KGHM P.M. S.A. is the example of multi-plant enterprise, where the whole copper production process, from extracting the ore to electrolytic copper production, takes part in one company. In the article, the model describing the operating of company, taking into consideration characteristic ofores' selectivity, total drawn-costs ofmining, processing, and metallurgical process and also the way of concentrates' distribution to specific copper smelters, was presented. Solution ofmodel enable us to maximize company's profit by steering ofthe quality ofconcentrates processing in processing plants, taking into consideration properties of ores and the level of metal prices on world metal exchanges. Chosen modeling results, on the basis of which we can assume that the optimal quality of concentrates, assuring the highest possible profit at given conditions, mainly depends on metal prices on world metal exchanges and in a minor degree on processing costs, are presented in the article.
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