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Slag refining slag with west materials was analysed used the DTA methods. In the paper a method of determining the reduction capability, with the Carbo-N-Ox method, of slag solutions was used. Some relations between the stimulators in the environment - slag - metal system allow to initiate mass exchange reactions in the process of slag refining.The presented in work course of behaviour permits on choice of basic composition of slaglite, the of necessary components stimulating quantities, as well as on accomplishment of opinion of ability refinement. The worked out programme Slag-Prop, after introduction of data with experiment, it allows on next corrections in composition of proposed mixtures also, should be put on properly elaborated factors of multistage reaction with essential usage of suitable stimulators.
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A.W. Bydałek
S. Biernat
P. Schlafka
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Grain refining and modification are common foundry practice for improving properties of cast Al-Si alloys. In general, these types of treatments provide better fluidity, decreased porosity, higher yield strength and ductility. However, in practice, there are still some discrepancies on the reproducibility of the results from grain refining and effect of the refiner’s additions. Several factors include the fading effect of grain refinement and modifiers, inhomogeneous dendritic structure and non-uniform eutectic modification. In this study, standard ALCAN test was used by considering Taguchi’s experimental design techniques to evaluate grain refinement and modification efficiency. The effects of five casting parameters on the grain size have been investigated for A357 casting alloy. The results showed that the addition of the grain refiner was the most effective factor on the grain size. It was found that holding time, casting temperature, alloy type and modification with Sr were less effective over grain refinement.

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M. Çolak
D. Dışpınar
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This paper presents a study of the effect of the modification and cooling rate on the grain count α(Al) in the Al-5Cu alloy. Research was

performed on castings with walls thickness between 3 mm and 25 mm. Cooling curves were recorded to determine the cooling rate and the

degree of undercooling at the beginning of solidification. It has been shown that cooling rate increases exponentially as the wall thickness

of casting decreases. Moreover it has been demonstrated that the cooling rate of castings changes within a wide range (21ºC/s - 1ºC/s)

when the wall thickness changes from 3 up to 25 mm. Metallographic examinations revealed primary grains (primary α(Al) grains). The

paper show that the relationship between the grain count and the degree of undercooling (for non-modified and modified alloys) can be

represented by the equation N = Nv = np·exp(-b/ΔTα), based on the Weibull's distribution of the size of nucleation sites.

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M. Górny
G. Sikora
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The study attempts to investigate the influence of severe plastic deformation (SPD in the hydrostatic extrusion (HE) process on the anisotropy of the structure and mechanical properties of the AA 6060 alloy. Material in isotropic condition was subjected to a single round of hydrostatic extrusion with three different degrees of deformation (ε  = 1.23, 1.57, 2.28). They allowed the grain size to be fragmented to the nanocrystalline level. Mechanical properties of the AA 6060 alloy, examined on mini-samples, showed an increase in ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield strength (YS) as compared to the initial material. Significant strengthening of the material results from high grain refinement in transverse section, from »220 μm in the initial material to »300 nm following the HE process. The material was characterized by the occurrence of structure anisotropy, which may determine the potential use of the material. Static tensile tests of mini-samples showed »10% anisotropy of properties between longitudinal and transverse cross-sections. In the AA6060 alloy, impact anisotropy was found depending on the direction of its testing. Higher impact toughness was observed in the cross-section parallel to the HE direction. The results obtained allow to analyze the characteristic structure created during the HE process and result in more efficient use of the AA 6060 alloy in applications.

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S. Przybysz
M. Kulczyk
W. Pachla
J. Skiba
M. Wróblewska
J. Mizera
D. Moszczyńska
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The effect of combination grain refinement with AlTi5B1 master (55 ppm) and Sr-modification with AlSr5 master (20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ppm) on the microstructure, tensile and hardness properties of AlSi7MgTi cast alloy were systematically investigated. Eutectic silicon was studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy after standard (0.5% HF) and deep etching (HCl). Morphology of eutectic Si changes from compact plate-like (as-cast state) to fibbers (after modification). Si-fibbers in samples with 50 and 60 ppm Sr coarsen probably as a result of over-modification. The optimum mechanical properties has the experimental material which was grain refined and modified with 40 ppm of Sr (UTS = 220.6 MPa; ductility = 6.1%, and 82.3 HBW 5/250/15).

