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Sound absorption coefficient is a commonly used parameter to characterize the acoustic properties of sound absorbing materials. It is defined within the frequency range of 100-5 000 Hz. In the industrial conditions, many appliances radiating acoustic energy of the frequency range of above 5000 Hz are used and at the same time it is known that a noise within the frequency range of 5 000-50 000 Hz can have a harmful effect on people,hence there is a need to define the coefficient in this frequency range. The article presents a proposal for a method of measurement of the sound absorption coefficient of materials in the frequency range from 5 000 Hz to 50 000 Hz. This method is a modification of the reverberation method with the use of interrupted noise.
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Witold Mikulski
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The present paper is comparing the results of research studies carried out for three road acoustic screens of different design and different number of damping layers. For the tests, we selected timber or steel screens with a traditional multilayer structure and also one innovative type of simplified design. With respect to particular panels, their sound absorption properties were investigated in the reverberation chamber after they had been subjected to simulated weathering. In the process, two screens were subjected to the aging tests of 50–500 cycles in a special climatic chamber, and the innovative screens were subjected to 1000 cycles. The procedure was repeated every 50 or 100 cycles in order to obtain the changes of acoustic characteristics. The changes taking place in the absorbing material were also investigated with the use of scanning electron microscopy method (SEM). Basing on the obtained results and on the statistical analysis, the capability to maintain acoustic properties by the panels during their service life in natural conditions was estimated. For that purpose, linear statistical models were worked out, which were then applied to estimate the value of the single number sound absorption coefficient after successive aging cycles as well as the predicted time periods of acoustic class changes.
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Artur Nowoświat
Jerzy Bochen
Leszek Dulak
Rafał Żuchowski
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Recently, a new class of ceramic foams with porosity levels up to 90% has been developed as a result of the association of the gelcasting process and aeration of the ceramic suspension. This paper presents and discusses original results advertising sound absorbing capabilities of such foams. The authors man- ufactured three types of alumina foams in order to investigate three porosity levels, namely: 72, 88, and 90%. The microstructure of foams was examined and typical dimensions and average sizes of cells (pores) and cell-linking windows were found for each porosity case. Then, the acoustic absorption coefficient was measured in a wide frequency range for several samples of various thickness cut out from the foams. The results were discussed and compared with the acoustic absorption of typical polyurethane foams proving that the alumina foams with high porosity of 88-90% have excellent sound absorbing properties competitive with the quality of sound absorbing PU foams of higher porosity.
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Tomasz G. Zieliński
Marek Potoczek
Romana E. Śliwa
Łukasz J. Nowak
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The growing amount of used tires presents many environmental challenges around the world. Therefore, new ways to reuse used tires are being sought. One of the uses of waste tires is in sound-insulating constructions. Waste tires can be shredded into granules, which can be further devulcanized to increase their porosity. These granules can then be glued to panels and used in sound-insulating structures. Acoustic louvers were investigated in this study, with the louvers’ plates covered with rubber granule panels. Sound absorption parameters of rubber granule panels were tested across frequency bands ranging from 160 Hz to 5000 Hz. The results showed the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient reached 0.87–0.96 at 3150 Hz for 12 mm rubber granule plates. Measurements were conducted in a semi-anechoic chamber. The study has shown that rubber louvers can reduce the sound pressure level by 8 dB–12 dB, depending on the composite of the rubber granule panels and the tilt angle of the louvers’ plates.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomas Vilniškis
Tomas Januševicius

  1. Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania
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Characterization of sound absorbing materials is essential to predict its acoustic behaviour. The most commonly used models to do so consider the flow resistivity, porosity, and average fibre diameter as parameters to determine the acoustic impedance and sound absorbing coefficient. Besides direct experimental techniques, numerical approaches appear to be an alternative to estimate the material's parameters. In this work an inverse numerical method to obtain some parameters of a fibrous material is presented. Using measurements of the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient and then using the model proposed by Voronina, subsequent application of basic minimization techniques allows one to obtain the porosity, average fibre diameter and density of a sound absorbing material. The numerical results agree fairly well with the experimental data.

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Jesus Alba
Romina del Rey
Jaime Ramis
Jorge Arenas
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This paper presents the results of measurements of the sound absorption coefficient of auditorium seats carried out in the laboratory using two methods. In the first one, small blocks of seats in various arrangements were studied in a reverberation chamber to determine the absorption coefficient of an auditorium of infinite dimensions. The results were compared to the values of the absorption coefficient measured using the second method, which involved samples enclosed within a frame screening the side surfaces of other auditorium blocks. The results of both methods allowed for the assessment of the sound absorption coefficient of an auditorium of any dimensions while taking into account the sound absorption by the side surfaces. The method developed by the authors will simplify the currently known measurement procedures.

