Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne

Rocznik Pedagogiczny


Rocznik Pedagogiczny | 2015 | Tom 38


My article is a synthetic recognition of macro-Polish governments’ evolution over 25 years of political transformation. It is presented from the perspective of education for democracy, in a democracy and not about democracy. I explain, how it is possible, that the Poles after they got rid of monistic doctrine of the totalitarian state, are subjected to hidden process of democratization of education and the school system. I analyze public education ,mechanisms and structures for its management in a way that counteracts democratic change. The school is subjected to a mechanism of political gamemakers. It becomes an institution which is painfully ineffective and without its face. This institution devastates traditions and allows intellectual regression. There are threats to educational reforms which lie not only in the sociopolitical mechanisms, but also and perhaps primarily within the education system, which has not created procedures to eliminate Pharisees of innovation from it. Polish educational system after 25 years of transformation is not only partially reprivatized but highly bureaucratic and fully involved in political parties.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bogusław Śliwierski


In this text are shown the chosen specific manifestations of rhetoric used by NCN experts in the evaluation of grant applications. The subject of analysis are the phrases and expressions contained in the opinions of requests in competitions FUGA (national competitions for internships after obtaining a doctoral degree, postdoc position), which are characterized by ambiguity and commonness. Makes it difficult to incorporate them in re-applying for the grant. Moreover, some of them express patronize attitudes towards potential applicants and their advisors. As an example one could present an expression: „as for pedagogue she has a good achievements”.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maria Czerepaniak-Walczak


The text analyses the documentation of the periodic evaluation of academic teachers at 22 Polish universities with the faculties of Pedagogy, shows the conditions of this evaluation and characterises its procedure. The content analysis reveals what issues in the internal regulatory documents establish the periodic evaluation of academic teachers and its procedure, as well as the extent to which they are represented in these documents. In order to fully describe the regulations and to explore the differences among the universities in the area of teacher evaluation, the authors used a statistical analysis. The results show a wide variation of the elements that are included in the internal documents regulating the periodic evaluation of academic teachers. The authors refer to the contemporary press and media discussion on the condition of universities and the directions of their development. They interpret the findings referring also to the contemporary perception of a university as an enterprise as well as to strong bureaucracy at the universities and its adverse impact on their evaluation system.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Babicka-Wirkus
Sławomir Pasikowski
Agnieszka Szplit


This essey presents results of short survey. It presents situation of PhD of pedagogy at the time of applying for the possibility or function of the assistant promoter. Survey is aftermath of discussion about situation of PhD, that take place during meetings of team of self-study and self-help team of PhD holders the auspices of the Committee od Pedagogical Sciensec at PAN whose leader is prof. Maria Dudzikowa. Survey is about expieriences of PhD about: 1) applying for being assistant promoter, 2) co-working with promoter and PhD student during this function and 3) recomendation of any needed changes to the provision of assistant promoters. key words: univerisity, assistant promoter, mist-student relationship, 3) recomendation of any needed changes to the provision of assistant promoters.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Bochno


The article discusses the position of young researchers within the field of Polish pedagogy. The article is based on a simple survey. The main objective of the texts is to analyze fundamental problems that the group in question is faced with. The key questions referring to young Polish researchers of pedagogy cover three areas: day-to-day reality of young researchers; research funding system; prospects and visions of changes of the current situation. Also, these three areas govern the structure of the article. In the final part, I attempt to present the main conclusions of the conducted analyses.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Nawrocki


The presented material is a concise report of the research on the ‘condition’ of initial teacher education provided at universities in Poland in accordance with ‘new’ Ministry standards of 17 January 2012. In the analysis of data collected from 30 universities in May 2015, we focused on models of the organisation of this part of teaching at universities, the ways of constructing the professional curricula, the role and place of practice in the learning processes and the strategy of assessment of the preparation for teaching. Our research result is not quite optimistic. Under the ‘new label’ of standards we still have quasi-traditional approach to initial teacher education. In acquiring the new professional competencies students do not get real support from their academic and school partners. They are not very interesting in building opportunities for transforming learning aiming at transforming teaching
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bogusława Dorota Gołębniak
Sławomir Krzychała


Article presents results of research concerning condition of school pedagogy as a subdiscipline. Study was performed by Zespół Zadaniowy Pedagogiki szkolnej under the auspices of PAN. The condition of subdiscipline was described as: presence of formal entities of school pedagogy in universities, academic and didactic activity on subject school pedagogy. Quantitative and qualitative description underlies to preliminary findings concerning condition of school pedagogy.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Natalia Bednarska


