, can be found in the local press. It is a source which not only contains important clues about the history and the scale of the dissolution but also a wealth of minor details that it would be hard find anywhere else.

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Halina Rusińska-Giertych
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Up to the present day Suhrawardy remains a controversial figure in both parts of Bengal, with Hindus often seeing him as their fierce persecutor and Bangladeshi Muslims hailing him as their country’s forefather and preacher of communal unity. This article analyses his actions during the period of his Prime Ministership (1946–1947) looking for the sources of the above dichotomy. It argues that although Suhrawardy displayed a mild communal bias at times, circumstances made him inconsistent, being as he was trapped between right wing of Muslim League, the Hindu masses unwilling to trust him and (until the end of 1946) Congress ambitions to inherit the whole Raj. The need to act quickly due to Viceroy Mountbatten’s haste, as well as the PM’s lack of social skills were other factors contributing to failure of his last initiative – United Bengal Scheme – despite his genuine efforts towards Hindu-Muslim settlement and agrarian reforms.

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Tomasz Flasiński
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With the rise of coal mine underground reservoir engineering in the Shendong Mining Area, the space time dynamic evolution prediction of storage coefficient is becoming one of the critical technical problems for long-term reservoir operation. This coefficient directly determines the storage capacity and the comprehensive benefits of the operation of a coal mine underground reservoir. To this end, the proposed underground reservoir in Daliuta coal mine (No. 22616 working face) is selected in this study for the development and application of an experimental device to measure the storage coefficient. Rock and coal fragments from similar materials are prepared, which are filled and loaded according to the caving rock nature as well as the lumpiness and accumulation mode characteristics pertaining to No. 22616 working face. Subsequently, the measured storage coefficient under circulating water injection conditions revealed a four-dimensional spatial and temporal pattern. It followed the law of storage coefficient under joint interaction of water-rock and stress. The results showed that, prior to the experiment, rock and coal fragments made from similar materials had good water resistance when the paraffin content was set at 8%. The three stress zones were defined based on a theoretical analysis, which were applied on the corresponding loads. During the experiments, significant regional differences were found in the top surface with persisting subsidence of each stress loading zone. Hence, compared with its initial state, the maximum subsidence in the stress stability zone, the stress recovery zone, and the low-stress zone was 7.89, 5.8, and 1.83 mm, respectively. While the storage capacity and the storage coefficient gradually decreased, the former ranged from 0.2429 to 0.2397 m3, and the latter ranged from 0.270 to 0.266. The experimental results are verified by drainage engineering tests in the Shendong Mining Area. In essence, the storage coefficient had remarkable spatial distribution characteristics and a time-varying effect. In space, the storage coefficient increased with height along the vertical direction of the coal mine underground reservoir. However, it decreased with the distance from the boundary of the dam body in the horizontal direction. With time, the storage coefficient decreased dynamically. This study provides a new way of predicting the storage coefficient of a coal mine underground reservoir.

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Bei-Fang Wang
Ke-Ming Sun
Bing Liang
Wei-Ji Sun
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Although in recent decades Count Władysław Zamoyski has been attracting a lot of interest on the part of historians, which resulted in numerous papers and popular science works, he has not yet been the subject of an exhaustive scientific monograph. Its preparation is, however, going to be a difficult task for its future author. The many dispersed source materials and the Count’s more than 40 years long social, economic, and to a smaller extent political activity under the Prussian partition, in Galicia, among the Polish emigrants in France and during the first years of the Second Polish Republic – need to be described in the historical context, and, what follows, call for broad knowledge extending beyond these sources. Zamoyski’s path leading to his establishment in 1924 of the foundation ”Zakłady Kórnickie” – his life’s grandest work – should constitute the narrative axis weaving through all the chapters of his biography. It would be desirable to present extensively not only the Count’s activity in Galicia, Zakopane and his role in the famous dispute on Morskie Oko, but also his less researched and less known participation in the Polish-German fight for land in the Prussian partition in the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Witold Molik

  1. Wydział Historii UAM (emer.)

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