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Jarosław Rubacha
Adam Pilch
Marcin Zastawnik
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The sound absorption property of polyurethane (PU) foams loaded with natural tea-leaf fibers and luffa cylindrica (LC) has been studied. The results show a significant improvement in the sound absorption property parallel to an increase in the amount of tea-leaf fibers (TLF). Using luffa-cylindrica as a filler material improves sound absorption properties of soft foam at all frequency ranges. Moreover, an increase in the thickness of the sample resulted in an improvement of the sound absorption property. It is pleasing to see that adding tea-leaf fibers and luffa-cylindrica to the polyurethane foam demonstrate a significant contribution to sound absorption properties of the material and it encourages using environmental friendly products as sound absorption material in further studies.

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Bülent Ekici
Aykut Kentli
Haluk Küçük
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Macroporous silica fibers having spherical cavities were fabricated by electrospinning using the spinning solution prepared from the mixed dispersion of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and polystyrene nanospheres as precursor and sacrificial templates, respectively, by injection through metallic nozzle. By applying electric field, the electro-spun fibers obtained by evaporation-driven self-assembly were collected on flat substrate or rotating drum, followed by the removal of the templates by calcination. The sound absorption coefficient of the porous fibers was measured by impedance tube, and the measured value was larger than 0.9 at high frequency region of incident waves. The surface of the resulting fibers was modified using fluorine-containing silane coupling agent to produce superhydrophobic fibrous materials to prevent the infiltration of humidity.

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Y.-S. Cho
H. Jin Lee
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The article presents the main results of research on plaster samples with different physical parameters of their structure. The basic physical parameter taken into account in the research is plaster aeration. Other physical parameters were also considered, but they play a minor part. The acoustic properties of the modified plaster were measured by the sound absorption coefficient; the results were compared with the absorption coefficient of standard plaster. The influence of other physical, mechanical and thermal properties of plaster was not analyzed. The effect of modified plasters on indoor acoustics was also determined. To this end, an acoustic problem with impedance boundary conditions was solved. The results were achieved by the Meshless Method (MLM) and compared with exact results. It was shown that the increase in plaster aeration translated into an increase in the sound absorption coefficient, followed by a slight decrease in the noise level in the room. Numerical calculations confirmed this conclusion.
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Authors and Affiliations

Edyta Prędka
Adam Brański
Małgorzata Wierzbińska

  1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Fundamentals, Technical University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Department of Materials Science, Technical University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland
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The theoretical estimation of sound absorption coefficient of a surface may give very different results. This will depend on the type of sound field assumed in the theoretical model used for the estimation of its sound absorption coefficient. Absorption coefficients for normal and diffuse sound fields are widely known, although they may be far from the absorption values given by an absorbing material when it is finally installed inside a room or enclosed space, where a sound field closer to a spherical wavefront is more likely to be found. This work presents a theoretical study, which is addressed at obtaining a mathematical expression to calculate the sound absorption coefficient for a variable range of incidence angles, called αs. The presented method uses a circular sound field incidence as an approximation to a spherical incidence. The estimation of this coefficient αs is based on obtaining the incident and reflected sound fields for a surface located facing a lineal source. The advantage of this calculation method over others lies on its capability to give results for circular, normal and random wave incidence depending on the range of incidence angles considered in the calculation.

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Sergio Alfio Yori
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Numerical models allow structural characteristics to be obtained by solving mathematical formulations. The sound absorption capacity of a material can be acquired by numerically simulating an impedance tube and using the method governed by ISO 10534-2. This study presents a procedure of obtaining sound pressure using two microphones and as outline condition, at one end of the tube, the impedance of fiber samples extracted from the pseudostem of banana plants. The numerical methodology was conducted in the ANSYS® Workbench software. The sound absorption coefficient was obtained in the MATLAB® software using as input data the sound pressure captured in the microphones and applying the mathematical formulations exposed in this study. For the validation of the numerical model, the results were compared with the sound absorption coefficients of the fiber sample collected from an experimental procedure and also with the results of a microperforated panel developed by Maa (1998). According to the results, the methodology presented in this study showed effective results, since the largest absolute and relative errors were 0.001 and 3.162%, respectively.
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13. Silva G.C.C., Nunes M.A.A., Almeida Jr A.B., Lopes R.V. (2013), Acoustic design and construction of an impedance tube for experimental characterization of sound absorbed materials [in Portuguese: Projeto Acústico e Construção de um Tubo de Impedância para Caracterização Experimental de Materiais com Absorção Sonora], [in:] XVIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UnB, Brasília, Brazil.
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Authors and Affiliations

