Applied sciences

Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management | 2000 | No 1

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In this paper there is characterized the influence ofcloseness ofmineral quality estimation over the risk ofsuffering a financial loss. This loss is caused by the decision based on the quality evaluation of a mineral lot according to the received determination results. There is payed attention to the importance of likelihood that the real quality parameters of mineral lot are finded aut the utmost of the permissible tolerance for determination results. This likelihood is a essential factor for the sayed risk and is directly formed by the probability that the real quality parameters are found inside the spaces corresponding to the established estimation tolerances. The forming probability is called the confidence level and in common with these spaces termed the confidence intervals, are the criterion for assessment of statistical closeness pertaining to the mineral lot multidimensional quality. This closeness is consequent upon the estimation method used. The traditional method is not agreed with the principles of the representativeness method. The practiced estimation is onedimcnsional while majority ofmineral qualities are multidomensional and/or multivectorial. There is broached the uncertainly arrising at when the traditional method is applied to determinate a multidimensional and/or multivectorial mineral quality. In the case ofarriving at the decision concerns a mineral quality class on the basis of the results represented the mineral quality obtained by the traditional method, it has proved that the uncertainly very increases. The decision risk follows this method is adequately increased. The risk of decision based on the quality evaluation, can be decreased to the desirable level on condition of using the fit variant of the multidimensional- multivectorial method for mineral quality estimation. Then the decisions assign the mineral qualities pointed aut by determination results, as real, will be correct.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Martyniak
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Coal flotation depends on many various parameters and grain size is one of the important factors. Larger the grain size, higher is probability of its collision with air bubble and formation of the bubble-grain aggregate. Stability of the bubble-grain aggregate depends on a magnitude of the forces tending to destroy the aggregate and is a function of the grain density and size. The paper presents results of investigations of influence of the grain size on process of coal flotation. To get rid of the effect of density the grain classes floated were chosen in such manner that they had very similar densities, but different sizes. A clear difference was observed in flotation results of the grain classes having the same density and different sizes. In the case ofthe grains with density below 1,4 Mg/m3 their floatability increased with increasing size of the grains. However, for grains ofdensity higher than 1,4 Mg/m3 the floatability was decreasing with increasing size of the grains.
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Ewa Małysa
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Smoke ashes from the Tadeusz Kosciuszko electric power plant in Połaniec might have an application in the filling of post-exploitation cavities in the sulphur mine "Osiek". Such a possibility is primarily the result of an investigation of the sub-surface space created by the underground melting ofsulphur, as well as from an analysis ofthe state ofthe ore. Simulations performed on a hydrogeological model of a section of the ore itself, from the standpoint of experimental trials, indicates the feasibility of such an undertaking. The results ofthe study provide a basis for defining the increase in aquifer pressure and also allow the area ofinfluence of the tamponage holes to be determined. The results also indicate that favourable conditions for the backfilling of post-exploitation cavities of the sulphur deposit with ash occur, i fuse is made ofrccirculation holes. The removal ofwater from these holes in amounts necessary to facilitate the continuous preparation ofhydromixturc, decidedly limits the zone of dynamic change within the ore series. The supply of hydromixturc with the required flow intensity requires that there be suitably lower pressures. Experimental trials of the injection ofwater-ash mixtures will allow for an accurate estimation of the quantity of ash waste that can be located within the post-exploitation cavities of the deposit. These results can be used to evaluate the feasibility ofwork ofsuch kind on an industrially viable scale. In the case ofpositive experimental results, it will be necessary to modify the technological methods for the underground melting of sulphur, by considering the planned clement of using industrial ash waste to tamponage the exploited part of the deposit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Kulma
Andrzej Haładus
Józef Kirejczyk
Tomasz Burchard
