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A questionnaire inquiry on response to wind turbine noise was carried out on 361 subjects living in the vicinity of 8 wind farms. Current mental health status of respondents was assessed using Goldberg General Health Questionnaire GHQ-12. For areas where respondents lived, A-weighted sound pressure levels (SPLs) were calculated as the sum of the contributions from the wind power plants in the specific area.

Generally, 33.0% of respondents were annoyed outdoors by wind turbine noise at the calculated A-weighted SPL of 31-50 dB, while indoors the noise was annoying to 21.3% of them. The proportion of subjects evaluating the noise produced by operative wind turbines as annoying decreased with increasing the distance from the nearest wind turbine (27.6% at the distance of 400-800 m vs 14.3% at the distance above 800 m, p < 0.016). On the other hand, the higher was the noise level, the greater was the percentage of annoyed respondents (14.0% at SPL up to 40 dB vs 28.1% at SPL of 40-45 dB, p < 0.016). Besides noise and distance categories, subjective factors, such as general attitude to wind turbines, sensitivity to landscape littering and current mental health status, were found to have significant impact on the perceived annoyance. About 50% of variance in annoyance rating might be explained by the aforesaid subjective factors.

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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska
Adam Dudarewicz
Kamil Zaborowski
Małgorzata Zamojska-Daniszewska
Małgorzata Waszkowska
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In the paper, the author presents a certain method of calculation of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) performance for yawed flow conditions. The presented model is developed on the basis of propeller theory described in [23). Te model employs the results of the vortex theory of propeller combined with momentum and angular momentum theorems for the HAWT wake. In the model, the blade element is regarded as a source of tangential and axial force acting on air at actuator disk surface. The momentum equations are corrected for the effect of finite number of blades by introduction of Prandtl tip-loss factor to the equations. Thanks to the approximation of lift force coefficient vs. angle of attack by sine curve, one may get a quadratic equation for local axial velocity component. Tangential component of induced velocity may be calculated from relations obtained from vortex theory of HAWT. This allows us to avoid an iterative solution for induced velocity, unlike in most of the HAWT and propeller theories. The blade section drag is incorporated to calculations of total drag of rotor and power, when induced velocity components are known, and hence blade element angle of attack is determined. To incorporate the effect of blade element stall-delay due to blade rotation, a simple semi-empirical model proposed by Tangier and Selig has been applied. The calculations are compared with experimental data obtained at Riso 100 kW experimental turbine test site and at the Grumman Wind Stream 33 turbine modified by NREL. The comparison includes power output as well as blade element angles of attack. The presented results show that the method described in the paper underestimates performance for low speed winds, whereas for strong winds the power output is slightly overestimated. For average angles of attack, one may see that for small tip speed ratios angles of attack are overestimated. At high tip speed ratios, however, angles of attack are underestimated. It was shown that there is a need to take into account the work done by side force on the tangential inflow component to obtain correct power curves for yawed flow conditions.
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Piotr Strzelczyk
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Annoyance ratings for artificially created noises, resembling the main characteristics of temporal wind turbine noise, were studied by means of a listening experiment involving 21 participants with normal hearing. Three types of stimuli were examined: broadband noise (−4 dB/octave), noise generated by moving cars, and narrowband noise. All stimuli had the sound level fluctuations typical for wind turbine noise. The magnitude of the sound level fluctuations was measured in a quantitative way, by using the characteristics of amplitude modulated sound: modulation rate and modulation depth. Our aim was to examine how the modulation rate and the modulation depth influence the noise annoyance assessment of broadband and narrowband amplitude modulated noises. Three different modulation rates, 1, 2 and 4 Hz, and sound level fluctuations (a measure of the modulation depth), 3, 6, 9 dB, were applied to each type of stimuli (with exception of noise generated by the moving cars) and investigated. The participants in the listening experiment were presented with sound stimuli in laboratory conditions and asked to rate their annoyance on a numerical scale. The results have shown a significant difference between the investigated conditions. The effect was particularly strong between the annoyance judgments of different types of noise (narrow and broadband), and modulated versus unmodulated noises. Temporal fluctuations occurring in wind turbine noise are very pertinent to the perception of annoyance and could be responsible for its being a relatively annoying noise source. The obtained results were discussed and compared to the typical modulation rates and level changes that occur in recordings of real wind turbine noise.
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Honorata Hafke-Dys
Tomasz Kaczmarek
Anna Preis
Adam Biniakowski
Paweł Kleka
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The aim of this article is to present the results of tunnel tests and field tests of small-scale horizontal-axis wind turbines. The article proposes a new concept of turbine rotor adapted to improve efficiency at low wind speeds. The methodology for calculating the rotor and generator is shown. The turbine construction solution is presented briefly, along with the technology for manufacturing turbine components and assembly. An analysis of the obtained results is also carried out.
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Piotr Strojny
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Focus of the vibration expert community shifts more and more towards diagnosing machines subjected to varying rotational speeds and loads. Such machines require order analysis for proper fault detection and identification. In many cases phase markers (tachometers, encoders, etc) are used to help performing the resampling of the vibration signals to remove the speed fluctuations and smearing from the spectrum (order tracking). However, not all machines have the facility to install speed tracking sensors, due to design or cost reasons, and the signal itself has to then be used to extract this information. This paper is focused on the problem of speed tracking in wind turbines, which represent typical situations for speed and load variation. The basic design of a wind turbine is presented. Two main types of speed control i.e. stall and pitch control are presented,. The authors have investigated two methods of speed tracking, using information from the signal (without relying on a speed signal). One method is based on extracting a reference signal to use as a tachometer, while the other is phase-based (phase demodulation). Both methods are presented and applied to the vibration data from real wind turbines. The results are compared with each other and with the actual speed data.