Cláudia Ohana Borges Mendes
Maria Alzira De Araújo Nunes

  1. Graduate Program in Engineering Materials Integrity, University of Brasília-UnB, College UnB Gama-FGA Área Especial de Indústria Projeção A, Setor Leste, CEP:72.444-240, Gama, Distrito Federal, Brazil
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Considering the environmental pollution caused by waste rubber, some measures should be taken to improve the utilization rate of waste rubber. In this study, the effect of Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) particles in the polyurethane (PU) foams on sound absorption behavior is investigated for improving sound environment within vehicles and reducing the environment pollution. EPDM of different contents and hardness are used as fillers for producing foams with different pore morphologies and sound absorption properties. The results show adds EPDM to foam would produce smaller pores, higher density and bigger air-flow resistivity. Simultaneously, there are better sound absorption properties of the PU foam composites in the medium frequency region and the better value can be obtained at the lower frequency with the content of EPDM increasing. The hardness of EPDM also shows better influence on sound absorption properties, especially in the medium frequency region. It means the foam pore morphologies have influence on sound absorption properties.

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Wenbo Zhu
Shuming Chen
Yebin Wang
Tongtong Zhu
Yang Jiang
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The area of environmental protection concern minimises the impact that technical objects have on the environment. Usually the most effective way of protecting the environment is to influence the source of the problem. For this reason studies are conducted to modify the construction of machines, power machines in particular, so as to minimise their impact on the environment.

In the case of environmental protection from noise it is most convenient to carry out measurements in an anechoic chamber. Unfortunately, this is possible only in very limited circumstances. In all other cases measurements are performed using an engineering method or the survey method, both of which are described in the standards and by taking into account the so-called environmental corrections. The obtained results are burdened with greater error than those of measurements in an anechoic chamber. Therefore, it would seem advantageous to develop a method of obtaining similar and reliable results as those in an anechoic chamber, but in a reverberant field. The authors decided to use numerical modelling for this purpose.

The main objective of this work is a comprehensive analysis of the numerical model of a laboratory designed for acoustic tests of selected power machines. The geometry of a room comprising an area of analysis is easy to design. The main difficulty in modelling the phenomena occurring in the analysed area can be the lack of knowing the boundary conditions. Therefore, the authors made an attempt to analyse the sensitivity of various acoustic parameters in a room in order to change these boundary conditions depending on the sound absorption coefficient

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Katarzyna Suder-Dębska
Ireneusz Czajka
Mateusz Czechowski
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Efficient ultrasonic noise reduction by using enclosures requires the knowledge of absorbing properties of materials in the frequency range above 4 kHz. However, standardized methods enable determination of absorption coefficients of materials in the frequency range up to 4 kHz. For this reason, it is proposed to carry out measurements of the sound absorption properties of materials in the free field by means of a tone-burst technique in the frequency range from 4 kHz to 40 kHz at angles of incidence varying from 0° to 60°. The absorption coefficient of a material is calculated from the reflection coefficient obtained by reflecting a tone-burst from both a perfectly reflecting panel and a combination of this panel and the sample of the tested material. The tests results show that mineral wool and polyurethane open-cell foam possess very good absorbing properties in this frequency range.
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Dariusz Pleban
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The study aims to estimate metal foam microstructure parameters for the maximum sound absorption coefficient (SAC) in the specified frequency band to obtain optimum metal foam fabrication. Lu’s theory model is utilised to calculate the SAC of metallic foams that refers to three morphological parameters: porosity, pore size, and pore opening. After Lu model validation, particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is used to optimise the parameters. The optimum values are obtained at frequencies 250 to 8000 Hz, porosity of 50 to 95%, a pore size of 0.1 to 4.5 mm, and pore opening of 0.07 to 0.98 mm. The results revealed that at frequencies above 1000 Hz, the absorption efficiency increases due to changes in the porosity, pore size, and pore opening values rather than the thickness. However, for frequencies below 2000 Hz, increasing the absorption efficiency is strongly correlated with an increase in foam thickness. The PSO is successfully used to find optimum absorption conditions, the reference for absorbent fabrication, on a frequency band 250 to 8000 Hz. The outcomes will provide an efficient tool and guideline for optimum estimation of acoustic absorbents.
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Rohollah Fallah Madvari
Mohsen Niknam Sharak
Mahsa Jahandideh Tehrani
Milad Abbasi

