Humanities and Social Sciences



Meander | Vol. 75 (2020)

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The article is devoted to passages in Isocrates’ works in which he presents his self-image that he wishes to impress on the minds of the public.

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Zbigniew Danek
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A metrical analysis of dodecasyllables used by Cassia (ninth century) and her contemporary poets.

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Katarzyna Warcaba
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The article analyses some troparia of Cassia, a nun and poetess living in the ninth century in Constantinople. Her hymns, sung during the early mornin and evening church services, provide examples of saints – anchorites, ascetics and converted harlots. The examples, described in a poetic way, show the way to sanctity by conversion, repentance, and piety, at times bordering on madness. Remarkably, Cassia dedicated a number of her songs to women, underlining their role in human salvation.

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Agnieszka Heszen
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A Polish translation by Agnieszka Heszen of selected hymns in honour of various saints, ascribed to Cassia, the ninth-century Byzantine abbess.

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Authors and Affiliations

Kasja Zakonnica
Agnieszka Heszen (przeł. z j. greckiego)
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A Polish translation by Łukasz Libowski of Catullus’ poem 33 (O furum optime balnerariorum…).

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Łukasz Libowski (przeł. z j. łacińskiego)
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An annotated Polish version of selected poems from books XIII (Xenia) and XIV (Apophoreta) of Martial’s Epigrams.

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Agata Łuka
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The article proves that Kochanowski’s Latin version of Sappho 1 Lobel-Page was based on Henri Estienne’s edition of Anacreontics with fragments of Sappho and Alcaeus, published in Paris in 1556. Any future commentary on the Latin poem must take this fact into account.

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Robert A. Sucharski
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An annotated Polish translation of the famous hieroglyphic inscription from the stele erected by Ptolemy in 311 BC, five years before he assumed the title of King of Egypt.

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Agnieszka Wojciechowska
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The article is an analysis of the text of Agathias describing the Neoplatonic philosophers residing at Xusrō I Anōšīrvān’s court in the context of the knowledge of Iranian customs among the inhabitants of the Byzantine Empire and the cultural differences between the two great powers of Late Antiquity.

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Katarzyna Maksymiuk
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When the Second World War ended, Stefan Srebrny (1890–1962), a distinguished Polish classicist, authority on ancient theatre, producer and translator, having already translated all seven extant Aeschylus’ tragedies into Polish, started his long and tedious correspondence with the State Publishing Institute (PIW) about the publication of the volume, which appeared in print only in 1952. The present article discusses that correspondence, preserved at the Nicolaus Copernicus University Library in Toruń.

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Barbara Bibik
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The article presents the results of a poll conducted among high school Latin teachers in Warsaw in the years 2009–2016, when teaching of Latin was drastically reduced. The poll concerned the students’ attitudes towards Latin and their correlation to the intellectual climate in their families.

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Dorota Samsonowicz-Kaczmarek
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A review of Jacob Howland’s book Glaucon’s Fate: History, Myth, and Character in Plato’s Republic.

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Dorota Zygmuntowicz
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A review of Kazimierz Pawłowski’s Polish translation of four biographies of Plato: Apuleius’ De Platone et eius doctrina, Olympiodorus’ introduc-tion to his commentary on Alcibiades I, an anonymous Vita and the philosopher’s biography in Diogenes Laertius’ book III.

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Jerzy Wojtczak-Szyszkowski
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A review of Kazimierz Pawłowski’s book Alkinous i średni platonizm. Pragnienie wejrzenia poza to, co widzialne (Alcinous and Middle Platonism. An Effort to Direct One’s Gaze beyond What Is Visible).

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Jerzy Wojtczak-Szyszkowski
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A review of Małgorzata Wróbel’s translation of the first book of the Bibliotheca historica, devoted to Egypt.

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Filip Taterka
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A review of Poggio Bracciolini’s Facetiarum liber in Inga Grześczak’s Polish translation.

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Ewa Skwara
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A review of Marek Węcowski’s book Dylemat więźnia. Ostracyzm ateński i jego pierwotne cele (A Prisoner’s Dilemma: Athenian Ostracism and Its Original Purpose).

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Paweł Sawiński
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Filip Taterka responds to Marcin Janus’s critical remarks contained in his review, printed in “Meander” in 2018.