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Jacek Urbanek
Tomasz Barszcz
Nader Sawalhi
Robert Randall
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Condition monitoring of machines working under non-stationary operations is one of the most challenging problems in maintenance. A wind turbine is an example of such class of machines. One of effective approaches may be to identify operating conditions and investigate their influence on used diagnostic features. Commonly used methods based on measurement of electric current, rotational speed, power and other process variables require additional equipment (sensors, acquisition cards) and software. It is proposed to use advanced signal processing techniques for instantaneous shaft speed recovery from a vibration signal. It may be used instead of extra channels or in parallel as signal verification.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Urbanek
Tomasz Barszcz
Radosław Zimroz
Walter Bartelmus
Fabien Millioz
Nadine Martin
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Small-scale vertical-axis wind turbines can be used as a source of electricity in rural and urban environments. According to the authors’ knowledge, there are no validated simplified aerodynamic models of these wind turbines, therefore the use of more advanced techniques, such as for example the computational methods for fluid dynamics is justified. The paper contains performance analysis of the small-scale vertical-axis wind turbine with a large solidity. The averaged velocity field and the averaged static pressure distribution around the rotor have been also analyzed. All numerical results presented in this paper are obtained using the SST k-ω turbulence model. Computed power coefficients are in good agreement with the experimental results. A small change in the tip speed ratio significantly affects the velocity field. Obtained velocity fields can be further used as a base for simplified aerodynamic methods.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Rogowski
Ryszard Maroński
Janusz Piechna

  1. Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
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Amplitude modulation increases the annoyance caused by wind turbine noise. One gets the improved annoyance when a penalty is added to the measured or calculated time-average sound level. The amplitude modulated wind turbine noise consists of pulses. Each of them could be characterized by the short timeaverage sound level and the modulation depth. The latter determines the pulse penalty. This paper shows how to calculate the improved annoyance of amplitude modulated wind turbine noise, when the short time-average sound level and the penalty for each pulse are known. A special case of identical pulses is discussed. The proposed methodology needs to be tested by research.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rufin Makarewicz

  1. Chair of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
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Amplitude modulated noise from a single wind turbine is considered. The time-varying modulation depth D_m and the short time-average sound level L_Aeq,τ (with τ = 20 s) are measured at the reference distance d_*. Due to amplitude modulation, a penalty has to be added to L_Aeq,τ. The paper shows how to calculate the corrected long-term time-average sound level L ̂_AeqT (with T >> 20 s), which accounts for amplitude modulation, at any distance d ≠ d_* from the wind turbine. The proposed methodology needs to be tested by research
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Authors and Affiliations