  1. Occupational Health Research Center, Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
  3. Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
  4. Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Saveh University of Medical Sciences, Saveh, Iran
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Due to its unique features, the metal foam is considered as one of the newest acoustic absorbents. It is a navel approach determining the structural properties of sound absorbent to predict its acoustical behavior. Unfortunately, direct measurements of these parameters are often difficult. Currently, there have been acoustic models showing the relationship between absorbent morphology and sound absorption coefficient (SAC). By optimizing the effective parameters on the SAC, the maximum SAC at each frequency can be obtained. In this study, using the Benchmarking method, the model presented by Lu was validated in MATLAB coding software. Then, the local search algorithm (LSA) method was used to optimize the metal foam morphology parameters. The optimized parameters had three factors, including porosity, pore size, and metal foam pore opening size. The optimization was applied to a broad band of frequency ranging from 500 to 8000 Hz. The predicted values were in accordance with benchmark data resulted from Lu model. The optimal range of the parameters including porosity of 50 to 95%, pore size of 0.09 to 4.55 mm, and pore opening size of 0.06 to 0.4 mm were applied to obtain the highest SAC for the frequency range of 500 to 800 Hz. The optimal amount of pore opening size was 0.1 mm in most frequencies to have the highest SAC. It was concluded that the proposed method of the LSA could optimize the parameters affecting the SAC according to the Lu model. The presented method can be a reliable guide for optimizing microstructure parameters of metal foam to increase the SAC at any frequency and can be used to make optimized metal foam.

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Mohammad Javad Jafari
Ali Khavanin
Touraj Ebadzadeh
Mahmood Fazlali
Mohsen Niknam Sharak
Rohollah Fallah Madvari
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Effects of microstructure factors on the acoustic performance of open-cell foams can be characterized numerically by a microstructure-based approach. To this regard, the numerical homogenization approach and the equivalent-fluid theory are employed to study the acoustic behavior of random open-cell foams within their Voronoi tessellation-based Representative Volume Elements (RVE). As a validation step, the numerical predictions are compared with the reference findings to either verify the finite element procedure or demonstrate that the constructed RVE can capture both the local geometrical characteristics and the acoustic macrobehavior of cellular solid foams. It can be seen from the obtained results that the morphological characteristics of open-cell foams could be controlled to achieve the desired sound absorbing behavior. In addition, the analytical expressions, formulating the relationship between the geometry of foam absorbers and their target absorption performance, are established to design sound absorbing foam layers.
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Van-Hai Trinh
Thien-Van Nguyen
Thi-Hai-Nhu Nguyen
Minh-Tan Nguyen

  1. Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Ha Noi, Vietnam
  2. Academy of Science and Technology, Ha Noi, Vietnam
  3. Faculty of Information Technology, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Ha Noi, Vietnam
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In this paper, we propose a multi-layer micro-perforated panel structure based on a curled space for broadband sound absorption at low frequencies, which increases the number of perforated panel layers in a limited space using a curled space. The absorption coefficients of the structure under plane wave conditions were calculated using the transfer matrix method and the finite element method. It is demonstrated that the multilayer micro-perforated panel structure can ensure high absorption (consistently over 90%) in the frequency range of 400~5000 Hz. The sound absorption mechanism of the multi-layer micro-perforated panel structure is investigated by using the acoustic impedance along with the reflection coefficient of the complex frequency surface. In addition, we also discuss the effects of the micro-perforated panel parameters on the structural sound absorption coefficient. The results show that the proposed multi-layer micro-perforated panel structure provides an excellent solution for sound absorption in a limited space.
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Jiaming Chu
Xiao Liang
1 2
Zhen Yang
Haofeng Liang
Tao Chen
Liang Su
Zhuo Zhou

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, China
  2. Foshan Green Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute of Xiangtan University, Foshan, Guangdong, China
  3. School of Mechanical Engineering and State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shanxi, China
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The research described in the article addresses the problem of measurement, prediction and practical use of the acoustic properties of materials determined in an impedance tube. The aim of the research was to develop a simple calculation model for the insertion loss of small machinery enclosures, based on the normal incidence sound transmission loss and the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient of porous and fibrous materials. Both experimental and model tests were carried out on materials such as mineral wool, melamine foam and rebonded polyurethane foam. Assessing the absorption properties of the tested porous and fibrous materials was performed using selected theoretical models, relating the calculations of the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient to measurements of this parameter conducted using an impedance tube. The application of the modified Allard and Champoux model brought the best results with the smallest discrepancies of the obtained results in relation to the experimental tests. Assessing the sound-insulating properties of the tested mineral wool was carried out using the proposed calculation model for the normal incidence sound transmission loss, relating the obtained results to measurements conducted using an impedance tube. The assessment of the sound-insulating properties of porous and fibrous materials was performed using the proposed calculation model for insertion loss, which was validated using two prototype test stands for determining the insertion loss of cubic enclosures, in this case with walls made of porous and fibrous materials. Satisfactory results were obtained for engineering applications in the calculation results using the proposed models with respect to measurements. The results may have practical applications in assessing the effectiveness of acoustic enclosures, in which the basic construction material is an appropriate porous or fibrous plate, selected to have both sound-absorbing and sound-insulating properties.
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Krzysztof Kosała

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics, AGH University of Krakow

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