Applied sciences

Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management | 2000 | No 2

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Clay rocks occurring in the area of the former Bielsko-Biała Voidvodship can be divided into two groups: plastic varieties-clays and loams, and induratcd varieties-shales. The first arc represented by Quaternary alluvial, residual and loess loams as well as Miocene clays, the other by clay-shales belonging to various lithostratigraphical units of the Carpathians. The vicinity ofBielsko-Biała is not particularly rich in these rock types, which can be considered as: - poorly diversified from the point of view of their lithology and genesis; - of inferior quality. The deposits of raw materials of building ceramics in this area should be classified as multifunctional, providing two, three and even four uscablc rock types. The clay rocks of the former Bielsko-Biała Yoidvodship can be further divided considering their industrial properties into groups applicable in the following technologies: - building ceramics. Into this category we can include Quaternary residual and loess loams, part ofalluvial loams, Miocene clays and Cieszyn shales; - production ofkeramsitc (artificial light aggregate). The appropriate properties arc displayed, among others, by shales of the Hieroglyphic and Istebna Beds. Resources of raw materials of building ceramics in the area, both proved and recorded, are not big. The deposits there contain about 14 mln m3 of proved raw materials, documented in various categories. Open pit mining proceeds in ten deposits with total reserves of 9.5 mln m3• In five brickyards mining of clays and firing of bricks is a periodic activity. In I 998 some 25,000 m3 of rock was mined; the material was used in production of various types of building ceramic materials. Most of the deposits have the layered form. They belong to the Ilnd (Wyrwicka, Wyrwicki 1994) category of deposits considering their geological and mining conditions of occurrence. Their areas arc rather small, not exceeding I ha. The character and properties of raw materials mined decide about the waste-free system of exploitation and production. The chances for enlargement of resources and intensification of production can be scen in: - proving new reserves in existing deposits; - opening of mining and production in deposits documented but currently not mined. A substantial number of deposits of raw materials of building ceramics in the former Bielsko-Biała Voidvodship can be included into the group no. 3A (Wyrwicka, Wyrwicki 1994) in the environmental classification. Not used and abandoned opencast workings after mining ofbuilding clay rawmaterials may become suitable places for disposing ofvarious waste materials. Considering the landscape amenities ofthe region, special care should be taken during recultivation of such pits.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Ratajaczak
Elżbieta Stachura
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The Tertiary Krakowicc clay deposit in Kolbuszowa-Kupno is one of the biggest in south-eastern Poland. The clay is ill i tic in character. Together with ill i te there occur other clay minerals (kaolinite, smectitcs, chloritcs), non-clay ones (quartz, calcite, feldspars) and organic matter. Taking into account grain size distribution, one can point to the possibility of applying this mineral raw material for the production of such structural clay products as lightweight brics and blocks. The clay studied is characterized by high plasticity as well as relatively low make-up water and drying shrinkage. The natural radioactivity coefficients f1 and f2 for the clay studied arc significantly lower than permissible Polish limits for structural clay products and their raw materials. During firing of clay samples the compressive strength and shrinkage of the body increase while the permeability decreases. These processes arc intensified at a temperature of 1050°C. During firing of the clay studied, mainly water vapour and carbon dioxide arc released. The lack of the emission of such detrimental volatiles as SOx and HF is advantageous from the environmental viewpoint. The comparison of technological properties of products made of clay of the Kolbuszowa-Kupno deposit, manufactured by traditional method and by fast firing method indicates that the time of the production procccs can be remarkably reduced without significant influence on technological parameters of the ceramic body obtained.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Szczepek-Wcisło
Piotr Wyszomirski
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In this paper some basic physical parameters of compact rocks have been described. These parameters arc used for the evaluation of the usefulness of rock materials in construction industry and road-making. Among these parameters the most important are: compressive strength, bending strength, density, frost resistance, absorbability and abrasion resistance. Investigations were made for different types of rock materials as dolomite, diabase and porphyry. Results of the investigations indicate possibilities of the utilisation of certain rocks in the construction industry. Also possible application in road, bridge, railways and waterways construction arc shown. But in case oftunneling or underground mining basic parameters arc not sufficient. Investigations ofparticular rock parameters must be performed with the special emphasise on strength and strain criteria, ifraw materials are supposed to be used in such industries. Measurements of some specific parameters, like post-critical properties (for instance a drop modulus), can be done only in laboratories, equipped in new generation of strain machines with features of the servo control and high stiff parameters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosława Bukowska
Jerzy Gawryś
Urszula Sanetra
Danuta Szedel
Mariusz Wadas
