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The paper analyzes the phenomenon of heat transfer and its inertia in solids. The influence of this effect on the operation of an integrated circuit is described. The phenomenon is explained using thermal analogy implemented in the Spice environment by an R-C thermal model. Results from the model are verified by some measurements with a chip designed in CMOS 0.7 μm (5 V) technology. The microcontroller-based measurement system structure and experiment results are described.

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Maciej Frankiewicz
Adam Gołda
Andrzej Kos
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Is the category of “becoming” relative? This question accompanies the considerations undertaken in this article. It is the starting point for the reflection on the understanding of the designations of the expression “to become” in the metaphysical, epistemological and linguistic aspects. The results of this reflection are to serve adequate interpretations of the text. In the applicative part of the article both the fundamentals of text interpretation and the risks resulting from different cognitive perspectives are discussed. The source of these risks is seen primarily in misunderstanding the essence and the category of becoming.
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Grzegorz Pawłowski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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In this paper we show how formal computer science concepts—such as encoding, algorithm or computability—can be interpreted philosophically, including ontologically and epistemologically. Such interpretations lead to questions and problems, the working solutions of which constitute some form of pre-philosophical worldview. In this work we focus on questions inspired by the IT distinction between digitality and analogicity, which has its mathematical origin in the mathematical distinction between discreteness and continuity. These include the following questions: 1) Is the deep structure of physical reality digital or analog, 2) does the human mind resemble a more digital or analog computational system, 3) does the answer to the second question give us a cognitively fruitful insight into the cognitive limitations of the mind? As a particularly important basis for the above questions, we consider the fact that the computational power (i.e., the range of solvable problems) of some types of analog computations is greater than that of digital computations.

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Paweł Stacewicz
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This paper addresses the issue of the development of FOR DREAD THAT – a negative purpose subordinator in the history of the English language. The theoretical foundation of this work are the mechanisms of grammaticalisation suggested by Heine and Kuteva in many works of theirs. The gathered material shows that the development of this relatively rarely used subordinator constitutes a case of a typical grammaticalisation whose rise might have been the result of analogy with FOR FEAR THAT.

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Andrzej M. Łęcki
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This paper is focused on multiple soft fault diagnosis of linear time-invariant analog circuits and brings a method that achieves all objectives of the fault diagnosis: detection, location, and identification. The method is based on a diagnostic test arranged in the transient state, which requires one node accessible for excitation and two nodes accessible for measurement. The circuit is specified by two transmittances which express the Laplace transform of the output voltages in terms of the Laplace transform of the input voltage. Each of these relationships is used to create an overdetermined system of nonlinear algebraic equations with the circuit parameters as the unknown variables. An iterative method is developed to solve these equations. Some virtual solutions can be eliminated comparing the results obtained using both transmittances. Three examples are provided where laboratory or numerical experiments reveal effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Tadeusiewicz
Marek Ossowski
Marek Korzybski

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Department of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Lodz, Poland
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This paper deals with the implementation of a DC and AC double-gate MOSFET compact model in the Verilog- AMS language for the transient simulation and the configuration of ultra low-power analog circuits. The Verilog-AMS description of the proposed model is inserted in SMASH circuit simulator for the transient simulation and the configuration of the Colpitts oscillator, the common-source amplifier, and the inverter. The proposed model has the advantages of being simple and compact. It was validated using TCAD simulation results of the same transistor realized with Silvaco Software.
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Authors and Affiliations

Billel Smaani
Yacin Meraihi
Fares Nafa
Mohamed Salah Benlatreche
Hamza Akroum
Saida Latreche

