Applied sciences

Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management | 2008 | No 2

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W artykule podjęto problematykę przyszłej roli węgla kamiennego w bilansie energetycznym Polski. Wymaga to uwzględnienia i szczegółowej analizy wiciu przesłanek, na podstawie których ten bilans powinien być sporządzony. Do najważniejszych z nich należy zaliczyć: rozwój gospodarczy kraju warunkujący wzrost popytu na energię elektryczną i ciepło, możliwości pozyskania węgla kamiennego oraz regulacje emisyjne obowiązujące w sektorze energetycznym. Realizacja celu pracy wymagała zastosowania odpowiednich metod analitycznych, właściwych dla specyfiki zjawisk i rynków o złożonych i często trudnych do uchwycenia zależnościach. Oprócz analizy eksperckiej oraz statystycznej (analiza trendów zużycia węgla), właściwej dla rynków w miarę ustabilizowanych, w pracy wykorzystano podejście modelowe, przydatne w określaniu skutków ekonomicznych i strukturalnych dla zmiennych w czasie procesów zachodzących w otoczeniu gospodarczym. Opierając się na przyjętych założeniach badawczych, dla najbardziej prawdopodobnych scenariuszy sporządzono krajowy bilans węgla kamiennego w perspektywie do 2020 roku oraz sformułowano najistotniejsze wnioski. Zgodnie z nimi znacząca rola węgla kamiennego w bilansie energetycznym kraju, bez względu na rozważany scenariusz rozwojowy, powinna być utrzymana. Prognozowana wielkość zużycia węgla do 2010 roku utrzyma się na poziomic około I 00 mln ton rocznic i warunkach wysokiego popytu na energię elektryczną może być po tym okresie zachowana. Co więcej, w świetle wyników niniejszych badań wzrost możliwości podaży węgla poprzez wykorzystanie istniejących mocy produkcyjnych w kopalniach lub ich rozbudowę wydaje się działaniem ekonomicznie uzasadnionym (scenariusze wys_eko_mid i wys_eko_high). Możliwy wzrost zużycia węgla w scenariuszu wys_eko_high do roku 2015 i dalej szacowany jest w granicach 7-8 mln ton. Co warte podkreślenia, wzrost ten możliwy jest w warunkach obowiązywania restrykcyjnych regulacji ekologicznych.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Kudełko
Wojciech Suwała
Jacek Kamiński
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The wastes created in the hard coal mines arc more and more significant because ofhigh request for aggregates and mineral mixtures to road and highway building. The paper presents that, despite the lowering of the factor of wastes created by coal production, the amounts of wastes created by current coal extraction arc still high and in the 2006 their amounts in Kompania Węglowa achieved 14,6 mil. tons (tab. I). In the further part of the paper, the possibilities of mineral aggregates production were discussed in the example of chosen mines KW S.A. and their application in building and road branch (tab. 6). In the example of KWK .. Bielszowice" the currently existing technological installation of mineral aggregates production was precisely characterized (fig. 2, 3) and the concept of its development was presented (fig. 4). Also, the modem solutions of similar installations were presented for ..Halemba" and .Marccl" mines (fig. 5). In the paper. also some physico-mechanical properties of the aggregates from coal wastes were characterized (tab. 2. 3. 4), as well the researches and law and technical procedures were discussed, which arc performed by mines in the purpose of achieving possibilities of introducing these aggregates to the market.
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Tomasz Gawenda
Tomasz Olejnik
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Main issue displayed in the paper is the review of optimization methods according to formulated research problem such as planning of exploitation works in hard coal mining enterprise. It have to be stated that at the present time in polish hard coal mining, scope of the planning process is limited. Geometric parameters oflongwall panels and its sequence of exploitation arc rather determined in accepted long-term plans. So the main possibility is to analyze equipment for planned mining works. In presented article Author provided model of analyzed problem: assumed representation, aim and evaluation function. Take into consideration number of equations which are need to derive a formula of evaluation function, there were shortly presented main dependences between function component clements and assumed representation as well as simplified calculation procedure. Because of the problem complexity and time-consuming calculations Author undertook studies on search an effective optimization method to solve displayed research problem. In the article advantages and disadvantages of selected classic optimization methods as well as evolutionary approach were described. Classic methods were divided into: algorithms which estimate only complete solutions and algorithms for estimation ofpartial solutions (non complete solutions of original problem) or approximated solution (complete solution of reduced problem). In the article exhaustive search, local search and linear programming were presented as well as some greedy algorithms: dynamic programming, A• algorithm, divide and rule algorithm and divide and bound method. Simulated annealing and tabu search were presented also. As modem approach to search space of solutions evolutionary algorithms were described. Following the paper a few characteristic of evolutionary algorithms were presented which make this approach more applicable to considered problem than classic approach.
