Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne

Folia Orientalia


Folia Orientalia | 2019 | vol. LVI


In view of the first Italian translation of the Kitāb al-ifāda wa-l-iʿtibār by ʿAbd al-Laṭīf, this article intends to provide a brief critical report of the mentions of Aristotle found in the Account of Egypt.

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Nikola D. Bellucci


Contemporary Arabic literature is slowly approaching a local production of the “fantasy” genre through attempts that can be considered an important starting point for this new genre still being defined in the Arab world. During the last decades the influence exerted by Western countries on the production of this literary genre, that reaches the Arab world around the twentieth century, has been evident mainly through the translations of Western fantasy novels. Among the various genres of fantasy novels which still enjoy international fame and have been translated into Arabic we find: The Lord of the Rings (1954–55) by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien; A Song of Ice and Fire (1996–2005) by Raymond Richard Martin and Harry Potter (1997–2007) by Joanne Kathleen Rowling. The delay in the introduction of the fantasy genre in the Arab countries has begun to be overcome in recent years, in fact many Arab authors have tried to write new fantasy novels. The fantastic tradition of Arab Islamic civilization is also an important part of drawing on the creation of original fantasy works. The study shows a general propensity of the contemporary Arab world to create a local fantasy, in which the Arab authors try to put the accent on the characteristic elements of Middle Eastern culture, though also drawing on the Western fantasy tradition.

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Emanuela De Blasio


A purpose of the present study is an evaluation of various models of classification of the South branch of the Cushitic languages. The South Cushitic languages are studied in their narrow sense here, i.e. without Dahalo and Ma’a, although their probable cognates are registered.

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Václav Blažek


The pharmacologist of al-Andalus, born in Malaga and died in Damascus, Ibn al-Bayṭār (576/1180 or 583/1187–646/1248) composed a dozen works among which we must highlight: The Kitāb Mīzān al-Ṭabīb. The work presented here studies the only manuscript of this work that has been preserved, number 351 or Vet. 58 of the Universitetsbibliotek of Uppsala (Sweden) and describes the content of the same, a medical-pharmacological dissertation, divided into eighty chapters, each of which is dedicated to one or more diseases, going through all the organs of the body, starting with the head and ending with the feet.

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Ana M. Cabo-González


The objective of this paper is the Arabic edition and the English translation of the Dissertation on thirst (الكلام في العطش), an anonymous text included in the miscellaneous manuscript nº 888 of the Royal Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial in Madrid (Spain). This small treatise describes what thirst is, the types of thirst that exist, the causes why hydroponics are averse to water, the reason why diabetic people are continuously thirsty, the causes why people with fever are thirsty, the reason why some foods produce thirst and others do not, and so on. The whole manuscript is composed of fourteen works, written by the same copyist along 170 folios under the general title The book of medical and philosophical curiosities and utilities (كتاب النكت والثمار الطبية والفلسفية) and their subject are curious matters that are generally out of the span of most works on these two branches of knowledge.

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Ana M. Cabo-González


The object of the essay is prophecy in the Qur’ān, through the stories of the prophets and the language they use. Specifically, the Qur’ānic narrative and Joseph’s speeches have been systematically examined, with the intention of introducing a symmetrical reading of the story between incidents and the specific language. Emphasis has been placed on the philological aspects, by focusing the analysis on the Arabic version of the Qur’ān, in order to try to draw up a personal profile of Joseph and, at the same time, to attempt to counter an approach that claims to see all the Qur’ānic envoys only in their instrumental function in the mission of Muḥammad.

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Antonio Cuciniello


The aim of this paper is to discuss the reasons behind mapping three sites of Narasiṃha worship (Kāñcī, Ahobilam, Ghaṭikādri) in terms of the 3rd chapter of the Vaiṣṇavaoriented Kāñcīmāhātmya. Textual analysis of the Narasiṃha myth of the text reveals that it has been inspired by various local narrations related to the places located on the route sketched by the deity’s travels. The most effective means of connecting these places is the mythical narrative on Narasiṃha’s race after the demons, which frames the story and hence unifies single episodes inspired by appropriate local traditions. The purpose of such a literary technique is to produce a certain area that for some reasons was, or was intended to be, important for its inhabitants. Remarkably, maintaining the Andhra-bounded motif of Narasiṃha, who kills Hiraṇyakaśipu at Ahobilam, the furthest destination on the route, makes this particular site an indispensable and especially meaningful spot on the KM 3 literary map. Since the demarcated territory transgresses in a way the land of the Tamils, the paper also attempts to determine whether the particular version of the Narasiṃha myth in the KM 3 may reflect the religious and political reality of South India under the rule of Vijayanagara kings, i.e. after the 14th century.