Changes of university should not be a result of administrators’ and university managers’ decisions (as a top-down approach), but of initiatives caused by academic community. These engaged initiatives may take a different forms – associations, foundations, membership in academic committees, as well as different kinds of new social movements. An example of such a social movement are Obywatele Nauki (the Citizens of Science). Its members are young (usually post-docs), as well as more experienced scholars, who – despite the fact of achieving scientific and academic success – are working for the common good and the good of the university seen as an important social institution. Thus the Citizens of Science propose and encourage other scholars to seek constructive and parallel solutions, that, on the one hand, will respect the cultural, social, economic roots building the identity of the university, and, on the other hand, that will have will to use the vitality of young academic. There are three main possibilities of interpretation of the activity of the movement. First of all, these are the modern conceptions of social movements (Gorlach, Mooney 2008; Krzeminski 2013; Sztompka 2010; Żuk 2001; Touraine 2010, 2011, 2013), analyzing measures in the dimension of macro, meso and microstructure. Another important interpretation path is a reference to the history of Social Solidarity Movement (Touraine 2010, 2011, 2013; Ost 2007; Staniszkis 2010; Koczanowicz 2009). The third possibility of interpretive is theory of performative democracy (Matynia 2008; Austin 1993; Searl 1980, 1987), which is a particular dimension of public life, what creates an alternative to the undemocratic, unjust practices of power.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna M. Kola


The article considers the main trends of development of the Russian system of teacher education in the 21st century, translated documents on the basis of which there were changes in the education system.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Olga Kajgorodova


The aim of the article is firstly to illustrate various meanings of the category of ‘passion’ which function in the public educational discourse (as a key idea of initiative, educational undergoing). Secondly, it depicts an attempt to systematise different designatum of ‘passion’ concept, and in consequence to indicate philosophical concepts of passion and psychological concepts elaborated on the basis of systematically conducted empirical researches on human’s passion mechanisms (i.a the dualistic model of passion according to R.J. Vallerand; romantic concept of passion).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Kunat


In my paper, I analyse passion in the context of lifelong human development. The main concern is whether passion has to be one and steady, or whether it is possible to have various passions in life, or even many different passions at the same time? To answer my question, I refer myself to the psychology of human development and the psychology of interests, as well as to Robert J. Vallerand’s dualistic model of passion.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sylwia Jaskulska


The fact that postmodern pedagogy strongly encourages researchers to get involved in the process of understanding, analyzing and creating meanings is surely one of its virtues. In this context, the works of the Elderly Gentlemen's Cabaret appear to be quite an extraordinary phenomenon. They allow us to rediscover the somewhat forgotten ways of perceiving culture as a source of understanding, helping us live our lives more consciously. A discrete theatre pedagogy, allowing us to make ourselves more familiar with the works of Przybora and Wasowski, is a great material for awakening a personal interest, as well as an inspiration and a working method in sensitive education.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Maliszewska


Talking about my connection to the world of art, both as a recipient and creator, I wonder about the significance of art in my life.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksander Cywiński

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Tytuł: Times New Roman 12, bold.

Tekst podstawowy: czcionka Times New Roman 12, interlinia 1,5.

Cytowania: Przywoływane fragmenty tekstów źródłowych prosimy zaznaczać przez cudzysłów. Wypowiedzi osób badanych, analizowane wypowiedzi prasowe lub internetowe prosimy zaznaczać kursywą.

Przypisy: Dół strony, Times New Roman 10, interlinia 1. Tytuły cytowanych prac: kursywa. Np.

1 M. Mead, Kultura i tożsamość. Studium dystansu międzypokoleniowego, przeł. J. Hołówka, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2000, s. 3.

Bibliografia na końcu tekstu:

Dudzikowa M., Ku sprawstwu, współpracy i refleksyjności poprzez ich doświadczanie w edukacji szkolnej. Brunerowskie przesłanie w praktyce, [w:] Doświadczenia szkolne pierwszego rocznika reformy edukacji. Studium teoretyczno-empiryczne, red. M. Dudzikowa, R. Wawrzyniak-Beszterda, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków 2010.

Śliwerski B., Wielopragmatyczność w ponowoczesnej myśli pedagogicznej, „Rocznik Pedagogiczny” 2008, t. 31.

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