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L. Kuchariková
E. Tillová
M.S. Bonek
M. Chalupová
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In this work, 25 wheels were cast with three different grain refiners: Al5Ti1B, Al3Nb1B and MTS 1582. Samples were machined from the wheels to check the mechanical properties. It was found that Nb grain refinement had the lowest grain size (260 mm) and highest tensile properties (yield strength of 119-124 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 190-209 MPa). Al5Ti1B and MTS 1582 revealed quite similar results (110 MPa yield and 198 MPa ultimate tensile strength). The fading of the grain refining effect of Al5TiB1 master alloy was observed in both Nb and Ti added castings whereas during the investigated time interval, the fading was not observed when MTS 1582 was used.
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F. Aydogan
K.C. Dizdar
H. Sahin
E. Mentese
D. Dispinar

  1. Doktas Wheels, Turkey
  2. Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
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The paper presents results of a study concerning an AlSi7Mg alloy and the effect of subjecting the liquid metal to four different processes: conventional refining with hexachloroethane; the same refining followed by modification with titanium, boron, and sodium; refining by purging with argon carried out in parallel with modification with titanium and boron salts and strontium; and parallel refining with argon and modification with titanium, boron, and sodium salts. The effect of these four processes on compactness of the material, parameters of microstructure, and fatigue strength of AlSi7Mg alloy after heat treatment. It has been found that the highest compactness (the lowest porosity ratio value) and the most favorable values of the examined parameters of microstructure were demonstrated by the alloy obtained with the use of the process including parallel purging with argon and modification with salts of titanium, boron, and sodium. It has been found that in the fatigue cracking process observed in all the four variants of the liquid metal treatment, the crucial role in initiation of fatigue cracks was played by porosity. Application of the process consisting in refining by purging with argon parallel to modification with Ti, B, and Na salts allowed to refine the microstructure and reduce significantly porosity of the alloy extending thus the time of initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks. The ultimate effect consisted in a distinct increase of the fatigue limit value.

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M. Tupaj
A.W. Orłowicz
A. Trytek
Marek Mróz
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Ferrotitanium can be produced as a method of recycling Ti scraps. The eutectic composition of ferrotitanium, Fe29.5Ti70.5, can be obtained as a nanocrystalline phase due to relatively low melting point. Fe29.5Ti70.5 in which FeTi and β-Ti form a lamellar structure have high strength but low strain. To improve this, impurities were removed through hydrogen plasma arc melting (HPAM) and annealed. HPAM can remove substitutional/interstitial solid solutions. As a result, from 6733 ppm to 4573 ppm of initial impurities were removed by HPAM process. In addition, the strain was improved by spheroidizing and coarsening the lamellar structure through annealing. The effect of impurities removed through HPAM on the Young’s modulus, yield strength, and strain was observed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Suhwan Yoo
Jung-Min Oh
Jaeyeol Yang
Jaesik Yoon
Jae-Won Lim

  1. Jeonbuk National University, Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea
  2. Korea Basic Science Institute, Division of Earth and Environmental Science, Cheongju 28119, Republic of Korea
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A fading mechanism during casting of treated Al-B-Sr master alloys in an aluminium-silicon cast alloy was investigated. Two different master alloys, the Al-3%B-3%Sr and Al-4%B-1%Sr were demonstrated for the efficiency test both grain refinement and modification microstructure. From experimental result, the addition of Al-3%B-3%Sr master alloy led to a refined grain size and fully modified eutectic Si. However, smaller grain sizes were found with Al-4%B-1%Sr master alloy addition while eutectic Si had coarser acicular morphology. The formation of high amounts of SrB6 compound in the Al-3%B-3%Sr master alloy resulted to increase of grain size and eutectic Si. In fading mechanism test when holding the melt for prolong time, the agglomeration of the SrB6 and AlSiSr compounds at the bottom of the casting specimen was important factors that decreased both grain refinement and modification efficiency. The stirring of the melt before pouring was found that the grain size and Si morphology were improved.
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Authors and Affiliations

P. Muangnoy
K. Eidhed

  1. University of Technology North Bangkok, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials and Production Technology Engineering, King Mongkut’s Bangkok, Thailand
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The subject of this study is the presentation of relation between the degree of structure fineness and ultrasonic wave damping coefficient for the high-zinc aluminium alloys represented in this study by the sand mould cast alloy Al - 20 wt% Zn (AlZn20). The studied alloy was refined with a modifying (Al,Zn)-Ti3 ternary master alloy, introducing Ti in the amount of 400 pm into metal. Based on the analysis of the initial and modified alloy macrostructure images and ultrasonic testing, it was found that the addition of (Al,Zn)-Ti3 master alloy, alongside a significant fragmentation of grains, does not reduce the coefficient of ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 1 MHz.
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Authors and Affiliations