Rufin Makarewicz
Maciej Buszkiewicz

  1. Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
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The article presents an analysis of the use of Savonius wind turbines with vertical axis of rotation. The first part presents an analysis of the literature with the dentification of the properties of the basic atmospheric parameters related to the air movement referred to as wind. Used mathematical descriptions used in the analysis of air movement and enabling the identification of basic thermodynamic parameters of wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation were presented. Then, the historical background of the development of wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation was presented, and constructions of this type currently used were described. Proposals for modification of the configuration and design of Savonius rotors and the impact of these activities on their efficiency were analyzed. These issues were presented in relation to the experimental work carried out in the international research centers. Obvious advantages and disadvantages of using this type of equipment in the field of wind energy were indicated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Waldemar Kuczyński
Iwona Michalska-Pożoga
Marcin Szczepanek
Krzysztof Chmiel

  1. Technical University of Koszalin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Energy, Department of Energy, Racławicka 15-17, 75-620 Koszalin, Poland
  2. Technical University of Koszalin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Food Processes and Equipment, Racławicka 15-17, 75-620 Koszalin, Poland
  3. Maritime University of Technology of Szczecin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Willowa 2, 75-500 Szczecin
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On power generation and the future of Polish offshore wind farms.
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Paweł Flaszyński
Karol Mitraszewski
Joanna Markowska Cerić

  1. PAS Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Gdańsk, Poland
  2. PGE Baltica sp. z o.o., Warsaw, Poland
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Composite materials are a constantly evolving group of engineering materials, which has significantly changed their current, and potential role as structural materials over the past decades. Composites offer greater strength, stiffness, and less deformation to structural designers than previously available engineering materials. Resin matrix composites are widely used in the transportation, marine, aerospace, energy, and even sports industries. The manufacturing stage has a profound influence on the quality of the final product. This paper presents the production of composite materials by gravity casting in silicone moulds, using an epoxy/polyester resin matrix reinforced with wood chips and shredded glass fiber reinforced composite from recycled wind turbine blades. Some of the fabricated samples were degassed in a reduced-pressure chamber. The mechanical properties of the produced material were then examined. It was noted that the silicone moulds did not affect the resin self-degassing due to the large surface area to weight ratio, and the remaining small air bubbles had a limited effect on the mechanical properties of the samples. The filler used also played a significant role. Composites filled with crushed GFRC showed better strength properties than composites filled with wood chips. The conducted research is aimed at selecting materials for further testing with a view to their use in the manufacture of next-generation wood-based composite structural materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Czajkowska
Tomasz Rydzkowski
Dorota Laskowska

  1. Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Racławicka 15-17 street, 75-620 Koszalin, Poland
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By means of small wind turbines, it is possible to create distributed sources of electricity useful in areas with good wind conditions. Sometimes, however, it is possible to use small wind turbines also in areas characterized by lower average wind speeds during the year. At the small wind turbine design stage, various types of technical solutions to increase the speed of the wind stream, as well as to optimally orientate it, can be applied. The methods for increasing the efficiency of wind energy conversion into electricity in the case of a wind turbine include: the use of a diffuser shielding the turbine rotor and the optimization of blades mounted on the turbine rotor. In the paper, the influence of the diffuser and rotor blades geometry on the efficiency of an exemplary wind turbine for exploitation in the West Pomeranian Province is investigated. The analyses are performed for three types of the diffuser and for three types of rotor blades. Based on them, the most optimal shapes of the diffuser and blades are selected due to the efficiency of the wind turbine. For the turbine with the designed diffuser, calculations of the output power for the assumed different values of the average annual wind speed and the constant Betz power factor and the specified generator efficiency are made. In all the analyzed cases, the amount of energy that can be generated by the turbine during the year is also estimated. Important practical conclusions are formulated on the basis of these calculations. In the final part of the paper, a 3D model of the wind turbine with the diffuser and rotor blades chosen based on earlier analyses is presented. As a material for the diffuser and rotor blades, glass fiber type A is applied. By means of calculations using the finite element method, the limit displacement of the turbine structure under the influence of a hurricane wind are determined. Based on these calculations, the correctness of the modelled small wind turbine structure has been demonstrated.