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Edyta Brzychczy
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The paper presents the interpretation of results of field research, petrographic analyses and technological investigations of Lower Jurassic sandstones, occurring in Przysucha and Opoczno area. As the consequence of field research, carried out at the area of 200 krn-, five quarries were located. The extraction of two of them was abandoned, while the raw material from the remaining three has been still utilized by the local people (in two cases without required exploitation license). Sandstones from examined quarries belong to the Skloby Series (Kamienna Góra and Ruszkowice deposits), Ostrowice Series (Brzuśnia and Mroczków Gościnny deposits) and Gielniów Series (Skrzynno deposit). They are predominantly of light grey or yellow colour (pink ones occur only in Mroczków Gościnny deposit), fine-to medium grained with rare visible cross-bedding or lamination. Thickness of the beds is from few centimeters to about one meter. On the base of the microscopic analyses these sandstones were classified as quartz arcnitcs. Their grain' components are mainly detritic quartz and small amounts of fragments of rocks (mainly siliceous), micas and feldspars, which arc cemented by the silica, clay minerals and iron compounds in various proportions. The physical and mechanical properties of these rocks, which were determined, make them appropriate for building purposes. Sandstones have middle and high density (from 1960 to 2700 kg/rn-), low and middle water absorption (from 2.8 to 9.7%), and low and middle compression strength (from 23.8 to 121 MPa). They can be also utilized as architectonic stone, but estimation of block divisibility show, that mainly Skrzynno deposit is suitable for extraction ofblocks -roughly 35% of the rock can be extracted as blocks of above 0.4 m3 volume. Sandstones from the other deposits arc appropriate for the production of smaller dimension and split tiles. Additionally, low compression strength (about 30 MPa) of rocks from Skrzynno makes them very desirable material for sculpturing.
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Katarzyna Kobylec
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Fluidized bed combustion technology has been employed in Polish professional power industry since the mid 1990s. Combustion in fluidized bed boilers has brought to life some new types of waste. Due to particular fluidized bed boiler waste properties, its use in different industries is currently limited. However, there are a lot of possibilities of its use. The most important trend in fluidized ash management in Poland is underground mining, which allows the mass use of this waste in various technologies. Another tendency of economic use of fluidized ash is cement production, with the function of bonding time regulator, supcrpozzolan or comprehensive pozzolanic- sulfatc addition. In the industry of building materials this ash may be also used as an addition in concrete production, but with the employment of appropriate plasticizers or after prior grinding. This ash may be economically used in the processes of desulphurization of fumes in professional power industry as well as in agriculture and forestry, for deacidification, fertilization and amelioration of soil. Fluidized waste may be successfully used in gcotechnics as an asphalt filler, for slurry injection, as a factor stabilizing the foundation during road works and engineer works as well as in embankment works. The possibilities of economic use of fluidized bed boilers waste have been presented in the article.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Piotrowski
Alicja Uliasz-Bocheńczyk
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In Poland the power industry is the major source of pollution into the atmosphere resulting largest changes in environment. In 1994 as a result of signing by Polish Republic's Government document called "second Sulfur Protocol" the limit values ofS02 in 2010 were settled. In order to achieve this target the investment program for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) installations in polish power industry was initiated. Sustainable development of FGD installations as well as implementation of fluidized bed combustion furnaces in electric and thermal power plants led to the production of new type of wastes. After wet lime/limestone flue gas desulfurization with gypsumas and product, the semi-dry FGD process using lime as sorbent is the most used FGD technology in industry. While for the wet FGD process there already existed a market demand for gypsum and the FGD by-product could gradually replace the use of natural gypsum, the establishment ofrecycling and utilization of semi-dry FGD product has been more difficult. For cach installation in the semi-dry method depending on the existing dust removal system, operation conditions of desulfurization installation and SO2 concentration variations in a stream of gases the chemical and mineralogical composition of desulfurization products change. In this paper the examination results of chemical and phase composition, microstructure, specific surface as well as wastes grain size composition from the semi-dry flue gas desulfurization (Siersza power plant, Łódź power and heat station) have been presented. Wastes arc fine-grained like a fly ash and contain mainly CaSO3-0.5H2O, Ca(OH)i (unreacted sorbent), CaCO3 (carbonizated sorbent), CaSO4 and CaCl2-2H2O. Basing on the chemical, mineralogical and physical characterization of wastes, the possibilities