P.K. Krajewski
W.K. Krajewski
K. Haberl-Faerberb
J. Buras
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It is well-known that the better the control of the liquid aluminium allows obtaining of better properties. One of the most important defects

that is held responsible for lower properties has been the presence of porosity. Porosity has always been associated with the amount of

dissolved hydrogen in the liquid. However, it was shown that hydrogen was not the major source but only a contributor the porosity. The

most important defect that causes porosity is the presence of bifilms. These defects are surface entrained mainly due to turbulence and

uncontrolled melt transfer. In this work, a cylindrical mould was designed (Ø30 x 300 mm) both from sand and die. Moulds were produced

both from sand and die. Water cooled copper chill was placed at the bottom of the mould in order to generate a directional solidification.

After the melt was prepared, prior to casting of the DC cast samples, reduced pressure test sample was taken to measure the melt quality

(i.e. bifilm index). The cast parts were then sectioned into regions and longitudinal and transverse areas were investigated

metallographically. Pore size, shape and distribution was measured by image analysis. The formation of porosity was evaluated by means

of bifilm content, size and distribution in A356 alloy.

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M. Uludağ
D. Dişpinar
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In the present study, the corrosion behaviour of A356 (Al-7Si-0.3Mg) alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution has been evaluated using

cyclic/potentiodynamic polarization tests. The alloy was provided in the unmodified form and it was then modified with AlTi5B1 for grain

refinement and with AlSr15 for Si modifications. These modifications yield to better mechanical properties. Tensile tests were performed.

In addition, bifilm index and SDAS values were calculated and microstructure of the samples was investigated. As a result of the corrosion

test, the Ecorr values for all conditions were determined approximately equal, and the samples were pitted rapidly. The degassing of the

melt decreased the bifilm index (i.e. higher melt quality) and thereby the corrosion resistance was increased. The lowest corrosion rate was

founded at degassing and as-received condition (3.9x10-3 mm/year). However, additive elements do not show the effect which degassing

process shows.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Uludağ
M. Kocabaş
D. Dışpınar
R. Çetin
N. Cansever
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In this work, T-shaped mould design was used to generate hot spot and the effect of Sr and B on the hot tearing susceptibility of A356 was investigated. The die temperature was kept at 250o C and the pouring was carried out at 740o C. The amonut of Sr and B additions were 30 and 10 ppm, respectively. One of the most important defects that may exist in cast aluminium is the presence of bifilms. Bifilms can form by the surface turbulence of liquid metal. During such an action, two unbonded surfaces of oxides fold over each other which act as a crack. Therefore, this defect cause many problems in the cast part. In this work, it was found that bifilms have significant effect over the hot tearing of A356 alloy. When the alloy solidifies directionally, the structure consists of elongated dendritic structure. In the absence of equiaxed dendrites, the growing tips of the dendrites pushed the bifilms to open up and unravel. Thus, leading to enlarged surface of oxide to become more harmful. In this case, it was found that these bifilms initiate hot tearing.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Uludağ
R. Çetin
D. Dışpınar
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The paper is devoted to grain-refinement of the medium-aluminium zinc based alloys (MAl-Zn). The system examined was sand cast Zn10

wt. %. Al binary alloy (Zn-10Al) doped with commercial Al-3 wt. % Ti – 0.15 wt. % C grain refiner (Al-3Ti-0.15C GR). Basing on the

measured attenuation coefficient of ultrasonic wave it was stated that together with significantly increased structure fineness damping

decreases only by about 10 – 20%. The following examinations should establish the influence of the mentioned grain-refinement on

strength and ductility of MAl-Zn cast alloys.

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Authors and Affiliations

P.K. Krajewski
G. Piwowarski
W.K. Krajewski
J. Buraś
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The paper presents relationships between the degree of structure fineness and feeding quality of the Al – 20 wt.% Zn (Al-20 Zn) alloy cast into a mould made from sand containing silica quartz as a matrix and bentonite as a binder, and its damping coefficient of the ultrasound wave at frequency of 1 MHz. The structure of the examined alloy was grain refined by the addition of the refining Al-3 wt.% Ti – 0.15 wt.%C (TiCAl) master alloy. The macrostructure analysis of the initial alloy without the addition of Ti and the alloy doped with 50-100 ppm Ti as well as results of damping experiments showed that the structure of the modified alloy is significantly refined. At the same time, its damping coefficient decreases by about 20-25%; however, it still belongs to the so called high-damping alloys. Additionally, it was found that despite of using high purity metals Al and Zn (minimum 99,99% purity), differences in the damping coefficient for samples cut from upper and bottom parts of the vertically cast rolls were observed. These differences are connected with the insufficient feeding process leading to shrinkage porosity as well as gases present in metal charges which are responsible for bubbles of gas-porosity.
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Authors and Affiliations