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Mineralogical and geochemical investigation ofslag obtained dumg themelting ofZn-Pb ores ofBolesław Arca (South Poland) were performed. Additionally bottomsediments form chanel transporting rests afterprocess offlotationwere tested. Investigations were conducted with the use ofpolarizing light microscopy, SEM, AAS and ICP methods. Samples of slag were collected at five various points of slag heap localized near ofBolesław (Fig. I). Microscopic observations conducted at polarized light showed the dolomite as the major components of samples. Relicts of Zn-Pb ores arc disscmiantcd between crystals of dolomite. Other materials present in samples are: calcite, sfalerite, wurcitc, galenit, anglczitc, markasite, pirite, melibkovite, manganite, pirolusitc and iron oxides. Obtained datas showed the material present on heap conatin relatively high admixture of heavy elements. This phenomenon suggest that process of remake did not remove all elements polluting environment of area ofBukowno. Investigations of sediments collected in channel transporting rests after process of flotation were performed in selected fractions i.e. 0.063-0.020 mm and< 0.020 mm. The amount of following elements was determined: Al, Mn, K, Na, Cu, P, Ti, Sr, Ba, Cr, Ni, Mo, V, Ag, Co, La, Li, Be. Results of analyses are collected in tables and showed on diagrams. Obtained datas document fractional sedimentation of tested elements. Near of the centre ofpollution are deposited mainly substances containing Zn and Fe. Minerals containing V are deposited at slightly longer distance. The amount of all tested heavy clements decrease with the distance from the center of pollution. This phenomenon is the result of dilutation ofsediments containing heavy metals by natural sediments transported into the channel fromsourounding area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Pawlikowski
Janusz Mazurek
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The design of the multivariant Final Target system of dcwatcring the mine Saturn, guaranteeing the safety of neighbouring mines, was realized during the initial stage of implementation of an earlier target project undertaken by the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow. The design puts forward the method of target dewatering the mines: Saturn, Siemianowice with ZG Rozalia, Jowisz with ZG Wojkowice, Grodziec, Paryż, Sosnowiec, Porąbka- Klimontów and Kazimierz-Juliusz. Placing one of the mines under liquidation resulted in the need to verify the accepted assumptions and allowed the simplification of the system ofmine dewatering at Saturn and its neighbouring mines. In order to develop the variants of the target dewatering system, it was necessary to take into consideration a range of technical and environmental factors. The magnitudes of the many year, long term inflows to cach respective mine as well as the state oftheir dcwatcring systems was re-analyzed. Subsequently, the existing direct and indirect connections between the different mines was analyzed. The above factors to a large degree determine the proposed variants oftarget system of dewatering. For the prognostic inflow calculations, a mathematical model realized during the target project was utilized while introducing significant changes resulting from the necessary consideration of the liquidation of dcwatering at mine Grodziec. To determine the most favourable variant, initial simulation calculations for IO possible solutions were performed. After precise analysis the results of 3 variants were characterized in particular detail as being the most favourable. Initial calculations of times of onset ofmine flooding were also performed. The most favourable solution of target pumping ofwater forming the so called subsystem of Saturn is variant 3; according to which the main water intake point (an amount of35 m3/min) will be in the region ofPiaski -mine Saturn pos. 21 Om (+69.0 m above sea level). The fundamental advantage of the proposed dewatering method is the possibility of controlling the reconstruction of the groundwater level during the course of further decisions as regards to the liquidation of and or changes to the operating conditions in the operational coal mines. At the same time a decrease in the amount ofwater originating from the regional dewatering ofmines (which pumped into surface courses) will occur.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej F. Adamczyk
Andrzej Haładus
Andrzej Szczepański
Robert Zdechlik
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In the last decade the significant change in the strategic planning process of the oil companies was observed. The new face of this companies is shaped by: focus on profitability and shareholder value, impossibility of reliable forecasting, increased need for flexibility. The paper presents one of the new instruments supporting the process of enterprise management - balanced scorecard. First part of this paper reviews the basic assumptions ofthe balanced scorecard concept. The focus is on the distinct groups of performance measures used and the role ofmeasurement systems in enterprise management. Application of performance measures in enterprise management drives from the "management by objective" concept. The goals of enterprise can be archived by decomposition on the particular internal units and then development and systematic use of the performance measurement system supporting to assess the rate of particular objectives achievement. For each group of measures examples of indicators enabling assessment the rate of achievement of strategic assumptions formulated in balanced scorecard arc presented. W the second part of the paper describes the example of the balanced scorecard for one of the major oil companies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Byrska-Rąpała