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Ewa Dębicka-Borek


The aim of this article is to present and review the research methods employed in Laura Gago Gómez’s recent study, Aproximación a la situación sociolingüística de Tánger-Arcila: variación léxica y grafemática (2018). Moreover, this article intends to evaluate the possibility of applying the methods of Hispanic research on lexical availability to Middle Arabic texts, after considering what kind of Middle Arabic texts should be taken into account for this purpose.

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Giulia Guidotti


The purposes of this paper are threefold. The first and the most general purpose is to provide an update of Ingham’s analysis of the southern lexical features that is based on data gathered more than forty years ago (Ingham 1973). On this basis, I will reconsider the lexical link postulated by Ingham (2009: 101, 2007: 577) between the southern gilit-dialects continuum, on the one hand, and the dialects of the Gulf Coast, on the other hand. The second purpose is to reconsider the hitherto maintained lexical frontiers of the southern continuum suggested by Ingham (1994), discussing a range of items that so far have always been treated as ‘southern’, though they are widely spread in other gilit- and, to a less extent, in qeltu-dialects in the western and northern parts of Iraq. The third purpose involves proposing the dichotomy Šrūgi/non-Šrūgi as a new and efficient way of classification of the gilit-dialects. At the end of this paper, a list of Šrūgi lexical features is given.

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Qasim Hassan
Słowa kluczowe: Chadic Gali Miltu


A short description of Gali, an East Chadic language, based on field notes taken in 1972.

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Herrmann Jungraithmayr
Carsten Peust


Five years ago Vasilis Orfanos published an excellent monograph on the Turkish lexical borrowings attested in the Cretan dialect of Modern Greek (Orfanos 2014). In this paper the present authors increase the number of the possible Cretan Turkisms, providing and explaining additional items not listed in Orfanos’s book.

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Elwira Kaczyńska
Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak


This contribution aims at presenting the arguments produced by Arabic grammarians in the discussion on the ẓarf. By providing different viewpoints, the paper addresses various aspects of the issue, focusing in particular on its definition(s) and features, as well as its collocation within the overall Arabic grammatical system.

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Simona Olivieri


This article shows that Classical Arabic expresses verbal number. Arabic, of all the Semitic language family, meets the typological tests of the languages expressing verbal number. In addition, I will show that Classical Arabic provides a morphological verb form to express number. I will, however, show that for the form to express verbal number it requires a combination of morphological and semantic conditions. Without which the designated form does not express number, but expresses transitivity or the transfer of agency. These conditions are: form II must come from a root that has a form I, form I must be the transitive meaning of the root and the root must express an instant action. Form II, therefore, does not exclusively express number. Verbal number in Arabic is conditional. However, I will also propose that when form II verb expresses number, it does not express the transfer of agency.

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Muhammad Al-Sharkawi


In halachic give-and-take conversations in the Mishnah and Tosefta, the sages-interlocutors use the a fortiori (qal-vaxomer) arguments. Following the previous description of a fortiori arguments that appear in the halachic give-and-take conversations in the Mishnah (Shemesh-Raiskin 2019, pp. 132–164), this article presents a corresponding description of those arguments in the Tosefta. Chapter 2 presents the inventory of arguments in both compilations. In the various sections of Chapter 3 the discourse features of the arguments are described: elements that precede the a fortiori arguments (3.1), additions to the a fortiori arguments (3.2), responses to the arguments (3.3), and additions that appear after the arguments (3.4). In general, it was found that these elements are used more in the Tosefta than in the Mishnah. Chapter 4 presents the syntactic patterns of the a fortiori arguments in the halachic give-and-take conversations in the Mishnah and Tosefta. From the patterns which were found by Azar (1991) in his article about the a fortiori arguments in the Mishnah, the most frequent pattern in the arguments in both compilations isאינו

דין + ש-מ 2 ([= (and) what if + S1 + is it not logical + that-S2]), whereas the pattern

מה) אם + מ 1 (חיובי) + מ 2 (שלילי: לא + יפעל) ) ([= (what) if + S1 (positive) + S2 (negative:

no + Yif‘al)])

די is frequent only in the Mishnah. Another structure that appears in both compilations, is used to reject arguments, and is the most frequent of all the structures – ? לא, אם אמרת/אמרתם ב+צ"ש 1 + ש-מ 1 + תאמר/תאמרו ב+צ"ש 2 + ש-מ 2 ([= No, if you (sing./pl.) have said in+NP1 + that-S1 + will you (sing./pl.) say in+NP2 + that-S2]).