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Authors and Affiliations

Kamil Krzysztof Skorupa
Rafał Grzejda
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The specific working conditions of the wind turbine in strong wind cause a number of problems in the measurement of noise indicators used in its short and long-term assessment. The wind is a natural working environment of the turbine, but it also affects the measurement system, moreover, it can be a secondary source of other sounds that interfere with the measurement. One of the effective methods of eliminating the direct impact of wind on the measurement system is placing the microphone on the measurement board at ground level. However, the obtained result can not be directly compared with the admissible values, as it has to be converted to a result at a height of 4 m. The results of previous studies show that this relation depends, inter alia, on the speed and direction of the wind. The paper contains the results of measurements on the measurement board, according to EN 61400-11:2013, and at a height of 4 m above ground made simultaneously in three points around the 2 MW turbine at various instantaneous speeds and changing wind directions. Analysis of the impact of measuring point location on the measurement result of noise indicators and the occurrence of additional features affecting the relationship between the values measured on the board and at the height of 4 m, and especially the tonality, amplitude modulation and content of low frequency content, was m

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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Wszołek
Paweł Pawlik
Dominik Mleczko
Jagna Chronowska
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This paper presents a comparative study between the conventional PI (Proportional Integral) and backstepping controllers applied to the DFIG (Doubly Fed Induction Generator) used in WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System). These two different control strategies proposed in this work are developed to control the active and reactive power of the DFIG on the one hand, and to maintain the DC-link voltage constant for the inverting function on the other hand. This is ensured by generating control signals for two power electronic converters, RSC (Rotor Side Converter) and GSC (Grid Side Converter). In order to optimise the power production in the WT (Wind Turbine), an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm is applied along with each control technique. To simulate the effectiveness of the proposed controllers, MATLAB/Simulink Software is used, and the obtained results are analysed and discussed to compare PI and backstepping controllers in terms of robustness against wind speed variations and tracking performance in dynamic and steady states.
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Authors and Affiliations

Youssef Moumani
Abdeslam Jabal Laafou
Abdessalam Ait Madi

  1. Advanced Systems Engineering Laboratory, National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
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The degradation process of wind turbines is greatly affected by external factors. Wind turbine maintenance costs are high. The regular maintenance of wind turbines can easily lead to over and insufficient maintenance. To solve the above problems, a stochastic degradation model (SDE, stochastic differential equation) is proposed to simulate the change of the state of the wind turbine. First, the average degradation trend is obtained by analyzing the properties of the stochastic degradation model. Then the average degradation model is used to describe the predictive degradation model. Then analyze the change trend between the actual degradation state and the predicted state of the wind turbine. Secondly, according to the update process theory, the effect of maintenance on the state of wind turbines is comprehensively analyzed to obtain the availability. Then based on the average degradation process, the optimal maintenance period of the wind turbine is obtained. The optimal maintenance time of wind turbines is obtained by optimizing the maintenance cycle through availability constraints. Finally, an onshore wind turbine is used as an example to verification. Based on the historical fault data of wind turbines, the optimized maintenance decision is obtained by analyzing the reliability and maintenance cost of wind turbines under periodic and non-equal cycle conditions. The research results show that maintenance based on this model can effectively improve the performance of wind turbines and reduce maintenance costs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hongsheng Su
Xuping Duan
Dantong Wang

  1. Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
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In response to the urgent need for sustainable energy, this study addresses a critical challenge in wind turbine optimization. It focuses on developing a nuanced preventive maintenance strategy to minimize costs and mitigate energy losses. Within this framework, our paper introduces a novel approach employing a Monte Carlo simulation to identify the optimal preventive maintenance frequency, striking a balance between cost efficiency and energy loss mitigation. The results show, that grouped maintenance approach, pinpointing an optimal frequency of 93 months. This strategic configuration minimizes costs to $9997 while concurrently maintaining an average energy loss of 32.014 MWh, resulting in a notable 4.29% increase in total energy production. Variability analysis reveals that increasing maintenance frequency reduces cost fluctuations, while energy loss remains relatively stable. These findings elucidate the interplay among preventive maintenance strategies, cost, and reliability in the realm of wind turbine performance optimization
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Authors and Affiliations