W.K. Krajewski
Faerber K.
P.K. Krajewski
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The paper presents an algorithm for the construction of an approximation of a highly nonlinear current-flux characteristic of a synchronous reluctance machine. Such an approximation is required in a Hamiltonian model of an electric machine and the constructed approximation is suited to be used in such a model. It employs a simplicial approximation based on irregular points sets in the spaces of currents and fluxes. The sets are constructed by the iterative insertion of new points. Initially the sets contain an arbitrarily small number of elements. The insertion is based on an approximation error calculation. Based on the sets containing possibly small number of elements, the proposed procedure leads to smooth and precise approximation. Due to the nonlinearity of the approximated characteristics, ambiguities can occur. A method for the triangulation refinement of the sets of currents and fluxes that eliminates them is also presented. In the paper, a reluctance machine model using the constructed approximation is described and compared with a model using the approximation based on regular sets.

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Wojciech Burlikowski
Zygmunt Kowalik
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The paper deals with hypereutectic high chromium cast irons. The subject of examination was the effect of various alloying elements (Ti, W, Mo, V) on the size of primary carbides and on the resultant material hardness. Using a scanning electron microscope with a wave dispersion analyser, the carbon content in carbides was established. To determine the other elements, an energy dispersion analyser was used. It was found that both the primary and the eutectic carbides were of the M7C3 type and very similar in composition. The carbides always contained Cr and Fe, and also W, Mo, V or Ti, in dependence on the alloying elements used. The structure of materials containing only chromium without any alloying additions exhibited coarse acicular primary carbides. The structure of materials alloyed with another element was always finer. Marked refinement was obtained by Ti alloying.
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A. Záděra
V. Kaňa
V. Krutiš
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Hot tearing is a casting defect responsible for external and internal cracks on casting products. This irregular undesired formation is often observed during solidification and freezing. The solidification of molten metal also causes thermal contraction and shrinkage, indicating the occurrence of hot tearing when the alloy is restrained by the mould design. The parameters affecting this process include the pouring and mould temperatures, the chemical composition of the alloy, and the mould shape. Also, the factors affecting hot tearing susceptibility include pouring and mould temperatures, the grain refiner, as well as pouring speed. There are many methods of measuring the level of susceptibility to hot tearing, one of which is the thermal contraction evaluation during metal solidification, observed in cast products through several mould types. This paper discusses the hot tearing overview, the effect of pouring temperature, mould temperature, grain refiner, pouring speed on hot tearing, the type of mould, and criterion for hot tear observation.
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  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Univeritas Syiah Kuala, Jl. Syech Aburrauf No.7, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
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The paper presents the results of research on GX120Mn13 modification performed with the SiZr38 inoculant. The microstructure of Hadfield cast steel in as-cast condition was studied through optical microscopy before and after inoculant introduction into the liquid steel. After heat treatment, mechanical properties and wear resistance tests were conducted to analyse the influence of the inoculant. The wear rate was determined according to the Standard Test Method for Determination of Slurry Abrasivity (ASTM G-75). The results show that average grain diameter, area of eqiuaxed grains crystallization and secondary dendrite arm spacing were lower after inoculation. After inoculation, the ultimate tensile strength and proof strength were higher by 8% and 4% respectively, in comparison to the initial state. The results of abrasion wear tests show that the introduction of 0.02 wt. % of zirconium significantly improved wear resistance, which was 34% better in comparison to steel without zirconium.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Sobula
S. Kraiński