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Rivka Shemesh-Raiskin


On January 14, 2011, Zayn al-‘Ābidīn Bin ‘Alī resigned, left Tunisia and took refuge in Saudi Arabia following the revolts born in Sīdi Būzīd after the suicide of Bū-‘Azīzī. The Arab Spring in Tunisia was not a popular uprising perpetrated by the lower class and the unemployed young people: the committees of the lawyers and the magistrates who joined the protests, proved the active participation of the middle class. However, the Revolution did not alleviate the popular unrest, and it did not reduce the social imbalances. The diastratic varieties, already existing before the Revolution, are the linguistic reflection of the social situation. After 2011 the main actors of the protests, proceeding from the lowest and youngest class, came back to the Ḥū ma, the ghetto, in which anger and frustration flourish. The description of the life in the Ḥūma, has become the main topic of many songs written by the new generation of Tunisian artists who sing in the slang of the lower class. Despite they proceed from the upper class, they have become the spokesmen of the malaise that hovers in the poor neighborhoods. Guerrero (2012) analysed linguistically Rāyǝs lǝ-Blād, a song by the Tunisian rapper El Général, appeared on internet on February 8th, 2011, few days before the escape of Bǝn ԑAlī. Rāyǝs lǝ-Blād is an example of the artistic denunciation of the political oppression and the social degradation. The songs of artists such as Kafon, Hamzaoui Med Amin and Balti, which appeared after the Revolution instead, are not acts of protest, they just represent the ordinary life of the ūlād ǝl-Ḥūma in the ghetto. What linguistic dynamics are put in place by these singers? After a historical-etymological reconstruction related to the word Ḥūma, it will be shown how this group of artists practiced, on the one hand, the divergence with respect to the prestigious variety of the capital, on the other, the convergence towards the language of the tunisian poorest class.

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Maura Tarquini


There is no agreement on the etymology and meaning of Phoen. ḥsp in the Aḥirom sarcophagus inscription, but the corresponding Egyptian verb ḥsb, “to break”, may help to resolve both issues. In support, several other words where Eg. /b/ corresponds to Semitic /p/ are discussed.

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Wilfred G.E. Watson


In the artcile the author deals with a controversis between the Turkologist, Mongolist, Tungusologist and Altaicist G. Doerfer and the Turkologist O.F. Sertkaya from the years 1983–1991. The whole matter was starting with a paper written by Doerfer to demonstrate the principles of writing reviews which led to the unnecessary dispute between the two scholars based on deeeply misunderstandings.

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Michael Knüppel


In this brief article five bronze fibulae, being exposed in the museum of Şanlıurfa and belonging to the Iron Age, will be presented. At least two of these five were found at Lidar Höyük.

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Ergün Laflı
Maurizio Buora


Powerful European countries in late 18th and early 19th centuries supported religious minorities and expanded missionaries’ activities, thus paving the way for social changes and evolutions. Having understood international circumstances and internal situations, Iranian Jews took influential and useful steps in changing social system. The Qajar Dynasty, in line with the demands of international Jew institutions, agreed with the establishment of new Jew institutions. The present paper tries to find an answer to this question: How did the Jews change their social system during the mentioned period? The paper hypothesis is that with the support of their international institutions as well as powerful European countries, the Jews urged Qajar Dynasty to provide a suitable background for the evolution of their social system.

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Nourddin Nemati
Cyrus Faizee
Mazhar Advay


I am going to collect dispersed items of information which clearly refer or seem to be suggestive of the Aeolic, Pergamene or Attalid school of art historians which developed in the first half of the 2nd century BC and discuss their idiosyncratic methods and original contribution to the Greek intellectual life of the Hellenistic period. Even the fragmentary history of the Attalid art collections which can be reconstructed from the archaeological data and the scarce information in the literary sources shows that the collections grew as a result of various factors: 1. wartime robbery. 2. purchases of artworks. 3. a well‑thought out programme of reproducing original Greek artworks. The Attalids must have had professional art historians at their side as consultants. We can identify two of them by name: Antigonus of Karystos and Polemon of Ilion. A number of passages testify to a lively academic debate between them. In the course of their professional polemics they discussed the problems of authorship and authenticity of artworks, they adduced biographical details in their efforts to establish the personal identities of the artists and paid tribute to their heroes with colourful anecdotes. They attributed artworks to alternative authors. They also constructed complicated genealogical trees of schools of painting and sculpture, along the principle of master/pupil relations. Their epigraphic studies must have been inspired and influenced by the editors of the Aeolic Archaic poets.

