Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny (KN) exclusively publishes articles that have never previously been published anywhere and which provide new insights into general linguistics, literature, culturology, glottodidactics and translation studies.
• KN publishes articles written in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Ukrainian or Polish.
• Articles submitted are published in KN if they receive a positive assessment from the reviewers appointed by the KN Editorial Board. If reviewers make publication of a given article dependent on the introduction of corrections suggested by them, it will be published only if the author is prepared to make the relevant changes to the original text.
• Reviews of the submitted articles are made anonymously (
double-blind review).
• Articles written by two or more authors must be provided with annotation describing as precisely as possible the input into the work of each individual author. In particular, it must be made public who is responsible for the concept, the underlying assumptions and the research methods used in it.
• The Editorial Board of KN shares the opinion that equally
ghostwriting (i.e. concealing the identity of people who contributed to the creation of an article submitted for publication), as well as
guest authorship (i.e. naming as co-authors people who did not contribute at all or to a minimal degree to the creation of the given article) are practices which should be condemned.
• Materials submitted for publication in KN should be sent in electronic form (.doc/.docx) to: or
• When submitting materials for publication in KN, please provide both a traditional postal address as well as an email address which the editors can use in their contacts with the author (authors).
• Only after the author has concluded an Agreement for granting a free licence
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 4.0), the materials will be subject to the editorial procedure.
•Articles and/or reviews will be subjected to the editorial procedure on the condition they are: (a) submitted electronically, (b) meet the formal conditions listed below, and (c) sent to the editorial office together with brief (maximum 500 characters) information in English about their author, in particular their degree and title, current place of work, academic function held and their most important publications. Please place the author information at the end of the article, after the bibliography.
• At the end of the article, please provide an abbreviated version of the title to a running head, up to 80 characters including spaces.
2. SETTINGS AND TEXT VOLUME• Articles should not contain in total more than 40,000 characters including spaces i.e. including the abstract, bibliography and annotations.
• The text should be typed using A4 format (210x297mm) with 2.5 cm margins.
• The text of the article should be edited in Times New Roman, size 12 points, spacing 1.5. Footnotes and longer quotes: Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 1. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1 cm.
• The full name and professional affiliation of the author/authors of the article and the ORCID number should be placed in the top left corner of the line preceding the article’s title,capital letters, 12-point font type, single spacing.
• The article’s title should be typed in capital letters, 14-point font type. Below the original title you should add a title in the English version typed in capital letters, 12-point font type. Headings/subheadings should be written in 12-point type, single spacing before and after the title. Subheadings are to be centred, unnumbered and written in capital letters.
• The text of the article should be preceded by an abstract written in the language of the article and in English.
• Abstracts should be written in Times New Roman, in 10-point font. Abstracts should not be longer than 500 characters including spaces.
• Five key words in Polish and English should be provided in the line immediately below the abstract.
Please do not use bold fonts or underlining. Italics should be used only a) while providing the titles of literary, musical, theatrical, film and art works; b) while providing foreign words in relation to the language in which the text is written, as a distinguishing feature of a concept or term, e.g. Latin expressions such as ibidem, passim, infra, sic, etc., except for expressions in common use; c) while emphasizing the meaning of a word.
Shorter quotations should be placed in the main text or in a footnote in double quotation marks. Quotations longer than three lines should be separated in a separate paragraph (block quotation), with a free line before and after the quotation, font size 10 points, spacing 1, indentation on the left side 1 cm. We do not use quotation marks. Any omissions are marked with an ellipsis in square brackets: […].
With the exception of English, all quotations should be in the language of the article. If there is no already published translation of a given text, the author should provide his or her own translation, marking it in the first quotation as follows: “here and hereafter, unless otherwise stated, the author’s translation”. In the case of literary texts being analysed, the author decides whether to cite the original quotation in a footnote. If it is necessary to quote the text in the translation followed by the original in the footnote, the following model should be used: “Disease is my ivory tower. Ivory is my tower” (Konwicki 2019: 225) (Choroba to moja wieża z kości słoniowej. Kość słoniowa to moja wieża, Konwicki 2010: 167).
We put punctuation marks outside quotation marks, brackets, dashes etc. For inclusions, we use a medium dash (en dash): [–], not a long dash (em dash). We also use an en dash in the final bibliography to separate the pages (e.g., 6–12). We use a short dash (hyphen) [-] only in two-word concepts [e.g.. Polish-Italian]. If a full stop is part of an abbreviation [cit., etc.] at the end of a sentence, we treat it as a terminating character, not requiring repetition.
In most cases, we use parentheses (). Square brackets [] should be used in the following cases:
– original inserts, additions and omissions in quotations;
– brackets inside a text enclosed in parentheses.
The angle brackets < > close the publisher’s inserts or constructions, especially in the case of philological texts.
Slashes: leave no space before and after the slash: “prose/poetry alternative”, “cost/profit ratio”. The slash also marks the end of the line, while we mark the end of the stanza with a double slash (//).
Texts in Polish should use “printing” quotation marks („”). Texts in other languages use language-specific quotation marks, e.g. “English text”, « French text », „German text”. English quotation marks are used when the entire article is in English, German when the entire article is in German, etc.