Yassine EDDOUH
Abdelmajid DAYA
Abdelhamid TOUACHE
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Local wind conditions can vary strongly depending on the landmark and vegetation, as well as on the skyline of the buildings in an urban surrounding. Weather, season and time of day influence the yield of electric power. In order to promote the use of small wind turbines as an alternative to photovoltaic power generation, design optimization for locationoptimized small wind turbines was carried out. In this work, we want to concentrate on vertical axis wind turbines. Experimental studies, as well as numerical simulations, have been conducted. On the one hand, bionically optimized core structures will be integrated and implemented in the hybrid material of the turbine blades. Several optimization attempts have been examined for single blades. Detailed simulative investigations with large eddy simulations improve the aerodynamic behaviour of the new rotor design. Finally, based on the results of the studies and investigations, a new rotor will be manufactured and tested experimentally in the wind tunnel. A comparison with the reference system from the first part of the paper shows the improvements and effectiveness of the measures and processes investigated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Daniel Lehser-Pfeffermann
Alexander Hamman
Frank Ulrich Rückert

  1. University of Applied Sciences Saarbrücken (htw saar), Faculty of Economic Sciences, Campus Rotenbühl, Waldhausweg 14, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
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The aim of the research was to determine the occurrence of possible, significant levels of infrasound and low frequency noise both in classrooms and around the primary school. Two sources of noise during research were significant: traffic on the national road and a wind farm, located near the school building. So far, few studies have been published regarding the impact of low-frequency, environmental noise from communication routes. The identification of hazards in a form of estimated noise levels resulted in preliminary information whether the location of the school near the road with significant traffic and the nearby wind farm can cause nuisance to children. There have been determined the criteria for assessing infrasound and low frequency noise. There have been made third octave band analyses of noise spectrum and the essential noise indicators were calculated. The results of learning in that school were thoroughly analysed for a long period of time and they were compared to the results obtained in other schools within a radius of 200 km situated near similar noise sources. Chosen assessment criteria show small exposure to low frequency noise. Measured infrasound noise levels are below hearing threshold.

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Adam Zagubień
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Wind turbines are among the key equipment needed for eco-friendly generation of electricity. Maintaining wind turbines in excellent technical condition is extremely important not only for safety but also for efficient operation. Studies indicate that defects in the external structure of a turbine blade reduce energy production efficiency. This research investigated the potential of the terrestrial laser scanning technology to examine the technical conditions of wind turbine blades. The main aim of the study was to examine whether terrestrial laser scanning measurements can be valuable for wind turbine blade condition surveying. The investigation was based on the radiometric analyses of point clouds, which forms the novelty of the present study. Condition monitoring focuses on the detection of defects, such as cracks, cavities, or signs of erosion. Moreover, this study consisted of two stages. The next objective entailed the development and examination of two different measurement methods. It was then identified which method is more advantageous by analysing their effectiveness and other economic considerations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paulina Stałowska
Czesławi Suchock
Adam Zagubien

  1. Civil Engineering and Transport discipline, Doctoral School of the Koszalin University of Technology, Sniadeckich 2,75-453 Koszalin, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geodetic Sciences, Koszalin University of Technology,Sniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland
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The condition monitoring of offshore wind power plants is an important topic that remains open. This monitoring aims to lower the maintenance cost of these plants. One of the main components of the wind power plant is the wind turbine foundation. This study describes a data-driven structural damage classification methodology applied in a wind turbine foundation. A vibration response was captured in the structure using an accelerometer network. After arranging the obtained data, a feature vector of 58 008 features was obtained. An ensemble approach of feature extraction methods was applied to obtain a new set of features. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Laplacian eigenmaps were used as dimensionality reduction methods, each one separately. The union of these new features is used to create a reduced feature matrix. The reduced feature matrix is used as input to train an Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine learning-based classification model. Four different damage scenarios were applied in the structure. Therefore, considering the healthy structure, there were 5 classes in total that were correctly classified. Five-fold cross validation is used to obtain a final classification accuracy. As a result, 100% of classification accuracy was obtained after applying the developed damage classification methodology in a wind-turbine offshore jacket-type foundation benchmark structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jersson X. Leon-Medina
1 2
Núria Parés
Maribel Anaya
Diego A. Tibaduiza
Francesc Pozo
1 5