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Tomasz Polański


The last years of Cambyses’ reign are marked by the extension of Achaemenid rule to Egypt and the prolonged absence of the king and his ministers from the Persian heartlands. Reliable subordinates were obviously essential to the smooth functioning of the Empire, and the role played by Prexaspes, whom Herodotus describes as pre-eminent in loyalty (3.30.3), illustrates what might be required of highly placed officials if the charisma of kingship, the cement that held the Empire together, was to be preserved. Prexaspes’ activity imposes unity on a series of episodes illustrating his unfailing competence in the service of an unbalanced autocrat, and his end brings commendation from Herodotus (3.75.3). An Assyrian counterpart is offered by the story of the wise counsellor Ahiqar, first attested in an Aramaic text from the latter part of the fifth century BC and subsequently translated into a wide range of languages; the tale of Ahiqar’s vicissitudes provides a framework for an assemblage of moral precepts, emphasising loyalty to the sovereign as a religious duty and offering advice to the ambitious. Under Darius self-sacrificing loyalty inspires the extraordinary expedient by which Zopyrus contrives the reduction of the rebellious city of Babylon (3. 150–160). While the narrative of the means by which this was achieved is absurd, it brings out the importance under Darius of incentives to dedicated service, above all the hope of winning recognition from a ruler who could express his appreciation on an extraordinarily generous scale. Merit awards did not depend on whim or haphazard observation; it is significant that Herodotus reports (8.90.4) the presence of scribes recording details of distinguished service at the battle of Salamis. But the list of those termed the King’s benefactors, orosangai (8.85.3), was clearly liberal as to the kinds of activity deemed to qualify for such recognition. To Greeks dedication to the ideology represented by the Persian Empire might seem to entail a distortion of normal values while its rewards appeared rather questionable to those who did not appreciate the advantages of the strong centralized rule which prevented disintegration into lawless tribalism.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stephanie West

Instrukcja dla autorów

Instructions for Authors

The deadline for submitting an article for publication in a volume in a given year is 31 May.
The deadline for submission of review articles and book reviews is 31 July. If you miss this deadline, please contact the editorial office.
The volume is published annually in December.

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All articles must include a title, an abstract (100–200 words) and keywords (4–10) in English, the main text and a bibliography (see References). Please do not use capital letters in the titles of articles, chapters, etc., and avoid overly elaborate formatting. Authors should provide their ORCID number if they have one.

Contributions to the journal should not have been submitted to other journals or publishers, nor should they have been previously published elsewhere in any language. All articles should be based on original research.

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Style sheet is based on the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (author and date).

- Journal article

Fox, Joshua. 1996. ‘A Sequence of Vowel Shifts in Phoenician and Other Languages’. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55 (1): 37–47.
Intext citation: (Fox 1996: 37); Fox (1996: 37)
Footnote citation: Fox 1996: 37; see Fox (1996: 37)

Mulder-Heymans, Noor. 2002. ‘Archaeology, Experimental Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology on Bread Ovens in Syria’. Civilisations 49 (1–2): 197–221.
Intext citation: (Mulder-Heymans 2002: 198); Mulder-Heymans (2002: 198)
Footnote citation: Mulder-Heymans 2002: 198; see Mulder-Heymans (2002: 198)

- Book and edited books

Lewin, Bernhard. 1966. Arabische Texte im Dialekt von Hama mit Einleitung und Glossar. Beiruter Texte und Studien 2. Beirut and Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.
Intext citation: (Lewin 1966: 67); Lewin (1966: 67)
Footnote citation: Lewin 1966: 67; see Lewin (1966: 67)

Fleck, Ludwik. 2019. Denkstile und Tatsachen: gesammelte Schriften und Zeugnisse. Edited by Sylwia Werner and Claus Zittel. 3rd ed. Suhrkamp Taschenbücher Wissenschaft. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Intext citation: (Fleck 2019); Fleck (2019)
Footnote citation: Fleck 2019; see Fleck (2019)

Caubet, Dominique, and Martine Vanhove, eds. 1994. Actes des premières journées internationales de dialectologie arabe de Paris. Colloque international tenu à Paris du 27 au 30 janvier 1993. Paris: INALCO, Publications Langues’O.
Intext citation: (Caubet and Vanhove 1994); Caubet and Vanhove (1994)
Footnote citation: Caubet and Vanhove 1994; Caubet and Vanhove (1994)