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
  2. PGO S.A. Pioma Odlewnia, Oddział w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim, ul. Romana Dmowskiego 38, 97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
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The article describes the influence of optimization parameters on the efficiency of aluminium melt refining by using physical modelling. The blowing of refining gas, through a rotating impeller into the ladle is a widely used operating technology to reduce the content of impurities in molten aluminium, e.g. hydrogen. The efficiency of this refining process depends on the creation of fine bubbles with a high interphase surface, wide-spread distribution, the residence time of its effect in the melt, and mostly on the wide-spread dispersion of bubbles in the whole volume of the refining ladle and with the long period of their effect in the melt. For physical modelling, a plexiglass model on a scale of 1:1 is used for the operating ladle. Part of the physical model is a hollow shaft used for gas supply equipped with an impeller and also two baffles. The basis of physical modelling consists in the targeted utilization of the similarities of the processes that take place within the actual device and its model. The degassing process of aluminium melt by blowing inert gas is simulated in physical modelling by a decrease of dissolved oxygen in the model liquid (water).
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[1] Michalek, K., Tkadlečková, M., Socha, L., Gryc, K., Saternus, M., Pieprzyca, J. & Merder, T. (2018). Physical modelling of degassing process by blowing of inert gas. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials. 63(2), 987-992. DOI: 10.24425/122432.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Walek
K. Michalek
M. Tkadlečková

  1. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Department of Metallurgical Technologies
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Electromagnetic processing of molten copper is provided in a special kind of electrical furnace called an induction furnace with a cold crucible (IFCC), making it possible to successfully remove impurities from the workpiece. In order to analyze the process in a sufficient way not only electromagnetic, thermal and flow but also metallurgical and mass transfer phenomena in the coupled formulation should be taken into consideration. The paper points to an analysis of the kinetic process of lead evaporation from molten copper. It was shown that mass transport in the gas phase determines the rate of the analyzed evaporation process. The possibility of removal of lead from molten copper is analyzed and described.
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Albert Smalcerz
Leszek Blacha
Jerzy Barglik
Ivo Dolezel
Tadeusz Wieczorek

  1. Silesian University of Technology Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
  2. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia Univerzitní 26, 301 00 Pilsen, Czech Republic
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The forming limit of AZ31 alloy, a representative Mg-Al-Zn-based wrought alloy, and the effect of severe plastic deformation (SPD) by examining the microstructure change caused by dynamic recrystallization led by high temperature and high dislocation density at 300℃ using a biaxial alternate forging (BAF) were investigated in this study. As a result of BAF test for AZ31 Mg alloy, significant cracks on the ends of workpieces occurred after 7 passes. The microstructure of as-extruded specimen showed the non-uniform distribution of the relatively coarse grains and the fine grains considered to be sub-grains. However, as the number of passes increases, the area of coarse grains gradually disappeared and the fine grains became more dominant in the microstructures. The result of tensile test for workpieces with each forging pass showed an increase in strength depending on pass number was shown with a slight increase of elongation. The Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) results exhibited that, the microstructure showed the presence of coarse grains and twins after only 1 pass, while the grains appeared to be significantly refined and uniformly distributed after 3 pass, at which the strength and elongation began to increase, simultaneously.
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Authors and Affiliations

Young-Chul Shin
Seong-Ho Ha
Abdul Wahid Shah

  1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Molding & Metal Forming R&D Department, 156 Gaetbeol-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 21999, Republic of Korea
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The article presents research aimed at determining the effect of adding rare earth elements to near-eutectic Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni alloys on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the obtained products. Material for the research was prepared using a melt spinner – a device used for rapid crystallization, casting thin ribbons, which were then subjected in subsequent stages to fragmentation, consolidation and plastic working. The ribbons and extruded rods cast were described in terms of their structure and their strength properties were determined at different measurement temperatures. It was shown that the lightweight materials produced from aluminium alloys using the rapid solidification process have an ultra-fine structure and good strength properties.

Analysis under a microscope confirmed that the addition of rare earth alloys Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni causes fragmentation of the microstructure in the tapes produced. The presence of rare earth elements in the alloys tested has an impact on the type and the morphology of the particles of the microstructure’s individual components. In addition to the change in particle morphology, the phenomenon of the separation of numerous nanometric particles of intermetallic phases containing rare earth elements was also observed. The change in microstructure caused by the addition of rare earth elements in the form of a mischmetal increases the mechanical properties.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Kapinos
M. Szymanek
B. Augustyn
S. Boczkal
W. Szymański
T. Tokarski
J. Lelito
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The paper presents results of measuring attenuation coefficient of the Al-20 wt.% Zn alloy (AlZn20) inoculated with different grain

refiners. During experiments the melted alloys were doped with Al-Ti3-C0.15 refining master alloy. Basing on measurements performed

by Krautkramer USLT2000 device with 1MHz ultrasound wave frequency it was stated that grain refinement reduces the attenuation

coefficient by about 20-25%. However, the examined alloys can be still classified as the high-damping ones of attenuation greater than 150


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Authors and Affiliations

P.K. Krajewski
W.K. Krajewski
J. Buraś
G. Piwowarski

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