  1. Control, Data, and Artificial Intelligence (CoDAlab), Department of Mathematics, Escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est (EEBE),Campus Diagonal-Besòs (CDB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Eduard Maristany 16, 08019 Barcelona, Spain
  2. Programa de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Carrera 8H #172-20, Bogota, Colombia
  3. Laboratori de Càlcul Numèric (LaCàN), Department of Mathematics, Escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est (EEBE), Campus Diagonal-Besòs
  4. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Cra 45 No. 26-85, Bogotá 111321, Colombia
  5. Institute of Mathematics (IMTech), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Pau Gargallo 14, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
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The grid integration of large-scale wind power will alter the dynamic characteristics of the original system and the power distribution among synchronous machines. Meanwhile, the interaction between wind turbines and synchronous machines will affect the damping oscillation characteristics of the system. The additional damping control of traditional synchronous generators provides an important means for wind turbines to enhance the damping characteristics of the system. To improve the low frequency oscillation characteristics of wind power grid-connected power systems, this paper adds a parallel virtual impedance link to the traditional damping controller and designs a DFIG-PSS-VI controller. In the designed controller, the turbine active power difference is chosen as the input signal based on residual analysis, and the output signal is fed back to the reactive power control loop to obtain the rotor voltage quadrature component. With DigSILENT/PowerFactory, the influence of the controller parameters is analyzed. In addition, based on different tie-line transmission powers, the impact of the controller on the low-frequency oscillation characteristics of the power system is examined through utilizing the characteristic root and time domain simulation analysis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ping He
Yongliang Zhu
Qiuyan Li
Jiale Fan
Yukun Tao

  1. Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, College of Electrical and Information Engineering, China
  2. Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, College of Materials and Chemical Engineering, China
  3. State Grid Henan Electric Power Company, Economic and Technical Research Institute, China
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Although gear teeth give lots of advantages, there is a high possibility of failure in gear teeth in each gear stage in the drive train system. In this research, the authors developed proper gear teeth using the basic theorem of gear failure and reliability-based design optimization. A design variable characterized by a probability distribution was applied to the static stress analysis model and the dynamics analysis model to determine an objective function and constraint equations and to solve the reliability-based design optimization. For the optimization, the authors simulated the torsional drive train system which includes rotational coordinates. First, the authors established a static stress analysis model which gives information about endurance limit and bending strength. By expressing gear mesh stiffness in terms of the Fourier series, the equations of motion including the gear mesh models and kinematical relations in the drive train system were acquired in the form of the Lagrange equations and constraint equations. For the numerical analysis, the Newmark Beta method was used to get dynamic responses including gear mesh contact forces. From the results such as the gear mesh contact force, the authors calculated the probability of failure, arranged each probability and gear teeth, and proposed a reasonable and economic design of gear teeth.
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Authors and Affiliations

Changwoo Lee
Yonghui Park

  1. Pohang Institute of Metal Industry Advancement, Pohang, Republic of Korea
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuhan University, Bucheon, Republic of Korea
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This paper reviews latest developments of substructures for offshore wind turbines focusing on investigations and applications of hybrid foundations. Model tests and numerical analyses were used to simulate the loading of hybrid piles in sand. The results of pile-soil interaction were investigated to confirm the changes in soil stiffness around the hybrid monopile head. The mechanism and factors affecting the change in lateral stiffness of the hybrid foundation were explained by analysing p–y curves for M+H loading conditions in sand. Based on this research, a new shape of p–y curves for hybrid monopiles was established and a method for determining key parameters was proposed. The effectiveness of new p–y curves was verified by comparing back-calculated results with those from numerical simulations. The conducted tests confirmed that the hybrid monopile displacement is 30–50% smaller when compared to a standard monopile with similar dimensions. The gained experiences can be useful for designers and researchers to enhance the design of foundations for offshore wind turbines.
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Krzysztof Trojnar

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, al. Powstanców Warszawy 12, 00-959 Rzeszów, Poland

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