Holes, Clive, ed. 2018. Arabic Historical Dialectology: Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Intext citation: (Holes 2018); Holes (2018)
Footnote citation: Holes 2018; see Holes (2018)

- Chapter in an edited book

Ullendorff, Edward. 1970. ‘Comparative Semitics’. In Current Trends in Linguistics: Volume 6. Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa, edited by Thomas A. Sebeok, 261–73. The Hague-Paris: Mouton.
Intext citation: (Ullendorff 1970: 262); Ullendorff (1970: 262)
Footnote citation: Ullendorff 1970: 262; see Ullendorff (1970: 262)

Khan, Geoffrey. 2011. ‘North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic’. In The Semitic Languages: An International Handbook, edited by Stefan Weninger, 708–24. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter Mouton.
Intext citation: (Khan 2011: 711); Khan (2011: 711)
Footnote citation: Khan 2011: 711; see Khan (2011: 711)

- Encyclopaedia entry

Lentin, Jérôme. 2008. ‘Middle Arabic’. In Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, 3:215–224. Leiden and Boston: Brill.

- PhD thesis, MA thesis

Borg, Alexander. 1978. ‘A Historical and Comparative Phonology and Morphology of Maltese’. PhD Thesis, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Intext citation: (Borg 1978: 112); Borg (1978: 112)
Footnote citation: Borg 1978: 112; Borg (1978: 112)

- Internet sources

Abdellatif, Karim. 2010. Dictionnaire « le Karmous » du Tunisien : Qāmus al-Karmūs li-l-luġa at-tūnisiyya. 19 February 2012.

Watson, Janet C. E. 2003. ‘Some Pausal Forms from Text 6 of Waṣf Sanʿā: Texts in Ṣanʿānī Arabic Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000 (Semitica Viva; 23)’. 31 October 2003.〈=de.

Kiraz, George Anton, eds. 2011. ‘Gorgias Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage: Electronic Edition’. Accessed 31 August 2022.

- Examples of citations

Behnstedt (1994a; 1994b)
Behnstedt (1994a: 102; 1994b: 134)
Behnstedt (1994a: 102, 134, 148–49)
(Behnstedt 1994a: 102, 134, 148–49; Woidich 1996: 72; 1998: 34)
Serracino-Inglott (1975–2003: vol. 1)
Serracino-Inglott (1975: 1:123–124)


Authors may use a recognised scientific transcription/transliteration system that is appropriate for their purposes. They must explain any non-standard or unusual elements in the text or in footnotes. Transcription/transliteration must be used for all languages written in non-Latin scripts. In addition to the writing of all words in non-Latin alphabets, a transcription must appear. Longer paragraphs in non-Latin alphabets may be included only when scientifically and methodologically justified.


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The editors, editorial board, referees and authors of Folia Orientalia are expected to adhere to the policies outlined in this information and to actively participate in post-publication discussions and corrections as necessary. All corrections, revisions and retractions will be documented and made publicly available on the journal’s website.

Policy Review The editors and editorial board will periodically review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with best practices in post-publication discussion and correction. Any revisions to this policy will be communicated to authors and made publicly available on the journal’s website.

Procedura recenzowania

Peer-review Procedure

Articles sent to the editors and editorial board of Folia Orientalia are first subjected to an internal review by the editors and the scientific secretary. After the first qualification, the texts are sent to external reviewers (double-blind review). Each article is peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the field. Articles are submitted for review anonymously. The identity of the author is not revealed to the reviewers, and vice versa. The review must contain a clear conclusion as to whether the article should be accepted for publication.. In the case of mutually exclusive reviews, additional reviewers will be appointed. For further details on the responsibilities of reviewers and authors, see Publication Ethics Policy.

Articles that have received the approval of both reviewers are qualified for publication. As a result of the review process, authors may be expected to modify their articles according to the recommendations of the reviewers. The editors and editorial board reserves the right to publish, reject or return an article for revision.

In the case of an ambivalent peer review, the text will be submitted for further evaluation.

Articles that receive two negative reviews will not be accepted for publication. Authors of negative reviews will be notified as soon as the reviews are received by the editors.

Review form [download .docx, .pdf]

The list of reviewers for each volume is available on the journal’s website (see Reviewers).