Monika Łada-Cieślak
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The method of dilatancy blasting in rock mass surrounding water-wells - new ones or long-term exploited has been introduced. In many cases of water wells there is a possibility of carrying out the well 's reconstruction to get productivity increase. The one of the methods is dilatancy blasting with the help of special prepared torpedo. That method uses the effect of explosion wave acting on well's elements and surrounding rock mass. Some physical basis and methodology have been described in the paper. The dilatancy effect used in the method is based on the physical process going to produce some cracks in rock mass. The essential use of blasting technique is focused to get the field of shear stresses in the direction of discontinues or weak zones. It causes that the increase of permeability in surrounding rock mass is achieved. Usually, rock mass properties changes are observed in the distance of 70-80 times well's radius. It uses to expect 2.5-3 times more in productivity. In the text some advantages and limitations of the method were underlined comparing to other methods. The most of experience in using the method have been gathered from a few tens of wells placed on the territory ofUkraine and also Russia, Lithuania and China. The possibilities of using this method in Polish conditions have been pointed too.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alfred Maichalyuk
Wiesław Bujakowski
Zenon Pilecki
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Basing on the completed analyses of zinc and lead samples, which were collected from Olkusz-Zawiercie area, geostatic analyses were carried out and the most important mineral and chemical regularities and their changes were determined. According to the obtained results the author described the significant factors having an influence on mineralogy and chemistry ofZn and Pb ores. The occurrence of the mineralized zones was characterized in horsts and grabens area. Ore mineral composition and variability of dominant sulphides constants were shown in the paper. The particular attention was paid to galena and cerussite and their high contents in eastern and peripheric part ofOlkusz region. Variability ofZn-Pb contents was estimated. It was shown that the shape ofthe cumulated curves and variability connected with sulphide ores mineralization are unlike to oxidized ores or to these ones which show the high level of lead mineralization. The most important factors having an influence on oxidation ofsulphides were indicated as well as the conditions ofore pocket occurrence, variability ofmineralization in horsts and grabens, hydrogeological conditions and the meaning of the hypsography of ore horizon were characterized. Moreover, the variability of oxidation degree for dominant sulphides in particular ores were also described. The attention was paid to variability ofsulphide oxidation in Sikorka and Klucze which is different from this one occurring in either parts of the area. The oxidation degree of lead sulphides was analysed and on the ground of the analyses the cause of increase of cerussite content in Sikorka, Klucze and Olkusz ores were shown. There was presented the direct connection between oxidation of iron sulphides and depth of deposits. The most important regularity of ore quality changes were shown in the Olkusz area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Cabała

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The subject matter of the articles published in Mineral Resources Management covers issues related to minerals and raw materials, as well as mineral deposits, with particular emphasis on:

  • The scientific basis for mineral resources management,
  • The strategy and methodology of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits,
  • Methods of rational management and use of deposits,
  • The rational exploitation of deposits and the reduction in the loss of raw materials,
  • Mineral resources management in processing technologies,
  • Environmental protection in the mining industry,
  • Optimization of mineral deposits and mineral resources management,
  • The rational use of mineral resources,
  • The economics of mineral resources,
  • The raw materials market,
  • Raw materials policy,
  • The use of accompanying minerals,
  • The use of secondary raw materials and waste,
  • Raw material recycling,
  • The management of waste from the mining industry.

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