  1. Ingénierie des Systémes Electriques Department, Faculty of Technology, Boumerdes University, Algeria
  2. Laboratoire d'Ingénierie et Systèmes de Télécommunications, Faculté de Technologie, Boumerdes, Algeria
  3. Centre Universitaire Abdel Hafid Boussouf Mila, Algeria
  4. Laboratoire d’Automatique Appliquée, Université M’Hamed Bougara de Boumerdes, Algeria
  5. Laboratoire Hyperfréquences et Semiconducteurs, Electronique Department, Constantine 1 University, Algeria
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Abstract. The paper introduces a neuromorphic computational approach for breathing rate monitoring of a single person observed using a Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave radar. The architecture, aimed at implementation in analog hardware to ensure high energy efficiency and to provide system operation longevity, comprises two main functional modules. The first one is a data preprocessing unit aimed at the extraction of information relevant to the analysis objective, whereas the second one is a pre-trained recurrent neural regressor, which analyzes sequences of incoming samples and estimates the breathing rate. To ensure compatibility with neural processing and to achieve simplicity of underlying resources, several solutions were proposed for the data preprocessing module, which provides range-wise space segmentation, selection of a bin of interest (comprising the dominant motion activity), and delivery of data to regressor inputs. To implement these functions, we introduce an appropriate chirp frequency modulation scheme, apply a neuromorphic filtering procedure and use a Winner-Takes-All network for extracting information from the bin of interest. The architecture has been experimentally verified using a dataset of indoor recordings supplied with reference data from a Zephyr BioHarness device. We show that the proposed architecture is capable of making correct breathing rate estimates while being feasible for analog implementation. The mean squared regression error with respect to the Zephyr-produced reference values is approximately 3.3 breaths per minute (with a deviation of ±0:27 in the 95% confidence interval) and the estimates are produced by a recurrent, GRU-based neural regressor, with a total of only 147 parameters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Ślot
Piotr Łuczak
Sławomir Hausman

  1. Institute of Applied Computer Science, Lodz University of Technology
  2. Institute of Electronics, Lodz University of Technology
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The method described in this work allows to determine the optimal distribution of pulses of digital signal as well as the non-linear mathematical model based on a multiple regression statistical analysis, which are specialized to an effective and low-cost testing of functional parameters in analog electronic circuits. The aim of this concept is to simplify the process of analog circuit specification validation and minimize hardware implementation, time and memory requirements during the testing stage. This strategy requires simulations of the analyzed analog electronic circuit; however, this effort is done only once – before the testing stage. Then, validation of circuit specification can be obtained after a quick, very low-cost procedure without time consuming computations and without expensive external measuring equipment usage. The analyzed test signature is a time response of the analog circuit to the stream of digital pulses for which distributions were determined during evolutionary optimization cycles. Besides, evolutionary computations assure determination of the optimal form and size of the non-linear mathematical formula used to estimate specific functional parameters. Generally, the obtained mathematical model has a structure similar to the polynomial one with terms calculated by means of multiple regression procedure. However, a higher ordered polynomial usage makes it possible to reach non-linear estimation model that improves accuracy of circuit parametric identification. It should be noted that all the evolutionary calculations are made only at the before test stage and the main computational effort, for the analog circuit specification test design, is necessary only once. Such diagnosing system is fully synchronized by a global digital signal clock that precisely determines time points of the slopes of input excitation pulses as well as acquired output signature samples. Efficiency of the proposed technique is confirmed by results obtained for examples based on analog circuits used in previous (and other) publications as test benchmarks.

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T. Golonek
Ł. Chruszczyk
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Analogy and language contact represent endogenous and exogenous factors of language change. Although both processes have been discussed in the realm of Arabic dialectology, they are usually treated as two unrelated scenarios. The central question that this study posits is whether those are two functionally independent phenomena, or they can operate synergetically. The primary focus of this paper is two typologically distinct Jewish dialects, i.e. sedentary Gabes (Southern Tunisia), and exhibiting numerous Bedouin features Wad-Souf (Eastern Algeria). Based on new data obtained from fieldwork, this paper accounts for five cases of grammar evolution within verb morphology and syntax through the lens of analogy and language contact. It raises the possibility that under certain circumstances, language change can occur at the intersection of endogenous and exogenous factors.
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Wiktor Gębski

  1. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Analog circuits need more effective fault diagnosis methods. In this study, the fault diagnosis method of analog circuits was studied. The fault feature vectors were extracted by a wavelet transform and then classified by a generalized regression neural network (GRNN). In order to improve the classification performance, a wolf pack algorithm (WPA) was used to optimize the GRNN, and a WPA-GRNN diagnosis algorithm was obtained. Then a simulation experiment was carried out taking a Sallen–Key bandpass filter as an example. It was found from the experimental results that the WPA could achieve the preset accuracy in the eighth iteration and had a good optimization effect. In the comparison between the GRNN, genetic algorithm (GA)-GRNN and WPA-GRNN, the WPA-GRNN had the highest diagnostic accuracy, and moreover it had high accuracy in diagnosing a single fault than multiple faults, short training time, smaller error, and an average accuracy rate of 91%. The experimental results prove the effectiveness of the WPA-GRNN in fault diagnosis of analog circuits, which can make some contributions to the further development of the fault diagnosis of analog circuits.