List of Reviewers

Folia Orientalia 61 (2024)
Ohad Abudraham (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Khaled Amrani (L’Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS-UMR 5194, France)
Piotr Bachtin (Heidelberg University, Germany, University of Warsaw, Poland)
Assaf Bar Moshe (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Aze-Eddine Bouchikhi (Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, Qatar)
Letizia Cerqueglini (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Bernard Christophe (independent researcher)
Luca D’Anna (University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’, Italy)
James Nathan Ford (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Felipe Benjamin Francisco (independent researcher)
Yulia Furman (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
George Grigore (University of Bucharest, Romania)
Jairo Guerrero Parrado (Aix-Marseille Université, France)
Mateusz Kłagisz (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland)
Nikita Kuzin (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Zella Lakhdar (University of Blida, Algeria)
Amelia Macioszek (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Kamal Nait Zerad (INALCO, France)
Gana Ndiaye (Yale University, USA)
Ulrike-Rebekka Nieten (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Monika Nowakowska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Ouahmi Ould-Braham (L’Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France)
Marek Stachowski (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland)
Małgorzata Sulich-Cowley (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Shabo Talay (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Kees Versteegh (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Nadia Vidro (University College London, United Kingdom)
Rainer M. Voigt (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Janet C.E. Watson (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)

Folia Orientalia 60 (2023)

Hussam Almujalli (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia)
Khaled Amrani (Grenoble Alpes University, France)
Andrei Avram (University of Bucharest, Romania)
Alessandro Bausi (Hamburg University, Germany)
Alex Bellem (The Aga Khan University, United Kingdom)
Luca D’Anna (University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’, Italy)
Felipe Benjamin Francisco (Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Aharon Geva Kleinberger (University of Haifa, Israel)
Wiktor Gębski (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
Valerie J. Hoffman (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)
Mateusz Kłagisz (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland)
Malhar A. Kulkarni (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
Zella Lakhdar (University of Blida, Algeria)
Amelia Macioszek (University of Gdańsk, Poland)
Eiman Mustafawi (Qatar University, Qatar)
Ludwig Paul (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Nina Pawlak (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Tiziana Pontillo (University of Cagliari, Italy)
Veronika Ritt-Benmimoun (University of Vienna, Austria)
Judith Rosenhouse (Technion. Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Gianluca Saitta (University of Palermo, Italy)
Thomas Schneider (The University of British Columbia, Canada)
Marek Stachowski (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland)
Peter Stein (University of Jena, University of Erfurt, Germany)
Lloyd Strickland (Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom)
Yannick Wiechmann (University of Bonn, Germany)

Folia Orientalia 59 (2022)

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (SOAS University of London)
Piotr Balcerowicz (University of Warsaw)
Assaf Bar Moshe (Free University of Berlin)
Thomas Barfield (Boston University)
Basilius Bawardi (Bar-Ilan University)
Letizia Cerqueglini (Tel Aviv University)
Adrian Heinrich (University of Jena)
Roni Henkin-Roitfarb (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Bernard Hourcade (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Azadeh Kian (University of Paris 7-Paris-Diderot, French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Bettina Leitner (University of Vienna)
Maria Lipnicka (Heidelberg University)
Michał Moch (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Marijn van Puten (Leiden University)
Monica M. Ringer (Amherst College)
Marcin Rzepka (Jagiellonian University)
Małgorzata Sandowicz (University of Warsaw)
Małgorzata Sulich-Cowley (University of Warsaw)
Kamran Talattof (University of Arizona)
Małgorzata Wielińska-Soltwedel (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Mariam Zehtabi (University of Virginia)
Saeed Zeydabadi-Nejad (SOAS University of London)

Folia Orientalia 57 (2020) – 58 (2021)

Werner Arnold (Heidelberg University, Center for Jewish Studies Heidelberg)
Piotr Bachtin (University of Warsaw)
Sergio Baldi (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
Giorgio Banti (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
Basilius Bawardi (Bar-Ilan University)
Clive Holes (Oxford University)
Peter Juhás (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Małgorzata Kajzer (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
Edyta Kopp (University of Warsaw)
Jolanta Młynarczyk (University of Warsaw)
Michał Moch (Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Science)
Antonia Navarro-Tejero (University of Córdoba)
Nina Pawlak (University of Warsaw)
Joachim Quack (Heidelberg University)
Magdalena Rodziewicz (University of Warsaw)
Josef Tropper (Free University Berlin, Humboldt University)
Mateusz Wilk (University of Warsaw)
David Wilmsen (American University of Sharjah)

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