of utilization in building materials production are proposed. Wastes were subjected to calcination at the temperature of350 and 600°C in order to assess the opportunity to obtain sulfite and anhydrite binders. The phase composition and microstructurc changes after thermal treatment of the samples have been determined. The setting time and compressive strength of the standard wastes slurries, unmodified and modified with fly ash, were carried out. The laboratory tests on the waste from Siersza with an addition of fly ash have given 5 MPa compression strength after 7 days of hardening. The semi-dry FGD by-product after thermal treatment at the temperature of350°C can be used to manufacture the sulfite binders of properties similar to properties of gypsum binders used in finishing construction works. As a result of thermal oxidizing of the calcium sulfite to form calcium sulfate, e.g. at 500 to 600°C, one obtains product with properties similar to natural anhydrite.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Zaremba
Jan Hehlamnn
Wojciech Mokrosz
Grzegorz Stapiński
Aneta Szwalikowska
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The article presents the results ofa research into the influence of the granulation of coals and the inert (leaning) components content in a coal blend on the pressure generated during pyrolysis by the plastic layer. Three bituminous coals were used for the research. They were clearly differentiated in terms of the degree of metamorphism and leaning additions in the form of: anthracite, brown coal and coke dust from the installation of dry coke cooling. The research revealed that the level of the pressure generated during pyrolysis by the deposit of plasticized coal grains depends on the reological properties of coal substance they arc built from. High level of pressure may be generated by coarse, fine as well as in-between grains provided that during pyrolysis they will create appropriately fluid plastic substance. The research also confirmed that an effective way of regulating the pressure created by the deposit of plasticized coal grains (the plastic layer) is adding to a coal blend leaning components, which do not get plasticized during pyrolysis. The research conducted indicates that the amount of addition put in a blend in order to reduce the pressure generated by the plastic layer to a large extent depends on the plasticity of bituminous coals, which facilitates high pressure and on the leaning capacities of inert components. Leaning ability is an individual characteristic of each component and results from - among others - the differences in the adsorption capacities of these components towards the thermally plasticized substance of bituminous coals
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Andrzej Rozwadowski
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The unpredictability of natural phenomena and erroneousness of human decisions cause that exploration works for hydrocarbon deposits may be accompanied by failure situations, e.g. oil or natural gas eruptions. They usually take place when reservoirs containing high pressure natural gas, oil or brine are drilled, and the pressure of the drilling mud column cannot compensate for it. Natural gas or oil eruption frequently leads to fires, and the outflow of hot brine considerably destroys the soil, ground and water in the vicinity of the rig. Depending on such factors as, e.g. type of the spontaneously outflowing fluid, toxic contaminations, eruption duration, time at which the rescue measures were undertaken and methods selected - the risk for he crew and the environment may differ. The probability of eruption during drilling operations can be minimized thanks to the on-going measurements of basic technological and control parameters, as well as the possessed efficient procedures and modern blow-out prevention systems. The geologic, technical and technological causes of hydrocarbon eruptions accompanying drilling operations, especially at anomalously high formation pressures, have been analyzed in the paper. On this basis, the authors worked out efficient methods of predicting eruption hazard at exploration for hydrocarbons as well as methods of liquidating eruptions. Algorithms for quick and correct making decisions and carrying rescue procedures were created. Technological recommendations for easy and effective blow-out prophylaxy follow.
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Stanisław Dubiel
Jan Macuda
Jan Ziaja

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The subject matter of the articles published in Mineral Resources Management covers issues related to minerals and raw materials, as well as mineral deposits, with particular emphasis on:

  • The scientific basis for mineral resources management,
  • The strategy and methodology of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits,
  • Methods of rational management and use of deposits,
  • The rational exploitation of deposits and the reduction in the loss of raw materials,
  • Mineral resources management in processing technologies,
  • Environmental protection in the mining industry,
  • Optimization of mineral deposits and mineral resources management,
  • The rational use of mineral resources,
  • The economics of mineral resources,
  • The raw materials market,
  • Raw materials policy,
  • The use of accompanying minerals,
  • The use of secondary raw materials and waste,
  • Raw material recycling,
  • The management of waste from the mining industry.

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