We use quotation marks:
– in shorter quotations inside the text;
– to emphasise terms and concepts;
– in the record of the titles of newspapers, magazines, conferences;
– in the dialogue parts while providing quotations, thoughts, etc. The following order of quotation marks is used: “ « ‘ ’ » ”.
Do not put a prime (') in place of an apostrophe (’).
We use abbreviations in accordance with the rules of the language in which the text is written.
– tables and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the text;
– captions for tables and graphs should follow the editorial principles of a language in question.
4. FOOTNOTES AND CROSS-REFERENCES• Bibliographic references should be included directly in the main text according to the following pattern: (Gieysztor 2018: 90), i.e. author year: page/s.
• If references are given to more than one author, they should be listed chronologically, by publication date, e.g.: (Brinkley 2011; Angeletti 2018: Renn 2021), i.e. (author's name year; author's name year).
• The bibliographic reference must be placed after the quotation marks. E.g. “It has to be stressed that the term
translation technique is sometimes used interchangeably with the term
translation strategy” (Tardzenyuy 2016: 48).
• If a volume has more than two authors or editors, only the first surname in the main text should be indicated, adding an annotation
et al.: (Prola
et al. 2014). In the final bibliography, however, all the names of the authors or editors must be mentioned.
• In the case of several subsequent citations of the same text and the same page, please put
ibidem in parentheses. If a reference is made to another page of the same text, this should be indicated as follows: (
ivi: 89).
• We use footnotes with progressive numbering. The footnote number should always be placed before the low punctuation mark, i.e. semicolon, colon, comma and period, but after the high mark (question mark, exclamation mark) and after closing quotation marks:
[...] the writings of Czesław Miłosz
1. [...] was it really so?
• Please keep footnotes to a minimum, trying to include as much as possible in the main text. The Editorial Board of KN only accepts footnotes presenting additional substantive information, but does not accept footnotes presenting only bibliographic data.
5. FINAL BIBLIOGRAPHY• Cross-references included by the author in the text to be published must correspond to full bibliographic information in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Please include only the texts cited in the article in the final bibliography.
• Please use small caps for the names of authors and editors.
• Book publications should be presented in accordance with the following pattern:
Through the Dubbing Glass, Peter Lang, Frankfurt.
LEŚMIAN B. (2010):
Poezje zebrane, TRZNADEL J. (ed.), Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa.
IKSIŃSKI Z. (2004) (ed.):
Sztuka Świata, Wydawnictwo Artystyczne i Filmowe, Warszawa.
• If a volume or article has more than two authors or editors, they should all be indicated only in the final bibliography:
Literatura Polska 1976/1998, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków.
• Articles published in multi-author monographs should be presented according to this pattern:
PROLA D. (2017):
O ptakach, kwiatach i innych realiach: Iwaszkiewicz jako tłumacz Quasimodo, in: BROGI BERCOFF G., CICCARINI M., SOKOŁOWSKI M. (eds.),
Inna komparatystyka. Od dokumentu do wyobraźni, Wyd. WLS, Warszawa: 169–198.
• Articles published in journals should be presented according to the following pattern:
Pojęcia i zagadnienia metodologii ogólnej i metodologii nauk praktycznych, „Studia Filozoficzne”, 1/74: 5–12.
• If there are more than one title by the same author, they should be arranged chronologically.
• If the text contains a cross-reference to an edition other than the first edition, it should be indicated in the bibliography with a number after the edition date:
MIŁOSZ CZ. (2011
Rodzinna Europa, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków.
• A title contained within another italicised title must be written in simple font:
TEODOROWICZ-HELLMAN E. (2001): Pan Tadeusz
w szwedzkich przekładach, Świat Literacki, Warszawa.
• In internet sources, indicate the detailed address (URL) of the cited page, without underlining, enclosed in square brackets, specifying the date of the last consultation in square brackets:
<> [last access: 21.11.16].
6. REVIEWS AND OTHER• KN will also introduce an information section, where you can post reviews, conference reports, summaries, etc. In this section, in addition to English, texts in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian will be also included.
• KN publishes book reviews on linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, glottodidactics, translation studies and belles-lettres, but only those that were published no more than three years before their review.
• In the heading of the review to be published in KN, the following should be listed in turn: a) surname and first name of the author of the book being reviewed, b) its title in italics, c) possibly the name, volume, part of the series within which the reviewed book was published, d) name of the publishing house, e) place and year of its publication and f) number of pages, and in the case of translation reviews, also g) surname and last name of the translator.
• The full name of the author of a review should be given at the foot of the review in capital letters and right justified.
• The text of a review should not contain footnotes or bibliography. All bibliographical information is to be provided within the body of the text.
7. FINAL REMARKSPhonetic signs, unusual symbols and pictures (only black and white) used in the text intended for publication in KN should be collected and sent to the Editorial Board in the form of a separate electronic document. In addition, please attach a PDF created by the author with the embedding of the custom fonts used.
8. OPEN ACCESS POLICYFull content of the articles published in KN is made available on the Internet under the principles of open access, i.e. free of charge and without technical restrictions. Providing Polish and foreign readers with free access to publications is aimed at disseminating knowledge and developing science. From the 1st of January 2022, KN uses the free
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC BY-SA 4.0).