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The course of processes of hydraulic classification and also processes of separation (enrichment) depends on the differences in the velocity offalling of grains. The falling velocity is conditioned, among others, by dimensions, density and grain shape. In the case of separation of materials in which all grains have the same density and almost similar dimensions the grain shape may be the factor determining the falling velocity. In the bulk processes where we deal with many grains of differentiated shapes, this factor can have a significant effect on the process efficiency. The paper presents the results of model investigations on the influence of grain shapes on the separation process in the jig. A narrow grain class (15 to 30 mm), of the valley gravel was used for the tests which was a mixture of grains of close-to-similar density (about 2.55 to 2.68 g/cm') and the mass from 3 to 5.5 g. The selected grains were characterised by a clear differentiation of shape. The grain shape was described conventionally by the "shape indicator" and was determined as the relation of grain mass to the perpendicular projection of its area on the plane, at its most stabilc position assumed by the grain after its free projection on the surface. It was an attempt to combine the grain shape with its mass as a factor affecting the velocity of displacement of grains. The values of the "shape indicator" were from 8 for flat grains and spherical, through slightly elongated and needle-shaped, up to 27 for spherical grains. It was assumed that for such a material the grain mass and shape would be the factors which determine the separation of grains in gravitational processes. The falling velocities of grains of almost similar masses were determined experimentally, depending on their shape, and the separation was performed in a device which imitated a jig. The investigations confirmed the effect ofthe grain shape on the course and results of the gravitational separation. In case of the narrow grain class the effect of the grain mass on the results of separation was less significant. The separation time and grain shape constitute an important parameter. Spherical grains were subject to be arranged in order faster than flat grains. Their participation in the upper laycrofthe sediment of the jig decreased and, depending on the separation time, was from a few to 0%, at the simultaneous increase of their participation in the lower layer to about 66%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Ociepa
Wiesław Mączka
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The above paper discusses the issue of the influence of decreasing oil prices on the American oil industry in 1997/98. The analysis ofthe economic situation ofthe oil industry in the USA depicts some ofthe most important issues such as: low efficiency of the oil sources, decrease in the refinery capacities and high production costs. All of these made American producers transfer production abroad to other more efficient regions of the world. High supply and low demand for the product arc mentioned and explained as main causes of the world decrease in oil prices in 1997-1998. Although the price decrease had a good influence on the overall American economy, it had a negative impact on the economic situation in the states producing oil. Lower income. financial problems, cuts in budgets and investments,joint ventures, buyouts and the overall integration of the industry were the main results of the oil price decrease. This caused further consequences for the whole American oil sector such as: further decrease in the American oil production level - significant increase in the oil import from abroad.
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Sabina Leśniak
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The main aim of this paper is to present the three-point method of hydrocarbon reserves estimation for a single prospect. This volumetric method can be regarded as a very useful and precise tool, despite the fact that it does not require complicated mathematical figures. In the volumetric method hydrocarbon recoverable reserves arc calculated as multiplication of a number of parameters, such as areal extent of prospect, net pay, porosity etc. Because of the uncertainty, cach parameter is represented as a distribution and, consequently, recoverable reserves have to be expressed as a probability distribution. This distribution can be obtained in Monte Carlo simulation process. The three-point method, which can be considered as an alternative to Monte Carlo simulation, instead of thousands of iterations, requires Pearson-Tuckey estimators for mean and variance. On the basis of these two parameters the distribution of reserves as well as other characteristics such as mode, median, percentiles can be calculated. In the first part of the article the assumptions as well as the main calculating procedures of the three-point method have been presented. In the next part, on the basis of a real prospect appraisal, the three-point method and Monte Carlo simulation method have been compared. The results of the case study as well as statistical tests have confirmed that the three-point method produces the results comparable with more complicated Monte Carlo simulation.
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Alicja Byrska-Rąpała
Alina Kozarkiewicz-Chlebowska
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The presented work characterizes the results of research carried out in the course of a multivariant conceptual project for a target dewatering mine system forming the so-called subsystem Sosnowiec and thus guaranteeing the safety of neighbouring mines. This work was realized in the course of the second phase of drilling works related to the earlier competed target project, carried out by the University ofMining and Metallurgy in Cracow. The project presents the method of target dewatering of the mines Saturn, Siemianowice with ZG Rozalia, Jowisz with ZG Wojkowice, Grodziec, Paryż, Sosnowiec, Porąbka-Klimontów and Kazimierz-Juliusz. To describe the variables of the target dewatering system it was necessary to consider a range ofhydrogeological and mining factors. The long-term inflows over the course of the years into each of the mines as well as their dewatering systems were reanalyzed. This was followed by an analysis of the direct and indirect hydraulic connections between the mines. The above factors to a large degree determine the proposed variant system of dewatering. The presented project in a certain sense represents the continuation and development of the multivariant "Target conceptual project model for the dewatering of KWK Saturn and neighbouring