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Hui Wang
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The present work contains the results of the comparative analysis of the literature data and the own investigations on mass and heat transfer coefficients occurring under conditions of the convective fluid flow through channels characterised by a specific geometry. The authors focused on the available experimental investigations on mass transfer. The considered experiments were carried out using the electrochemical method named limiting current technique. Two channel geometries were discussed: the annular channel of the conventional size and the long minichannel with a square cross-section area. Taking into consideration dimensionless numbers: Schmidt and Nusselt – analogical for mass and heat transfer – the formulas describing the phenomena under consideration were included. In the case of the annular channel the laminar and turbulent range of Reynolds numbers was studied. For the square minichannel – the laminar flow is considered. The analogy between mass and heat transfer introduced by Chilton and Colburn was applied in the analysis. An equivalent boundary condition is included in considerations concerning the mass and heat transfer. It is the Dirichlet boundary condition characterised by constant temperature of the wall which corresponds to the situation of constant ion concentration at the cathode surface in the limiting current technique. The main purpose of the present work was to verify the method for the determination of heat transfer coefficients using the analogy between mass and heat transfer processes in the case of convective fluid flow through the annular and square channels. The problem discussed in the present work is important and actual due to the possibility of the elimination of temperature measurements in the investigations of heat transfer processes occurring in channels characterised by a specific geometry. It should be noted that sometimes temperature measurement may be difficult or even impossible. This situation also causes high uncertainty of the obtained results. Due to this problem, the presented analysis was performed also with the use of thermal results based on the analytical solution. The verification of the use of mass/heat transfer analogy method in specific cases gives the extended knowledge of correct application of the limiting current technique in heat transfer research. The main objective of the work was achieved by conducting a comparative analysis of the adequate mass and heat transfer results. The existing literature data do not provide an answer to the question about the correctness of using the limiting current technique in the case of discussed annular channels or long square minichannels. The received results make us be critical of applying the mass/heat transfer analogy method in some heat transfer cases.
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Sebastian Grosicki
Joanna Wilk

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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The article is an attempt to look at the mediaevalist work of Jacek Banaszkiewicz through the prism of statements of other scholars using the comparative method (including M. Handelsman, M. Małowist, M. Tymowski, K. Modzelewski). The aim is to answer the question of whether there is a set of guidelines that every comparatist should follow. The specific issues discussed here include the role of difference and similarity in comparison, the notions of function, analogy and homology, geographical and chronological limitations of comparative studies, and the role of influence and reception.
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Rafał Rutkowski

  1. Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
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This paper presents exemplary exercise on the fundamentals of signal processing course which is offered for second year bachelor level students. Application of Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) for pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) exercise is described with signal processing laboratory. There are presented two methods for implementing PAM modulation and demodulation technique in FPAA module. Example configuration files are available form Authors’ web site.

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Authors and Affiliations

Damian Grzechca
Lukas Chruszczyk
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This article is a presentation of the analysis of new class of logarithmic analog-to-digital converter (LADC) with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback. Development of mathematical models of errors, quantitative assessment of these errors taking into account modern components and assessing the accuracy of logarithmic analog-to-digital converter (LADC) with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback were presented. (Logarithmic ADC with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback – analysis and modeling).
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Authors and Affiliations

Zynoviy Mychuda
Lesya Mychuda
Uliana Antoniv
Adam Szcześniak

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of the Computer-Assisted Systems of Automation, Ukraine
  2. University of Technology in Kielce, Department of Mechatronics and Machine Building, Poland
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This article is a presentation of the analysis of new class of logarithmic analog-to-digital converter (LADC) with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback. LADC construction, principle of operation and dynamic properties were presented. They can also be part of more complex converters and systems based on LADC. LADC of this class is perspective for implementation in the form of integrated circuit, as the number of switched capacitors needed to conversion is minimized to one capacitor. (Logarithmic ADC with accumulation of charge and impulse feedback – construction, principle of operation and dynamic properties)
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Authors and Affiliations