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Filip Taterka
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Jan Klata’s production of the Euripidean tragedy The Trojan Women (Wybrzeże Theatre, Gdańsk, 2018) is described from the perspective of a classicist and theatrologist that helped the director to adapt the ancient play.

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Olga Śmiechowicz
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An interview with Professor Włodzimierz Lengauer, a widely acclaimed expert on ancient Greek history and religion, in which he talks about his studies and the development of his scholarly interests.

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Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Lengauer
Andrzej Gillmeister
Adrian Szopa

Instructions for authors

Guidelines for Authors

In accordance with our mission of propagating knowledge about ancient culture among Polish readers, the language of publication in “Meander” is Polish.

1. We accept only original articles, translations, literary works, reviews and memoirs that have not been published elsewhere. We ask authors to send their submissions as an e-mail attachment to the editorial board’s email address:, we will however also accept submissions in other forms. The editorial board does not return the submitted materials. All scholarly works published in “Meander” undergoe external review and all publications a thorough editing process. The review process is described in detail at in the „Peer-review Procedure” section. The author will receive an author’s copy and an electronic version of their article (in pdf format). Please remember to leave a contact address (preferably an e-mail address).

2. The font in the main text should be Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1,5 spacing. Quotes from modern authors should be placed in quotation marks, words in foreign languages and Latin quotations in the main text should be in italics, Greek words and quotations do not need to be italicized. Please use Unicode for the Greek. Longer quotations (Latin, Greek, and translations) should be placed in a separate paragraph and written in a smaller font (10 pt), without quotations marks. Footnotes should be placed below the main text. In the main text try to refrain from using abbreviations and digits. The text should include short abstracts and key words in Polish and English. An argumentum in Latin is also welcome but not mandatory.

3. References should take the following form:

Th. A. Schmitz, Moderne Literaturtheorie und antike Texte. Eine Einführung, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2002, p. 126–154.
M. Cary, H. H. Scullard, Dzieje Rzymu. Od czasów najdawniejszych do Konstantyna, trans. by J. Schwakopf, vol. II, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa 1992, p. 424–440.
K. Kumaniecki, Nad prozą antyczną, [in:] O sztuce tłumaczenia, ed. by M. Rusinek, Wrocław 1955, p. 99–109.
M. Campbell, Three Notes on Alexandrine Poetry, Hermes 102, 1974, p. 38–46.

The name of the publishing house can be omitted if the referenced work was published more than 50 years ago. Please avoid the abbreviations “f.”, “ff.”, referencing instead the exact pages or verse numbers. References to works that have already been quoted should take the form: Campbell, op. cit., s. 42. If more than one work by a given author has been referenced, “op. cit” should be replaced with an abbreviated form of the title. Please include a bibliography containing all the works mentioned in the footnotes.

4. References to ancient works should be reasonably abbreviated, as is the common practice:

Hom. Il. I 1; Pind., fr. 58 Snell-Maehler; Soph. Oed. Col. 103; Pl. Men. 70 b – 73 c; Aristot. Metaph. IV 1007 a 21–26; Cic. De or. III 93–95; Quint. Inst. VIII 6, 44.

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Tables of contents from 1946 to 2008 are available in the Baza Czasopism Humanistycznych i Społecznych Muzeum Historii Polski [Polish History Museum’s Database of Humanities and Social Sciences Journals]:

Facebook: Meander

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“Meander” follows the guidelines of publishing ethics as laid out in the COPE Code of Conduct ( “Meander” does not collect any fees from authors.

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We accept only original articles which have not been published elsewhere nor are under consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission. If the author is submitting a paper based on their previous work, they must diligently acknowledge this fact in the appropriate footnote. All authors of the submission must be clearly stated, with the appropriate affiliation – by “author” we customarily mean the person who significantly contributes to the guiding idea, structure, analysis, conception and writing of the submission and takes responsibility for its entire content or a particular section. If there are two or more authors of the submission, a corresponding author shall be named, whose responsibilities include signing the relevant agreements, responding to queries about the submission, communicating with the editorial board, and manuscript corrections and proofreading.
Persons whose contribution does not meet the criteria for authorship but whom the author(s) would like to thank can be listed in the first footnote.