mines forming the subsystem Saturn". A conceptual target dewatering system of the mine Sosnowiec is proposed under transformation conditions to the dewatering systems at the mines Saturn and Paryż as well as to the liquidation ofworks at the mine Porąbka-Klimontów. A mathematical model realized during objectives design was used to calculate prognostic flows thus introducing numerous changes arising from new technical-organizational conditions. In order to enable the most advantageous choice of variant a range of preliminary simulation calculations were introduced. The results of three variants were particularly characterized and after precise analysis were recognized as being most advantageous. Preliminary calculations of the flooding times were also calculated. The most advantageous solution concerning the target pumping ofwater in mines forming the so-called subsystem Sosnowiec is variant I. In relation to the presently established state, the liquidation ofthe stationary dewatering pump at the mines Paryż, Sosnowiec and Porąbka-Klimontów was assumed and the replacement by dewatering with the use of submerged borehole pumps built into the shafts Cieszkowski, Szczepan and Ryszard of the above mentioned mines. Apart from this the maintenance in unchanged form of the primary dewatering arrangements of the mine Kazimierz- Juliusz is assumed. The primary advantage of the proposed dewatering system is the possibility of controlling the formation/build up of the groundwater table during the realization of successive liquidation decisions and changes in exploitation conditions at active mines. At the same time the amount of water originating from both regional dewatering of mines and water directed into surface drainage will be lessened. The costs ofdewatering liquidated mines will be significantly reduced. As a result of applying a well system of dewatering mines, underground manpower will be minimized and the necessity of ventilating liquidated mines will be eliminated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Adamczyk
Andrzej Haładus
Andrzej Szczepański
Robert Zdechlik
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The paper presents the results of investigation of the chemical composition of groundwaters of the quaternary aquifer and pore solutions ejected from the ground, which was sampled in the regions exposed to the industrial and municipal pollutions of Skawina City. Twenty six exploratory hydrogeological borchols around controlled waste disposals allowed us to evaluate the state of the ground and the groundwater environment. The municipal dump influence on the quaternary aquifer appears at high concentrations of pollutant, chlorides (1799.6---3769.7 mg/I), sodium (1195-2420 mg/I), potassium, fluorine, boron and metals Cr, Cu, Ni. In the fly ashes dump region was detected in water increased concentrations of chlorides, sulphureous, sodium, calcium, potassium, Br and Sr. There are high concentrations of fluorine and sodium in the metallurgical dump. The results of investigation of the chemical composition of pore solutions in the waste dumps regions appear at higher concentrations of contamination indicators. The range of groundwater pollution is broadest in the municipal dump.
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Barbara Tomaszewska
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Current hydrogeological prognosis is more frequently performed using mathematical modelling methods. In comparison to the still applied analytical calculations, they possess an advantage in that there is a considerably decreased amount ofhydrogeological schematization. But also, in the case of the calculational scheme being identical to the model, the factors deciding the accuracy of the calculation as well as the greatness of the error committed can be indicated using mathematical modelling. Such aims were envisaged for the prognostic calculations of a well, positioned on an interfluve. Analytical calculations and research simulations on a model were performed for 192 computational variables, in which variable aquifer filtration parameters and varying technical and exploitative conditions of the well were taken into consideration (Table 1). A comparison of the obtained results indicated the correctness of analytical calculations only in the case ofa lack of surface recharge of the aquifer due to infiltration by atmospheric precipitation. The consideration of this element of the groundwater balance calculation, for unfavourable filtration conditions (low transmissivity), causes the prognosis of the well discharge to be burdened with an error of about 9% (Table 3), whereas the error in the determination of the height of the piezometric water table can reach even upto several hundred percent. The greatness of the calculated relative error is influenced by the cone of depression of the well as well as its position in relation to two parallel recharge boundaries. Under conditions of high transmissivity of the aquifer, in the range of several hundred m2/d, analytical calculation errors decidedly diminish attaining amounts that arc practically meaningless in hydrogeological calculations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Haładus
Ryszard Kulma
Paweł Rychlik

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The subject matter of the articles published in Mineral Resources Management covers issues related to minerals and raw materials, as well as mineral deposits, with particular emphasis on:

  • The scientific basis for mineral resources management,
  • The strategy and methodology of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits,
  • Methods of rational management and use of deposits,
  • The rational exploitation of deposits and the reduction in the loss of raw materials,
  • Mineral resources management in processing technologies,
  • Environmental protection in the mining industry,
  • Optimization of mineral deposits and mineral resources management,
  • The rational use of mineral resources,
  • The economics of mineral resources,
  • The raw materials market,
  • Raw materials policy,
  • The use of accompanying minerals,
  • The use of secondary raw materials and waste,
  • Raw material recycling,
  • The management of waste from the mining industry.

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