Zynoviy Mychuda
Lesya Mychuda
Uliana Antoniv
Adam Szcześniak

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of the Computer-Assisted Systems of Automation, Ukraine
  2. University of Technology in Kielce, Department of Mechatronics and Machine Building, Poland
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The Jewish dialect of ʿĀna exhibits three synchronic vowel qualities for the prefix vowel in the prefix-conjugation of the first stem: a, ǝ, and u. While the latter vowel is an allophone of ǝ, the former two are independent phonemes. The existence of two phonemic prefix vowels, especially the vowel a, is intriguing in regional context since the reconstructed prefix vowel in qǝltu dialects is assumed to be *i. Therefore, this paper aims to outline the historical developments that led to this synchronic reality. It will argue that the prefix vowel a was borrowed from surrounding Bedouin dialects. As for the vowel ǝ, two hypotheses will be suggested to explain its existence: it either developed from the prefix vowel a in analogy to other cases of vowel raising, or it is simply a reflection of the older qǝltu prefix vowel. Regardless of which hypothesis we choose to follow, the assumed historical development has clearly not been finalised, resulting in synchronic free variation.
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Assaf Bar-Moshe

  1. Free University of Berlin, Germany
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The present work involved an extensive outdoor performance testing program of a solar water heating system that consists of four evacuated tube solar collectors incorporating four wickless heat pipes integrated to a storage tank. Tests were conducted under the weather conditions of Baghdad, Iraq. The heat pipes were of 22 mm diameter, 1800 mm evaporator length and 200 mm condenser length. Three heat pipe working fluids were employed, ethanol, methanol, and acetone at an inventory of 50% by volume of the heat pipe evaporator sections. The system was tested outdoors with various load conditions. Results showed that the system performance was not sensitive to the type of heat pipe working fluid employed here. Improved overall efficiency of the solar system was obtained with hot water withdrawal (load conditions) by 14%. A theoretical analysis was formulated for the solar system performance using an energy balance based iterative electrical analogy formulation to compare the experimental temperature behavior and energy output with theoretical predictions. Good agreement of 8% was obtained between theoretical and experimental values.

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Hassan Naji Salman Al-Joboory
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The purpose of drumlin formation is to facilitate glacier flow. Drumlins form in a deforming layer between ice and ground, they produce a pimpled ground surface which causes less drag in the flowing system, after the fashion of the Prandtl effect which reduces boundary layer detachment (as in the flying golf ball). This pimpled surface has selforganising properties and this causes the development of a low drag situation. The drumlin field is the critical phenomenon; the formation of individual drumlins is a small part of the overall effect.
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Ian J. Smalley
Ping Lu
Ian F. Jefferson
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A hybrid artificial boundary condition (HABC) that combines the volume-based acoustic damping layer (ADL) and the local face-based characteristic boundary condition (CBC) is presented to enhance the absorption of acoustic waves near the computational boundaries. This method is applied to the prediction of aerodynamic noise from a circular cylinder immersed in uniform compressible viscous flow. Different ADLs are designed to assess their effectiveness whereby the effect of the mesh-stretch direction on wave absorption in the ADL is analysed. Large eddy simulation (LES) and FW-H acoustic analogy method are implemented to predict the far-field noise, and the sensitivities of each approach to the HABC are compared. In the LES computed propagation field of the fluctuation pressure and the frequency-domain results, the spurious reflections at edges are found to be significantly eliminated by the HABC through the effective dissipation of incident waves along the wave-front direction in the ADL. Thereby, the LES results are found to be in a good agreement with the acoustic pressure predicted using FW-H method, which is observed to be just affected slightly by reflected waves.