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We are deeply committed to ensuring scholarly conscientiousness of the papers published in our journal and respect for the scholarly norms elaborated throughout the centuries of studies on Antiquity. We strongly encourage authors to heed carefully the guidelines for quoting or otherwise referencing the works and ideas of others; the scope both of verbatim quotes (placed in brackets) and of referencing the work of other scholars (introduced in a clear manner by statements such as “According to X…”, “As noted by Y…”) must be distinctly designated and an appropriate footnote containing a precise bibliographical entry of the work referenced must be supplied. Apart from exceptional, appropriately annotated cases, it is not allowed to use second-hand quotations; it is assumed as a general rule that the author has direct knowledge of all the works referenced in their paper. All sources used by the author(s) must be referenced. Failure to appropriately acknowledge the work of another constitutes plagiarism and will not be tolerated (see next section).

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The editorial board is committed to the upkeep of ethical standards and will not allow any papers written with the use of unethical practices to be published. The editors have the responsibility to check for potential cases of plagiarism or citation manipulation and will diligently do so. If such practices are detected – in particular the use of plagiarism – the article will be disqualified from being published in “Meander” and the author will be asked for an explanation. Articles that are proven to have been created with the use of aggravated unethical practices after their publication can be removed from the journal’s website.

We treat seriously any allegations of misconduct or malpractice, major and minor, whether they arise pre- or post-publication. In case of a breach of ethical standards, the editors will react with severity appropriate to the magnitude of the transgression. Potential sanctions that may be applied in such cases range from a letter to the author to contacting the author’s employer or institution. Authors are always given the opportunity to answer to any accusations of misconduct.

Given that the focus of “Meander” is broadly speaking Classical Antiquity, the editors do not foresee submissions which would raise other ethical concerns (e.g. publications on vulnerable populations, research using animals, confidential data, etc.).

Complaints and appeals

The editorial board of “Meander” takes pains to resolve all potential complaints and appeals for the benefit of all those involved. The first point of contact in case of complaints or appeals should be the editorial board (at or the editor-in-chief ( If the complaint concerns the editor-in-chief, it should be addressed to the Head of the Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Should complaints regarding reviewers or the review process arise on the part of the author(s), the editors will do what they can to solve the issue, including by sending the article to an additional reviewer, when necessary. The editorial board is represented by the editor-in-chief, appointed by the Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences and accountable before the Committee in accordance with the Committee’s regulations.

Post-publication discussions and corrections

“Meander” welcomes post-publication discussions in the form of letters to the editor.

Corrections or responses (e.g. to reviews) are published as soon as possible (preferably in the next volume) in accordance with Polish press law (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1914,

Peer-review Procedure

Peer Review Process

All research papers submitted to “Meander” undergo a review process as follows:

1. The editorial board approves the article for external review. If the article is not deemed to be of enough merit, the editorial board can reject it without the external review process taking place (desk rejection). Articles should be prepared according to the guidelines for authors available online or on the third page of the cover of every issue of “Meander”. Failure to comply with the guidelines may result in returning the article to the author for corrections at an earlier stage.

2. Every paper approved for review is sent to an independent reviewer who is not associated with the author’s research institution. The reviewers are experts in their respective fields, chosen according to the subject matter of the submitted article. The editorial board informs the author about submitting their article for review.

3. The review process is anonymous, the identity of both the reviewer and the author is concealed (double blind review).

4. The reviewer recommends the article for publication, correction, or rejection.

5. Basing on the review, the editorial board decides to accept the article, return it to the author for correction, or reject the article. The editorial board discloses the content of the review to the author and informs them of the outcome regarding their text, suggesting necessary corrections if need be. In some cases, especially if there arises the need for far-reaching corrections, the editorial board can have the article reviewed again, by a second reviewer, after its resubmission.

6. If the review process is taking more than three months and the author has not heard about its outcome, they should contact the editorial board. Please do not enquire about your article before that time.

7. Accepting the article for publication does not mean it will be published exactly in the form it was submitted as all papers undergo a thorough editing process (with the author’s permission).

8. Materials which are not of a strictly scholarly nature – such as reviews, obituaries, interviews, reports, literary works – are not in general submitted to external review, but they may be if the need arises.

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