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Ruixian Ma
Zhansheng Liu
Con J. Dooloan
Danielle J. Moreau
Michał Czarnecki
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The authors update the issue disassembly-free control and correction of all components of the error of measuring channels with multi-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The main disadvantages of existing methods for automatic control of the parameters of multi-bit ADCs, in particular their nonlinearity, are identified. Methods for minimizing instrumental errors and errors caused by limited internal resistances of closed switches, input and output resistances of active elements are investigated. The structures of devices for determining the multiplicative and nonlinear components of the error of multi-bit ADCs based on resistive dividers built on single-nominal resistors are proposed and analyzed. The authors propose a method for the correction of additive, multiplicative and nonlinear components of the error at each of the specified points of the conversion range during non-disassembly control of the ADC with both types of inputs. The possibility of non-disassembly control, as well as correction of multiplicative and nonlinear components of the error of multi-bit ADCs in the entire range of conversion during their on-site control is proven. ADC error correction procedures are proposed. These procedures are practically invariant to the non-informative parameters of active structures with resistive dividers composed of single-nominal resistors. In the article the prospects of practical implementation of the method of error correction during non-dismantling control of ADC parameters using the possibilities provided by modern microelectronic components are shown. The ways to minimize errors are proposed and the requirements to the choice of element parameters for the implementation of the proposed technical solutions are given. It is proved that the proposed structure can be used for non-disassembly control of multiplicative and nonlinear components of the error of precision instrumentation amplifiers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana Bubela
Roman Kochan
2 3
Łukasz Więcław
Vasyl Yatsuk
Viktor Kuts
Jurij Yatsuk

  1. Lviv Polytecnic National University, Department of Information and Measurement Technologies, S. Bandery 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
  2. University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Informatics and Automation, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  3. Lviv Polytecnic National University, Department of Specialized Computer Systems, S. Bandery 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
  4. Lviv Polytecnic National University, Department of Computerized Automation Systems, S. Bandery 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
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The subject of the paper is the analysis of the relationship between spontaneous vegetation diversity and soil respiration in novel post-coal mine ecosystem. In the natural and semi-natural ecosystems, soil respiration process (Rs) is a crucial ecosystem function regulating terrestrial ecosystems’ carbon cycle. Soil respiration depends on the quality and quantity of the soil organic matter (SOM), the soil microbes’ activity, and root metabolism. The listed factors are directly related to the composition diversity of vegetation plant species (biochemistry). For many years, soil respiration parameters have been studied in natural and seminatural vegetation communities and ecosystems. However, there still need to be a greater understanding of the relationship between vegetation plant species diversity and soil respiration as a crucial ecosystem function. Plant species diversity has to be analysed through both the taxonomic diversity and the functional diversity. These approaches reflect the composition, structure, and function of plant species communities. We hypothesise that the diversity of the spontaneous vegetation species composition shapes the amount of soil respiration in a post-coal mine novel ecosystem. The soil respiration differs significantly along the vegetational types driven by habitat gradients and is significantly higher in highly functional richness and dispersion vegetation patches. Contrary to our expectation, soil respiration was the highest in the less diverse vegetation types – both taxonomical and functional evenness were non-significant factors. Only functional dispersion is weakly negative correlated with soil respiration level (SRL).
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Radosz
Damian Chmura
Artur Dyczko
Gabriela Woźniak

  1. University of Silesia, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, Jagiellońska St, 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland
  2. University of Bielsko-Biala, Institute of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Faculty of Materials, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Willowa St, 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  3. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, J. Wybickiego St, 7A, 31-261 Kraków, Poland
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A novice advanced architecture of 8-bit analog to digital converter is introduced and analyzed in this paper. The structure of proposed ADC is based on the sub-ranging ADC architecture in which a 4-bit resolution flash-ADC is utilized. The proposed ADC architecture is designed by employing a comparator which is equipped with common mode current feedback and gain boosting technique (CMFD-GB) and a residue amplifier. The proposed 8 bits ADC structure can achieve the speed of 140 megasamples per second. The proposed ADC architecture is designed at a resolution of 8 bits at 10 MHz sampling frequency. DNL and INL values of the proposed design are -0.94/1.22 and -1.19/1.19 respectively. The ADC design dissipates a power of 1.24 mW with the conversion speed of 0.98 ns. The magnitude of SFDR and SNR from the simulations at Nyquist input is 39.77 and 35.62 decibel respectively. Simulations are performed on a SPICE based tool in 90 nm CMOS technology. The comparison shows better performance for this proposed ADC design in comparison to other ADC architectures regarding speed, resolution and power consumption.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anil Khatak
Manoj Kumar
Sanjeev Dhull

  1. Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana, India
  2. Faculty of USICT, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India
  3. Faculty of ECE, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana, India

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